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Install OFRAK

OFRAK is best run in a Docker image. Some OFRAK features can also be run natively on MacOS.

OFRAK uses Git LFS. This means that you must have Git LFS installed before you clone the repository! Install Git LFS by following the instructions here. If you accidentally cloned the repository before installing Git LFS, cd into the repository and run git lfs pull.

Docker Images

To build the docker image, use the utility, which requires the PyYAML package.

For example:

python3 -m pip install PyYAML
python3 --config ofrak-core-dev.yml --base --finish

will build the base and finish Docker image using the ofrak-core-dev.yml configuration. If you already have a base Docker image, you can build the finish image with:

python3 --config --finish

ofrak-binary-ninja.yml is a configuration to build an image with core OFRAK, a Binary Ninja install, and Binary Ninja OFRAK components. You need to have a valid BinaryNinja license to build and run the image. To build the image, the license should be placed in the project's root directory and named license.dat. The serial number needs to be extracted from that file into a file named serial.txt. This can be done with the following command:

echo $(grep "serial" license.dat | sed 's/"serial": "//g' | sed 's/",//g') > serial.txt

The command python3 --config ofrak-binary-ninja.yml --base --finish will build an image using Docker BuildKit secrets so that neither the license nor serial number are exposed in the built Docker image. (If Docker BuildKit is not enabled in your environment, use the DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 environment variable when running this command.)

The license can then be mounted into the docker container to /root/.binaryninja/license.dat when run:

docker run -it --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/license.dat,target=/root/.binaryninja/license.dat bash

ofrak-ghidra.yml builds an image which include core OFRAK, a Ghidra install, and Ghidra OFRAK components. To start the Ghidra server in a container started from this image, users should run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server start. To stop it, run python -m ofrak_ghidra.server stop. Logs can be found here: /root/.ghidra/.ghidra_10.1.2_PUBLIC/application.log.

ofrak-dev.yml builds the most complete OFRAK docker image, including the core OFRAK, a Ghidra install, Ghidra OFRAK components, a Binary Ninja install, and Binary Ninja OFRAK components. Follow the instructions above for adding a valid BinaryNinja license and for starting the Ghidra server in the container.

Adding new packages to OFRAK build

The build script expects a config file similar to ofrak-core-dev.yml. Each of the packages listed in packages_paths should have two files, Makefile and Dockerstub. Imagine we are adding a new package with the following structure:


Makefile must contain a rule dependencies. This rule should take care of any setup that needs to be done for that package before the docker build.

Dockerstub should read as a normal Dockerfile, only without a base image specified at the top. During build, all packages' Dockerstubs will be concatenated, so specifying a base image is unnecessary. This file should contain all of the steps necessary to install this package in a docker image.

The build relies on the following assumptions:

  • Dockerstub and Makefile should not use any relative paths which go into the parent directory of ofrak_package_x because at build time that parent directory will not be the same.

  • All rules in Makefile should assume the working directory is ofrak_package_x (but at a different path as explained above)

  • Dockerstub should be written assuming the build context is the parent directory of ofrak_package_x. Do not assume anything is present in the build context besides the contents of ofrak_package_x and what Makefile adds to ofrak_package_x in the dependencies rule.


Core OFRAK can be run locally on MacOS.

It is recommended that you create a virtual environment in which to install the code:

    % python3 -m venv ofrak-venv
    % source ofrak-venv/bin/activate
  1. Use homebrew to install required libraries and executables:
    brew install apktool binwalk cmake java libmagic lzop p7zip qemu squashfs rar unar wget
    • OFRAK uses apktool, java, and wget to install uber-apk-signer for unpacking and packing APK files.
    • OFRAK uses binwalk for analyzing packed binary files.
    • OFRAK uses cmake to install a custom branch of keystone-engine.
    • OFRAK uses the libmagic library is needed for python-magic, which automatically determines which packers/unpackers to use with binaries.
    • OFRAK uses the lzop command line utility for packing/unpacking LZO archives
    • OFRAK uses the 7-zip command line utility for packing/unpacking 7z archives
    • OFRAK uses the qemu-system-i386 command line utility (and other qemu commands) for testing the BzImage packer and unpacker
    • OFRAK uses the mksquashfs command line utility for packing/unpacking SquashFS filesystems.
    • OFRAK uses the rar and unar command line utilities for packing/unpacking RAR archives
  2. The following script can then be used to install keystone engine:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    cd /tmp
    git clone
    cd keystone
    git checkout 2021.09.01
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -G "Unix Makefiles" ..
    make -j8
    sudo make install
    cd ../bindings/python
    make install3
    pip3 install .
  3. The custom branch of capstone-engine can be installed using the following script:
    #!/usr/bin/env bash
    set -e
    cd /tmp
    git clone
    cd capstone
    git checkout 2021.09.01
    sudo ./ install
    cd bindings/python
    make install3
  4. The uber-apk-signer for unpacking and packing APK filescan be installed using the following script:
    brew install wget apktool java
    echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/openjdk/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc
    wget -O /usr/local/bin/uber-apk-signer.jar
  5. Install core OFRAK and its dependencies:
    make -C ofrak_core $INSTALL_TARGET
  6. If you are planning to contribute to OFRAK, install the pre-commit hooks. For more information, see the contributor guide.
    python3 -m pip install --user pre-commit
    pre-commit install