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Provides a Bar Funnel Chart for use with Chart.js


To create a Bar Funnel Chart, include Chart.BarFunnel.js after Chart.js and then create the chart by setting the type attribute to 'barFunnel'

var chart = new Chart({
	type: 'barFunnel',
	data: dataObject


The Bar Funnel chart colored region and step labels can be configured by placing options into the config that is passed to the chart upon creation.

new Chart({
	config: {
		region: {
			display: true,
			borderColor: "#F6C85F",
			backgroundColor: "rgba(246, 200, 95, 0.2)"

		elements: {
			rectangle: {
				stepLabel: {
					display: true,
					fontSize: 20
					// color: "red"


BarFunnel Example Image


Chart.BarFunnel.js is available under the MIT license.

Bugs & issues

When reporting bugs or issues, if you could include a link to a simple jsbin or similar demonstrating the issue, that would be really helpful.