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Add subscriptions and payments to your Sitefox site.

See for comprehensive documentation. See for utility functions that can also be used in the browser.


npm i chr15m/sitefox-payments

Then add node_modules/sitefox-payments/src to your classpath.

Set up

To use this module you need to use the Stripe UI to set up a few things.

  • API keys. To use this library you will need API keys from your Stripe account. Set the environment variable STRIPE_SK to your Stripe secret key.
  • Products and prices. You'll need to create products and prices for the things you want people to be able to purchase or subscribe to. See "One-time payment plans" below.
  • Customer portal configuration (optional). Set the environment variable STRIPE_PORTAL_CONFIG_ID to use a specific portal config if different from the default. See Stripe customer portal link below for details.

Use it

See server.cljs for an example nbb server which you can run with npm run serve.

Specify the IDs of the prices you want to use from your Stripe account. Here they are taken from an environment variable called PRICES (comma separated).

(def price-ids (->> (.split (env-required "PRICES") ",")
                    (map keyword)))

Add the routes to your Sitefox site in your setup-routes function:

(ns myapp
  (:require ["sitefoxpayments" :as payments]))

(payments/setup app price-ids template "main" {:subscription-cache-time (* 1000 60)})

This will add the following routes:

  • /account/start/:price - initiate a payment using a particular price.
  • /account/portal - send the user to the Stripe portal to manage their subscription.
  • /account - view of the user's account.

A middleware will also be installed that adds the currently authenticated user's subscription information. It is added to the Express req object under req.stripe.payments. See below for get-active-plan.

Inside a view create a link which the user can click on to pay for a subscription:

[:a {:href (payment-link req price-id)} "subscribe now"]

Here's an example showing how to build links to all of your price options:

(for [[price-id price] (js->clj prices)]
  (let [dollars (-> (get price "unit_amount") (/ 100))
        nickname (get price "nickname")]
    [:p {:key price-id}
      [:a {:href (payment-link req price-id)} "start " nickname]
      " $"

Get the currently authenticated user's subscribed plan. You can use this to gate features etc.

(let [payments (j/get-in req [:stripe :payments])
      plan (get-active-plan payments)])

Stripe customer portal link

You can give the user a link to manage their subscription through the Stripe portal:

[:a.button {:href (build-absolute-uri req "account:portal")} "Manage subscription"]

To create and update configs you can use the Stripe Customer Portal Configurations API.


curl \
  -u ${STRIPE_SK}: \
  -d "features[customer_update][allowed_updates][]"=email \
  -d "features[customer_update][allowed_updates][]"=tax_id \
  -d "features[customer_update][enabled]"=true \
  -d "features[invoice_history][enabled]"=true \
  -d "business_profile[privacy_policy_url]"="" \
  -d "business_profile[terms_of_service_url]"=""


curl \
  -u ${STRIPE_SK}: \
  -d "business_profile[privacy_policy_url]"="" \
  -d "business_profile[terms_of_service_url]"=""


curl -G \
  -u ${STRIPE_SK}: \
  -d limit=3

One-time payment plans

For one-time payment based subscriptions you can create a metadata key in the Stripe prices UI called 'validity' with the value specifying the number of minutes:

"metadata": {"validity": "1440"},

You can also create a metadata key specifying a lifetime plan:

"metadata": {"lifetime": "true"},


Stripe subscriptions for Sitefox sites






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