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Releases: chartjs/Chart.js

Version 2.0.2

16 Apr 22:46
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The release of Chart.js 2.0.2 provides a few new enhancements . Documentation is available at http:


  • Added rotation and circumference properties to doughnut/pie charts (See #2271)
  • Better default settings for tick rotation for better space utilization and legibility

Version 2.0.1

16 Apr 18:46
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The release of Chart.js 2.0.1 consists of mostly bug fixes. Documentation is available at http:


  • Improved handling of canvas gradient objects. Thanks @tomduncalf
  • Optimized animation frame requests. Thanks @simonbrunel
  • Sample file with showing how to add labels for each bar. Thanks @thukaramvh
  • Updated custom tooltip sample to work with relative positions. Thanks @HarvestingClouds

Fixed Issues

  • Better documentation of point radius setting. Thanks @jamiepenney
  • Incorrect string measurements when the scale callback returned null or undefined
  • Incorrect main file path in package.json. Thanks @troywarr
  • Incorrect HTML legend generation. Thanks @dibsyjr1

Version 2.0.0

09 Apr 12:08
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The release of Chart.js 2.0.0 adds many new features over version 1. Documentation is available at http:

Major new features

  • Charts that combine visual types such as bars and lines
  • Chart titles
  • Built-in legends that are interactive by default
  • New scale types including native logarithmic and time/date support
  • Multiple X and Y axes are supported
  • Stacked bar and area charts
  • Tooltip customization
  • Enhanced ability to modify the chart data dynamically.
  • Generic layout system for placing objects on the canvas
  • Controllers for each dataset that are easy to extend

Features since 2.0.0-beta2

  • Allow setting the number of tick marks using ticks.maxTicksLimit (#1859) Thanks @morleyzhi
  • Performance improvements when charts have a lot of data (#1882). Big thanks to @mathiask88
  • Allow custom point styles including any canvas image object. (#1905). Thanks @mathiask88
  • Improved test coverage for dataset controllers
  • Added global default font options to customize all fonts at once
  • Added ticks.stepSize to the linear scale. Allows setting a fixed delta between tick marks . (#1978). Thanks @roben
  • Added browserify build. dist folder now has bundled versions that include moment.js (#2007) Thanks @tannerlinsley
  • Updated all sample files to consistent style (#2018). Big thanks to @hamalaiv
  • Allow the time scale to use multiples of the base units (second, minute, etc). (#2101)
  • Exposed xAlign and yAlign options for tooltips. (#2116). Thanks @100000001
  • Clip chart objects outside of chart area in preparation for zoom and pan support. #2209
  • Added ticks.min and ticks.max support to the category scale. The value of these settings must be something in the data.labels array. #2209
  • Allow percentages as max-width and max-height styles on parent container (#2081)

Bug fixes since 2.0.0-beta2

  • Draw borders at edge of scales (#1740)
  • Improved scale fitting (#1766)
  • Prevent flickering of bars that represent NaN data (#1822)
  • Add suggestedMin, suggestedMax, min, and max options to radial linear scale (#1461)
  • Better support for stacking bars correctly (#1862)
  • Don't use undefined axis constructors (#1871)
  • Allow drawing a line chart with points on (#1882). Thanks @mathiask88
  • First and last ticks are always shown on the axis. (#1884)
  • Fixed an issue with undefined functions when trying to align tooltips. (#1891). Thanks @davis
  • Fixed an issue with numerical error on the linear axis (#1890)
  • Fixed an issue when an axis was reversed (#1907)
  • Fixed an issue when resizing and the animation duration was 0ms. (#1910). Thanks @mathiask88
  • Fixed an issue where the last grid line of an axis was drawn differently. (#1914)
  • Fixed an issue when a new dataset was added to a chart with time scales (#1917)
  • Fixed min and max settings for time scales (#1941)
  • Made it easier to use axis callbacks to change ticks array (#1942)
  • Disabled auto-skipping in time scale by default (#1962)
  • Fixed an issue with stacked bar charts (#1963)
  • Fixed an issue where lines were not shown in combo charts (#1971)
  • Take padding into account when calculating model coordinates from event coordinates (#1996)
  • Fixed bar and doughnut chart animations (#2022)
  • Fixed stacking tooltip order (#2027). Thanks @tannerlinsley
  • Allow the user to specify the alpha value for tooltip colours. (#2036) Thanks @hamalaiv
  • Fixed animation bug where tooltips did not always fade away (#2037)
  • Allow line chart point radius to be set to 0. (#2040)
  • Fixed on-canvas legend generation when no datasets are present (#2070)
  • Improved custom time parsing (#2086). Thanks @MatthiasWinkelmann
  • Fixed an issue when reseting the page zoom to 100% (#1904)
  • Throw an error in the time scale when created if moment is not defined. (#2110)
  • Better support when there is no datasets object in the chart data (#2115)
  • Fixed missing whitespace & code markup errors in documentation. (#2125). Thanks @The-Smallest
  • Allow borders on rectanges to be skipped (#2128). Thanks @The-Smallest
  • Fixed axis IDs error in documentation (#2131)
  • Add support for v2 branch in composer.json (#2133). Thanks @borancar
  • Better use of default scale types (#2154)
  • Better merging when the xAxes object is specified but the type is not (#2157)
  • Removed unnecessary default padding (#2173). Thanks @niemyjski

Version 1.1.1

05 Apr 22:38
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Release notes:

This release fixes a few minor bugs introduced in the v1.1.0 release:

  • Fixed a null error when no stroke color was specified. Thanks @eemikula
  • Improved legend templates. Legend templates now include 2 spans: <span class="datasetname-legend-icon"> wraps the color box. <span class="datasetname-legend-text"> wraps the text. Thanks @eemikula
  • Fixed an issue calculating the width and height

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.

Version 1.1.0

01 Apr 16:04
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Release notes:

This release focused on refactoring all the animatations into an animationService as well as adding a few new features and fixing a ton of bugs. Below is a list of some of the notible changes:

  • Add offsetGridLines option to Line charts (@pijey).
  • Add angleLineInterval option to radar chart (@aaron-em).
  • Choose a "better" set of 12 default colors/highlight colors for pie charts (@damiansilbergleithcunniff).
  • Add default global values for Color and Highlight color (@damiansilbergleithcunniff).
  • Update the pie chart to use the default color/highlight if none is specified (@damiansilbergleithcunniff).
  • Added tooltipTitleTemplate option (@hrniels).
  • Add StackedArea chart type to community extensions (@tannerlinsley).
  • Added a scaleBackgroundColors configuration option for Radial charts to add a background color for each axis in the chart (@rvaidya).
  • Chart animations will now use the animation service provided in Chart.animationService (@etimberg).

Please take a look at the change log for a full list of the changes.


We'd like to thank the community for your contributions, we couldn't do this without you! We'd also like to invite you to join our community on slack.


28 Dec 13:33
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2.0.0-beta2 Pre-release

The beta 2 release of Chart.js 2.0 adds support for chart titles and on canvas legends. Improved support for Asynchronous Module Definition and Common JS was added. Documentation for version 2 is available at http:

Breaking API Changes

scale.ticks.minRotation was removed as it was not used.


Legend and Title Block

Chart titles can now be added. An on canvas legend is enabled by default. Clicking or tapping on an item in the legend will toggle the visibility of the appropriate item in the chart.

UMD Build

Added a build step to add UMD headers via gulp-umd. These headers support AMD loaders such as requireJS, CommonJS modules, and falling back to the global context.

Bug Fixes

  • Allow formatting time scale values for the tooltip using a config option (#1466)
  • Gracefully handle setting options.animation = false (#1576)
  • Updated documentation for polar area and doughnut charts. Created documentation on extending Chart.js (#1582)
  • Time scale can now support multiples of base units (#1598 and #1717).
  • Highlight correct items when hoverMode is set to 'dataset' (#1706)
  • Removed unused tooltip options (#1710)
  • Actually call animation callbacks + created sample file (#1711)
  • Fixed rotational animation of new arc segments (#1715)
  • Tooltip breaks on max bar value (#1716)
  • beginAtZero option was disabled after running update() (#1725)
  • Removed unused minRotation option. (#1728). Thanks @npsecoding
  • Tooltips are sometimes truncated (#1731)
  • Fixed tooltip beforeBody and afterBody hooks (#1735)
  • Incorrect size of tooltip if beforeBody or afterBody was extremely long. (#1737)
  • Cleaned up issues found by CodeClimate (#1749 & #1756)
  • Handle setting a bezier curve tension to 0 (#1762)
  • Allow setting hard min and max limits for scales. (#1767) Thanks @olyckne
  • Fixed NPM package name with upper case letters (#1770)
  • Better detection of bars to handle custom bar extensions (#1785). Thanks @xriss
  • Fixed scope inside of new UMD wrapper. (#1795). Thanks @xriss
  • Scale label rotation test was off by 1. (#1797) Thanks @xriss
  • Allow disabling the label auto-skipper. (#1800) Thanks @olyckne
  • Fixed documentation error regarding tooltip padding. (#1802). Thanks @akagroundhog
  • Fix checking for ticks.suggestedMin is 0. (#1814). Thanks @hallatore
  • Ensure that cloning ticks in the time scale when there is no data works. (#1815). Thanks @hallatore
  • Refactored scale label auto skip functionality to use longest label. (#1816) Thanks @hallatore
  • Update documentation to fix incorrect code. (#1817). Thganks @prashcr
  • Removed bezier curve artifacts when tension is set to 0. (#1826). Thanks @hallatore
  • Use new padding option in auto skipper. (#1827). Thanks @hallatore
  • Prefer ticks.min over ticks.suggestedMin and ticks.max over ticks.suggestedMax (#1832). Thanks @hallatore


02 Dec 00:36
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2.0.0-beta1 Pre-release

The beta 1 release of Chart.js 2.0 provides some bug fixes over the beta 0 release.

Breaking API Changes

  • is now scale.gridLines.display
  • is now scale.gridLines.display
  • is now scale.ticks.display
  • is now scale.angleLines.display


Thanks to @wcatron for updating the documentation. Properties are now shown in table format and should be easier to read. Check out the docs at http:

  • Pie / Doughnut documentation now has correct data structure. Thanks @Marius2805

Bug Fixes

  • Line was drawn up to first point from the x axis
  • Fixed an issue that prevented tooltips from displaying
  • Fixed a tooltip issue when data is missing from a dataset. Thanks @pascoual
  • Fixed the colors when drawing a line in the legend (#1324)
  • Fixed intermittent flickering when updating after a data change (#1381)
  • Fixed docs for doughnut charts to use same canvas style as other samples (#1527)
  • Y Axes should check for null or undefined data (#1553)
  • Better handling of scale expansion (#1579) when datamin === datamax
  • Pie / Doughnut tooltips were broken (#1583)
  • Tooltip title on line charts (#1584)
  • Fix issue when touch end events are listened to (#1587). Thanks @wuchangming
  • Fixed an issue when only the y scale of a bar chart was in stacked mode (#1604)
  • Fixed an issue with resizing charts in IE9/10 (#1622). Thanks @byCedric
  • Removed old template properties from Bubble, Doughnut, Polar Area and Scatter charts (#1643)
  • Added legend generation functions for Pie and Polar area charts (#1659)
  • Fixed an issue when numerical data was attached as strings. (#1661)
  • Fix an issue when clearing the tooltip on IE11 / Edge. (#1688)


  • Added a new option maxTicksLimit for controlling the maximum number of ticks in a linear scale. Thanks @pascoual
  • Can now replace the entire chart data object and then call update (#1640)
  • Can now add custom moment.js formats for all time units (#1720)


24 Oct 23:17
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2.0.0-beta Pre-release

The first beta for Chart.js 2.0 is here!

Beta is as close as we've been to a stable release of some of the coolest new features Chart.js has seen in years.

New Features since v2.0.0-alpha4:

  • New Bubble chart and controller
  • Tooltip callbacks. Instead of a confusing templating language, we found a simpler approach to easily layout and customize your tooltips. Every tooltip callback (beforeTitle, title, afterTitle, etc..) accepts a string or an array. If an array is used, it will produce multiple lines. Tooltips now come with a lot more options for visual customization as well.
  • Datasets can now be hidden by simply setting a hidden: true property and calling chart.update()
  • You can now use separate hover and tooltip modes (eg. showing a tooltip for an entire label, but have one point from that label be clickable and accept visual changes).
  • Travis CI now runs unit-tests. So yes, all new PR's must pass unit-tests to be merged! Yay!
  • Time Scale now supports to and from time properties to limit the min and max of the scale shown.
  • All scales now support scatter-style data eg. data: [{x: Date(), y: 10} , {x: Date(), y: 15}] in which case the labels array is optional.
  • Scale label rotation is now smarter.
  • Charts now accurately handle null, undefined, or NaN values in a predicable way (they don't get displayed and your chart won't die ;)
  • Controllers
  • Bug fixes and stability improvements


30 Sep 17:57
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2.0.0-alpha4 Pre-release

Alpha 4 contains much needed improvements and features. Here's an awesome list!

  • A new core scale class and a hook-able scale lifecycle provides a base for our built in scales, and make it 100x easier to build your own scales.
  • Scales are no longer responsible for element-specific functionality, and simply extend the base scale class. This makes some of them only a couple of lines long!
  • Time Scale! Just include moment.js before Chart.js and gain access to the very powerful time scale. It's automagic right out of the box, works with any time/date format (Date, String, Moment), and comes with powerful options for customization.
  • Better support for Log scale and mixing scale types.
  • Scale labels are now built-in
  • Responsive module has been completely redesigned to handle any use case. Dimensions are reliable, won't change on their own, and yes, you can finally hide your charts in tabs, popups, or anything that was previously barred by the now debunked display:none issue.
  • Adding/removing and changing data is now simple as push, pop, shift. No need to use a fussy api, just alter the data in your config, and hit update. Magic!
  • Reduced 2.0 build size to 122kb (minified)
  • Updated Documentation for Getting Started and Scales
  • ~ 56% Unit Test Coverage


16 Jun 21:24
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2.0.0-alpha3 Pre-release

With this alpha release of 2.0, chart.js is now more powerful than ever.

  • Core Controller - Every chart is now intelligently controlled by core.controller. By eliminating chart type constructors, and standardizing the chart api, this controller allows for new and powerful ways of extending chart.js!
  • Dataset Style Controllers - Every dataset is and can be controlled by separate controllers. So yes, hybrid charts are possible now. And writing extensions is easier than ever. Need a new dataset style? Write a new controller! Need a new type of element? Write it!
  • Config Driven Charts - You can now change pretty much anything in the chart config, call .update() and your chart will change! This opens up new possibilities for theme building!
  • Improved Events - New event hooks like onHover and onClick do the hard work for you. They pass you the good stuff without even having to locate via event.
  • Improved Responsiveness - Smoother, faster, and even animated (if you prefer it that way)!
  • Nested Pie Charts
  • Radar Chart Bezier Lines
  • Better Scales

You get the idea...

Let us know what you think and get that feedback going. PR's always welcome!