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Charcoal Admin Grunt Tasks

In development, assets should be copied or compiled into assets/dist/. In production, assets should be copied from assets/dist/ into your project's public root (e.g., ../../../www/assets/admin).


  • grunt default
    1. Compile, copy, and minify Admin and third-party assets (grunt build)
    2. Copy freshly-processed assets to the public directory (grunt deploy)
  • grunt build
    1. Copy third-party assets from packages in node_modules/ (NPM) and vendor/ (Composer)
    2. Compile scripts, styles, and SVG images from assets/src/
    3. Minify all assets
  • grunt sync
    1. Watch for changes in assets/src/ and compile assets
    2. Watch for changes in assets/dist/ and copy to the public directory
  • grunt deploy
    1. Copy previously-processed assets to the public directory