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196 lines (140 loc) · 6.5 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (140 loc) · 6.5 KB

Hello, fellow developers!

My .env file






Import the mongoose library
Get the MONGODB and DB_NAME values from the environment variables

Define an asynchronous function named db
    Try the following operations
        Use mongoose to connect to the MongoDB database
    If there's an error during the connection
        Throw a new Error with the error message


Load environment variables from .env file

Import necessary modules and libraries

Create an instance of express application

Define configuration variables from environment variables

Import data loading function

Import route handlers

Import error handling middleware

Import database connection helper

Connect to the database
    If connection is successful, log a success message and load data
    If connection fails, log the error

Set up middleware to parse JSON

Set up routes for different endpoints

Set up error handling middleware

Start the server and listen on the specified port
    Log a message indicating the server is running

errorResponse helper

- Define a function named errorResponse that takes two parameters: res and err
    - Set the HTTP status code of the response to 500 (Internal Server Error)
    - Send a response with the error message

- Define a function named successResponse that takes two parameters: res and results
    - Set the HTTP status code of the response to 200 (OK)
    - Send a JSON response with the results

- Define a function named incompleteResponse that takes one parameter: res
    - Set the HTTP status code of the response to 404 (Not Found)
    - Log the error to the console and send the response


Database Model

Import User, Profile, ABuddy, Drug, and Medication models

Load environment variables from .env file

Create a connection to MongoDB using the URL from environment variables

Define models object with User, Profile, ABuddy, Drug, and Medication models

User Model

Import Joi for data validation
Import mongoose for MongoDB interactions
Import bcrypt for password hashing

Define a Joi schema that requires:
    - a username that is alphanumeric, between 8 and 30 characters
    - a password that matches a specific pattern and is between 3 and 30 characters
    - an email that is a valid email format

Define a mongoose schema for User with the following fields:
    - username: a unique string that is required
    - password: a string that is required
    - email: a unique string that is required
    - role: a string that can be 'admin', 'sponsor', or 'user', defaulting to 'user'
    - avatar: a string
    - resetPasswordToken: a string
    - resetPasswordExpires: a date

Before saving a User document, if the password field has been modified:
    - hash the password using bcrypt with a salt round of 10
    - replace the plain text password with the hashed password

Define a method 'verifyPassword' on UserSchema instances that:
    - takes a password as an argument
    - compares the hashed password in the database with the provided password using bcrypt

Define a mongoose model 'User' using UserSchema and 'users' collection

Profile Model

Define a mongoose schema for Doctor with the following fields:
    - firstName: a string that is required
    - lastName: a string that is required

Define a mongoose schema for Profile with the following fields:
    - firstName: a string that is not required
    - lastName: a string that is not required
    - email: a string
    - pharmacy: a string
    - doctor: an array of DoctorSchema
    - timezone: a string
    - profile_id: an ObjectId that references "profile"

Define a mongoose model 'Profile' using ProfileSchema and 'profiles' collection

ABuddy Model

Define a mongoose schema for aBuddy with the following fields:
    - aBuddyFirstName: a unique string that is required
    - aBuddyLastName: a unique string that is required
    - aBuddyRelation: a unique string that is required
    - aBuddyEmail: a unique string that is required
    - aBuddyNumber: a string that is required

Define a mongoose model 'aBuddy' using aBuddySchema and 'aBuddy' collection

Drug Model

Define a mongoose schema for DrugInteraction with the following fields:
    - 'drugbank-id': a string
    - name: a string
    - description: a string
Disable automatic generation of _id field

Define a mongoose schema for DrugProduct with the following fields:
    - name: a string
    - labeller: a string
    - 'dosage-form': a string
    - strength: a string
    - route: a string
    - country: a string
Disable automatic generation of _id field

Define a mongoose schema for DrugFoodInteraction with the following fields:
    - 'food-interaction': a string
Disable automatic generation of _id field

Define a mongoose schema for DrugExternalLink with the following fields:
    - resource: a string
    - url: a string
Disable automatic generation of _id field

Define a mongoose schema for Drug with the following fields:
    - 'drugbank-id': an object with keys '0', '1', '2' and values of type string
    - name: a string
    - description: a string
    - unii: a string
    - indication: a string
    - 'mechanism-of-action': a string
    - products: an array of DrugProductSchema
    - 'food-interactions': an array of DrugFoodInteractionSchema
    - 'drug-interactions': a map of DrugInteractionSchema
    - 'external-links': a map of DrugExternalLinkSchema

Define a mongoose model 'Drug' using DrugSchema and 'drugDB' collection

Medication Model

Define a mongoose schema for Medication with the following fields:
    - name: a string that is required
    - description: a string
    - dosages: a string
    - frequency: a number that is required
    - quantity: a number that is required
    - dateAdded: a date that is required and defaults to the current date
    - prescriber: a string
    - timeOfDay: a string
    - associatedDrug: an array of objects

Define a mongoose model 'Medication' using MedicationSchema and 'medications' collection