The intraoperative data set, which accurately represents the condition of patients during surgery across a variety of different variables. The dataset consists of a total of 12,476,917 data points.
All types represented in the intraoperative dataset with the corresponding number of recorded events.
ID | Name | Description | N |
0 | abg_abe | Arterial Blood Gas (ABG): Actual Base Excess | 200,298 |
1 | abg_ca | ABG: Calcium | 211,676 |
2 | abg_cl | ABG: Chloride | 190,786 |
3 | abg_cohb | ABG: Carboxyhemoglobin | 202,558 |
4 | abg_fio2 | ABG: Fraction of Inspired Oxygen | 213,099 |
5 | abg_glu | ABG: Glucose | 204,956 |
6 | abg_hct | ABG: Hematocrit | 201,470 |
7 | abg_k | ABG: Potassium | 204,976 |
8 | abg_lac | ABG: Lactate | 201,436 |
9 | abg_methb | ABG: Methemoglobin | 202,490 |
10 | abg_na | ABG: Sodium | 202,298 |
11 | abg_o2hb | ABG: Oxyhemoglobin | 204,612 |
12 | abg_pco2 | ABG: Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide | 201,423 |
13 | abg_ph | ABG: Potential of Hydrogen | 203,156 |
14 | abg_po2 | ABG: Partial Pressure of Oxygen | 200,861 |
15 | abg_sbe | ABG: Standard Base Excess | 200,245 |
16 | abg_so2 | ABG: Oxygen Saturation | 204,468 |
17 | abg_t | ABG: Temperature | 216,439 |
18 | abg_thb | ABG: Total Hemoglobin | 204,484 |
19 | bp_dia | Blood Pressure: Diastolic | 1,839,639 |
20 | bp_sys | Blood Pressure: Systolic | 1,840,497 |
21 | capno_et_co2 | Capnometry: Endtidal Carbon Dioxide | 297,967 |
22 | cvd | Central Venous Pressure | 322,280 |
23 | exp_no | Expiratory Nitrous Oxide | 278,616 |
24 | exp_sevo | Expiratory Sevoflurane | 168,519 |
25 | fio2 | Fraction of Inspired Oxygen | 295,714 |
26 | hr | Heart Rate | 1,011,846 |
27 | rmv | Respiratory Minute Volume | 289,975 |
28 | rr | Respiratory Rate | 346,573 |
29 | sao2 | Arterial Oxygen Saturation | 797,748 |
30 | sedline | Sedline | 72,691 |
31 | temp | Temperature | 475,443 |
32 | vent_p_peak | Ventilation: Peak Pressure | 285,899 |
33 | vent_peep | Ventilation: Positive Endexpiratory Pressure | 281,779 |