#@data/values --- #! e.g. "gcr.io/your-gcp-project/issues2stories:latest" container_image: #! e.g. "your-org" from https://github.com/your-org/your-repo github_org: #! e.g. "your-repo" from https://github.com/your-org/your-repo github_repo: #! e.g. "issues2stories.your-zone.com" domain_name: #! e.g. "issues2stories-external-load-balancer-ingress-ip" ingress_global_static_ip_name: #! Tracker API token. The user account who owns this token must #! have at least read-only access to your Tracker project. #! The webhook will use this token whenever it hears about #! a changed Tracker user story to call the Tracker API to get #! more details about the story. #! e.g. "1c11aef11aef1f11111111111111111111111111" tracker_token: #! GitHub personal access token. The user account who owns this token must #! have write access to your GitHub project, and the token must be created #! with at least "full repo" access permission. This token will be used to #! make API calls to read and edit GitHub issues in your GitHub project. #! e.g. "1c11aef11aef1f11111111111111111111111111" github_token: #! See issues2stories project README for how to configure this. #! The value should be formatted a string which can be evaluated as a YAML map. #! Or the value can be omitted which will disable the feature which updates #! the GitHub issue's assignees field when the Tracker story's owner(s) changes. #! e.g. using a pipe to start a multiline string: #! tracker_id_to_github_username_mapping: | #! { #! 3344177: cfryanr, #! 1234567: some-other-github-username, #! } tracker_id_to_github_username_mapping: