Experimental introspection tools in Julia. See the test directory for examples.
⚠️ This package was built using heuristics based on a very specific example of interest, and requires at least Julia 1.7 to work properly. Use with extreme caution.
Analyzing inference, and effects from using things like @inline
, can be difficult in larger code bases where practical applications result in lots of generated code. This package was developed to quickly assist in answering the question: does change X
in some code impact LLVM or native code at all?
Here is a simple example:
using IntrospectionTools
@code_summary sin(1)
Which outputs:
julia> using IntrospectionTools
[ Info: Precompiling IntrospectionTools [d8c2de52-12b9-4615-9650-95773b5c37e8]
julia> @code_summary sin(1)
------------------------------------ Code summary
[ Info: `n_instructions` = 5
[ Info: `n_inbounds` = 0
[ Info: `n_jl_calls` = 0
[ Info: length(code_native): 515
[ Info: length(code_llvm): 146
[ Info: length(code_llvm)/length(code_native): 0.283495145631068
IntrospectionTools.jl can also print out things like instruction counts for function calls:
julia> import PrettyTables
julia> import IntrospectionTools
[ Info: Precompiling IntrospectionTools [d8c2de52-12b9-4615-9650-95773b5c37e8]
julia> (; table_data, header) = IntrospectionTools.instruction_counts(sin, (Float64, ));
julia> PrettyTables.pretty_table(
crop = :none,
alignment = vcat(:l, repeat([:r], length(header[1]) - 1)),
│ Instruction name │ Count │
│ │ │
│ pushq │ 0 │
│ subq │ 1 │
│ movq │ 2 │
│ vmovsd │ 25 │
│ movabsq │ 88 │
│ leaq │ 0 │
│ callq │ 2 │
│ vmovups │ 0 │
│ addq │ 6 │
│ popq │ 0 │
│ vzeroupper │ 0 │
│ retq │ 6 │
│ nopw │ 0 │
│ shrq │ 9 │
│ andl │ 11 │
│ cmpl │ 17 │
│ vroundsd │ 4 │
│ shrl │ 2 │
│ movl │ 7 │
│ cmpq │ 1 │
│ vandpd │ 1 │
│ vucomisd │ 8 │
│ vsubsd │ 67 │
│ vxorpd │ 6 │
│ vmovq │ 9 │
│ vmulsd │ 59 │
│ vfmadd213sd │ 17 │
│ vaddsd │ 37 │
│ vfmadd231sd │ 4 │
│ subl │ 8 │
│ vfmsub231sd │ 8 │
│ vmovapd │ 4 │
│ vcvttsd2si │ 4 │
│ testq │ 1 │