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Releases: cerebroapp/cerebro


24 Jan 21:57
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  • New application icon;
  • Added support for cerebro:https:// protocol. I.e. if you want to add a quick link for your plugin on web page just use: cerebro:https://search?term="plugins cerebro-imdb"
  • Manual updates: added Check for updates item in tray menu;
  • Autoupdate (beta);
  • Added "update" action for plugins
  • Added "quit" command


  • Added "developer" submenu in tray menu (thanks @staff0rd);
  • Added appveyor CI for windows tests/builds;
  • Added tests for packaging on CI;
  • Added logger for plugin install/uninstall;


17 Jan 01:32
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  • Use system font instead of hardcoded Helvetica Neue;
  • Windows support:
    screen shot 2017-01-17 at 02 22 21
  • Linux support
    screen shot 2017-01-17 at 02 17 37


  • Maps: now you can search for places nearby by name, not only address;
  • OSx apps: faster reaction on application updates (install/uninstall);
  • Some OSx-related plugins (contacts, define, system) are not in core now, so you should install them explicitly;


  • Added hideWindow action to hide main Cerebro window;
  • After plugin installation reload all application windows (including background), not only main;
  • Use node packages for recursive remove directory and untar archive for plugins;


21 Dec 12:17
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  • Now can be used for autocomplete, not only tab;
  • Reduce application size;
  • Better search and improved performance;
  • Added update action for external plugins;
  • Cerebro added to brew cask. If you use it you can install cerebro with one line from terminal: brew cask install cerebro.


Core plugins

  • Apps: fixed search for non-english locales;
  • Maps: allow to use maps plugin with russian language, like "карта самара";

External plugins

(these plugins should be installed with plugins command)

  • IMDB: Search for films on You can see some details like plot, poster and actors/directors in preview;
  • Shell: Execute any shell command from cerebro.



11 Dec 13:23
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  • Better search & sort of results;
  • Better API for external plugins;
  • Created plugins management system so developers can create and share plugins;
  • Some core plugins (gif, emoji, ip, kill) moved to externals, you can install them using plugins command;
  • Added plugin documentation. Now you can easily create your own plugin and share it with other users;
  • Created boilerplage repository for plugins. You can use it to focus only on plugin functionality;
  • Added developer mode to settings: now you can turn-on developer tools to see console, that simplifies creation of your plugins.


  • Apps: show real name instead of .app name for some applications (i.e. chrome apps, like Postman);
  • Converter: added bitcoin;
  • Autocomplete: now if plugin supports keyword (ip, kill, gif, emoj, maps, etc) – Cerebro shows autocomplete for these keywords;
  • Autocomplete: now you can use enter key for autocomplete;
  • cerebro-ip: Added big preview with IP;
  • cerebro-ip: now you can use enter as well as cmd+c to copy ip to clipboard;
  • cerebro-gif: Now you can use enter as well as cmd+c to copy gif url to clipboard.


19 Nov 20:50
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0.0.3 Pre-release
  • Reduced file size;
  • Added dark theme:
    screen shot 2016-11-19 at 21 48 52


17 Nov 21:59
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0.0.2 Pre-release
  • Now you can do math operations in converter, like 512 - 31*2 $ in eur
  • Now we are looking for apps in all directories, not only in /Applications
  • Fix preview issue in fullscree: now you can use 100% of height for maps and other previews;
  • Faster initial loading;


10 Nov 14:57
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0.0.1 Pre-release

First beta release!


  • Google search with suggestions;
  • Keyboard navigation in results and preview;
  • Search and launch applications;
  • Files navigation with previews for main file formats (pdf, images, text, code) by / or ~;
  • Calculator;
  • Smart converter for currency, distance, mass and temperature;
  • Translate with yandex translate API;
  • OSx contacts search with keyboard navigation in fields and ability to copy field to clipboard;
  • Define in built-in dictionary;
  • Search for gifs on, i.e. gif funny, how i met your mother gif;
  • System commands: Logout, Sleep, Lock, Restart, Shut Down, Screen Saver;
  • Open system directory: Airdrop, Icloud drive, Trash;
  • Search on google maps (i.e. Barcelona map);
  • Open URL + show summary of webpage based on meta-tags;

More geeky:

  • Kill process by name so you can always kill Cerebro from Cerebro;
  • Show your internal and external IP;
