The library help you generate short id like youtube, vimeo,, etc. Short generation (creation) based on numerical ID.
$shortId = new \kotchuprik\short_id\ShortId();
- when an app created a record in an your database with ID 424242
- $shortId->encode(424242) encodes it to 'bLTs'
- you updated the record for ID 424242 and set short_id of the record to 'bLTs'
$id = $shortId->encode(422424); // $id will be 'bLTs'
// or with $neededLength = 6
$id = $shortId->encode(422424, 6); // $id will be 'babMwC'
- when someone requests rLHWfKd
- $shortId->decode('rLHWfKd') decodes it to 424242
- you found the record for ID 424242 in an your database
$id = $shortId->decode('bLTs'); // $id will be 424242
// or with $neededLength = 6
$id = $shortId->decode('babMwC', 6); // $id will be 424242