package main import ( "C" "bytes" "fmt" "regexp" "" htmlFormatter "" "" "" "" "" highlighting "" "" ) // Regex for YAML front matter in a Markdown document var markdownFrontMatterRegex = regexp.MustCompile(`---\n[\s\S]*?\n---\n`) // Enable syntax highlighting in Markdown var markdownParser = goldmark.New( goldmark.WithExtensions( extension.GFM, highlighting.NewHighlighting( highlighting.WithFormatOptions( htmlFormatter.WithClasses(true), ), ), ), ) // Functions for conversion between C and Go strings. Required here because cgo cannot be used in // tests. func convertToCString(goString string) *C.char { return C.CString(goString) } func convertToGoString(cString *C.char) string { return C.GoString(cString) } // Convention: Because all functions return C strings, errors are implemented as return values which // start with "error: ". //export convertCodeToHTML // convertCodeToHTML converts the provided source code string to HTML. Classes for syntax // highlighting are generated using Chroma. func convertCodeToHTML(source *C.char, lexer *C.char) *C.char { sourceString := convertToGoString(source) lexerString := convertToGoString(lexer) htmlBuffer := new(bytes.Buffer) // Set up lexer for programming language var l chroma.Lexer if lexerString != "" { l = lexers.Get(lexerString) } if l == nil { l = lexers.Analyse(sourceString) } if l == nil { l = lexers.Fallback } l = chroma.Coalesce(l) // Use classes instead of inline styles formatter := htmlFormatter.New(htmlFormatter.WithClasses(true)) iterator, err := l.Tokenise(nil, sourceString) if err != nil { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("error: Could not render source code (tokenization error): %d", err) return convertToCString(errMessage) } err = formatter.Format(htmlBuffer, styles.GitHub, iterator) if err != nil { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("error: Could not render source code (formatting error): %d", err) return convertToCString(errMessage) } // Chroma escapes tags, so HTML should be safe from code injection htmlString := htmlBuffer.String() return convertToCString(htmlString) } //export convertMarkdownToHTML // convertMarkdownToHTML converts the provided Markdown string to HTML using goldmark. Classes for // syntax highlighting inside code blocks are generated using Chroma. func convertMarkdownToHTML(source *C.char) *C.char { sourceString := convertToGoString(source) // Strip YAML front matter sourceString = markdownFrontMatterRegex.ReplaceAllString(sourceString, "") // Convert Markdown to HTML var htmlBuffer bytes.Buffer if err := markdownParser.Convert([]byte(sourceString), &htmlBuffer); err != nil { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("error: Could not convert Markdown to HTML: %d", err) return convertToCString(errMessage) } // goldmark does not render raw HTML or potentially-dangerous URLs, so HTML should be safe from // code injection return convertToCString(htmlBuffer.String()) } //export convertNotebookToHTML // convertNotebookToHTML converts the provided Jupyter Notebook JSON to HTML using `nbtohtml`. func convertNotebookToHTML(source *C.char) *C.char { sourceString := convertToGoString(source) html := new(bytes.Buffer) err := nbtohtml.ConvertString(html, sourceString) if err != nil { errMessage := fmt.Sprintf("error: Could not convert Notebook to HTML: %d", err) return convertToCString(errMessage) } htmlString := html.String() return convertToCString(htmlString) } // Main function is required for `c-archive` builds. func main() {}