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High Performance Tokenized Dataset Sharding/Loading

The scripts convert downloaded HuggingFace datasets into our format by tokenizing the text and storing it in a custom format.

[Optional] Install the C++ dataloader package

The ansible scripts from playbook/ have already installed the package. If you need to install it manually, follow the instructions in the dataset/package/ directory.

Shard and tokenize the dataset

This step will create local shards of the dataset on each training node. Each node will have a fraction of the dataset.

Modify the hosts.txt file to point to the hosts you are using for training.

Update the --dataset-dir parameter to the location of the Fineweb-Edu dataset on your file server. The --output-dir will be the same on each node.

cd dataset

conda activate lllm

python --dataset-user "HuggingFaceFW" --dataset-name "fineweb-edu" --output-dir ~/dataset_shard

See the --help for more options.

This produces Run the dataset sharding job across the cluster:

sudo apt install pdsh parallel


If you hit CTRL+C it will abort the remote jobs.

This takes about ~10 hours for 4 machines on gigabit Internet using Fineweb-Edu 1.5T, and consumes 570GB disk space per node.

After this finishes, you'll have a directory called ~/dataset_shard with the sharded dataset on each node.

Now you're ready to start training language models. Proceed to the train/ directory for the next steps.