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Lab Data

The laboratory dataset consists of 6,145,072 data points across 95 different laboratory values, accurately representing the laboratory medical aspect of the included case population over the entire hospital course.


An overview of the different laboratory values represented in the data set together with important key figures.

ID Name Description Dimension N
0 alat Alanin Aminotransferase U/l 64,906
1 alb Albumin g/l 25,953
2 alp Alkaline Phosphatase  U/l 53,271
3 ams Amylase U/l 1,856
4 aptt Partial Thromboplastin Time sec 67,210
5 asat Aspartate Aminotransferase U/l 66,266
6  at Antithrombin % 15,353
 7 baso Basophils /nl 15,358
8 baso_rel Basophils Relative % 15,421
9 be Base Excess  mmol/l 328,758
10 ca Calcium mmol/l 192,286
 11 ck Creatine Kinase U/l  7,680
12 ck_mb Creatine Kinase MB U/l 4,494
 13 cl Chloride mmol/l 170,816
14 cohb Carboxyhemoglobin % 170,559
15 cr Creatinine mg/dl 82,413
 16 crp C Reactive Protein mg/l 74,973
 17 cys_c Cystatin C mg/l 761
18 d_dim D Dimer mg/l 1,540
19 dbil  Direct Bilirubin mg/dl 8,152
20 ebl Erythroblasts /nl 17,909
21 ebl_rel Erythroblasts Relative % 1,501
22 eos Eosinophils /nl  15,360
 23 eos_rel Eosinophils Relative  %  15,425
 24 fe Iron  µmol/l  772
25 fer Ferritin µg/l 1,238
26  fg Fibrinogen g/l 16,774
27 fio2 Fraction of Inspired Oxygen % 192,621
28 gdh Glutamate Dehydrogenase U/l 3,877
 29 ggt Gamma Glutamyltransferase U/l 63,307
30 glu Glucose mg/dl  219,035
31 hb  Hemoglobin g/dl 274,925
32 hba1c Glycated Hemoglobin % 434
33 hco3 Bicarbonate mmol/l 349,183
34 hct Hematocrit %  179,607
35 hdl High Density Lipoprotein mg/dl 563
36 hhb Deoxyhemoglobin % 120,952
37 hp Haptoglobin g/l 898
38 ibil Indirect Bilirubin mg/dl 3,471
39 ig Immature Granulocytes /nl 15,353
40 ig_rel Immature Granulocytes Relative % 12,469
41 iga Immunoglobulin A g/l 546
42 ige Immunoglobulin E kU/l 38
43 igg Immunoglobulin G g/l 644
44 igm Immunoglobulin M g/l 552
45 inr  International Normalized Ratio - 82,166
46 it_ratio I/T Ratio - 13,932
47 k Potassium mmol/l 226,024
48 lac Lactate mg/dl 179,682
49 ldh Lactate Dehydrogenase U/l 9,561
50 ldl  Low Density Lipoprotein mg/dl 558
51 lps Lipase U/l 52,896
52 lym Lymphocytes  /nl 15,571
53 lym_rel Lymphocytes Relative % 15,676
 54 mb Myoglobin µg/l 3,051
55 mch Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin  pg 92,828
56 mchc Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration g/dl 92,828
57 mcv Mean Corpuscular Volume fl 92,866
58 methb Methemoglobin %  170,922
59 mg Magnesium mmol/l 10,938
60 mono Monocytes /nl 15,570
61 mono_rel Monocytes Relative %  15,684
62 mpv Mean Platelet Volume fl  89,408
63 myelo Myelocytes % 1,419
64 na Sodium mmol/l 222,408
65 nh3 Ammonia µmol/l 1,176
66 nt_probnp N Terminal Pro B Type Natriuretic Peptide ng/l 2,458
67 o2hb Oxyhemoglobin % 180,937
68 pche Pseudocholinesterase kU/l 4,038
69 pco2 Carbon Dioxide Partial Pressure mmHg 179,029
70 pct Procalcitonin µg/l 20,848
71 ph Potential of Hydrogen - 183,701
72 plt Platelets /nl 92,906
73 pmn Neutrophils  /nl 15,349
74 pmn_rel Neutrophils Relative % 12,467
75 po2 Oxygen Partial Pressure mmHg 179,158
76 po4 Phosphate mmol/l 20,165
77 pro Protein g/l 6,186
78 quick Quick Value % 82,252
79 rbc Erythrocytes /pl 92,824
80 rdw Red Cell Distribution Width % 92,534
81 rtic Reticulocytes /nl 10,620
82 schisto Schistocytes % 775
83 so2 Oxygen Saturation % 182,775
84 t Temperature °C 195,461
85 tbil Total Bilirubin  mg/dl 127,374
86 tc Total Cholesterol mg/dl 1,158
87 tg Total Triglycerides mg/dl 2,694
88 trans Transferrin g/l 814
89 ts Transferrin Saturation % 657
90 tsh Thyroid Stimulating Hormone mU/l 6,244
91 ua Uric Acid mg/dl 2,735
92 urea Urea mg/dl 75,074
93 vd25 25 OH Vitamin D3 nmol/l 333
94 wbc Leukocytes /nl 92,862