title: Cascal Pascal url: https://cascalpascal.github.io description: "Frankly, I'm too scared to ask about the frog." permalink: /:slug favicon: "./logo.png" # relative path to site's favicon twitter: username: pascal # update or delete this card: summary_large_image #theme: moonwalk # if you are using GitHub Pages, change it to remote_theme: abhinavs/moonwalk remote_theme: abhinavs/moonwalk theme_config: appearance: "dark" # can be "light", "dark" or "auto" appearance_toggle: true # if appearance can be switched by user back_home_text: "home.." # customize text for homepage link in post layout date_format: "%Y-%m-%d" # customize how date is formatted show_description: true # show blog description show_navbar: true # show horizontal navbar show_footer: true # show footer links in home page,add in _data/home.yml show_copyright: true # show copyright notice in footer # following keys are using to create home layout show_projects: true # show projects as cards, add in _data/home.yml show_blog: true # show blog posts added in _posts show_old_projects: true # show old projects as cards, add in _data/home.yml show_misc_list: false # show generic vertical list for misc details, add _data/home.yml show_reading_time: true # show number of words and reading time in the blog posts show_tags: true # show tags in a blog posts # options for "home" page home: title_projects: Course title_misc_list: Details title_blog: Blog title_old_projects: Obsidian soopr: publish_token: "https://cascalpascal.github.io" highlighter: rouge sass: style: :compressed plugins: - jekyll-feed - jekyll-soopr-seo-tag