Fork and Update to Walter-o's Original Code

The purpose of this project is to scrape and download cartridges (p8.png) from the Lexaloffle BBS for PICO-8 games. The primary goal is to preserve the games available on the BBS.

Special thanks to Walter-o for creating this code!

Update to the original code:

I have fixed the downloadUrl to accommodate recent changes on BBS. Additionally, while scraping for the cart's URL, I now also retrieve the <TITLE> tag and append it to the beginning of the file name. This proves especially useful for carts with names like "4233454.p8.png."

Moreover, I have added verbose logging to a text file to capture errors and track the last downloaded cartID.

Upcoming Addition:

I plan to implement a "resume" function that will start the download process from the last cartID downloaded, allowing for seamless continuation.

Installation Process:

  1. Ensure that Python and pip are installed.
  2. (Optional) Create and activate a virtual environment.
  3. Run the command pip install -r requirements.txt to install necessary dependencies.
  4. Customize according to your requirements.
  5. Execute python3 to begin the process.