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This is a dockerized Carto(DB) installation, based on the official Carto Installation Documentation, using the latest dependencies including ogr2ogr2.1

You should be able to map most of the steps in the Dockerfile with those on the install documentation. The steps below were written with a Digital Ocean droplet (docker pre-installed) in mind.

##Build the Container Go make a sandwich, this will take a while...

git clone
docker build -t="cartodb" docker-cartodb/

##Run the Container This command runs the container with the three main services mapped to the host machine. 3000 for the frontend, 8080 for the Windshaft Map Tiler (Maps API), and 8181 for the SQL API. docker run -d -p 3000:3000 -p 8080:8080 -p 8181:8181 cartodb

You can't login until you setup nginx to forward specific URLs to the three ports

##Configure Nginx

Install nginx apt-get install nginx and then copy config/cartodb.nginx.proxy.conf from this repo to /etc/nginx/conf.d/ and restart nginx service nginx restart

##Configure hosts The host machine is now listening for web connections on port 80, but it's listening for a specific host name: cartodb.local. This isn't a real domain, so you need to manually edit your local hosts file (located at /private/etc/hosts on a mac). Add a new line {your server's IP address} cartodb.localhost

Fire up your browser and go to http:https://cartodb.localhost and you should be greeted with a carto login screen. The scripts created an individual account: dev/pass1234` and an organization with a default account: admin4example/pass1234

##To use a Real Domain Coming Soon

##To configure SSL