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Releases: carueda/tscfg


03 Mar 23:11
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Bug fix release ( #71); some internal code revision.

Consistent formatter now used for the generated code

24 Oct 04:24
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  • Scala: scalafmt (v2.7.5)
  • Java: google-java-format (v1.7, so tscfg can still run on JRE 8)

Ability to allow shared object inheritance

28 Jun 20:33
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new `--withoutTimestamp` option

11 Jun 17:09
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Scala: now targeting 2.13 by default, with new flag for 2.12

28 Feb 17:34
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Many thanks to @johanneshiry for this contribution!

This new release only impacts the Scala generation: tscfg now targets 2.13 by default, with a new --scala:2.12 flag as a mechanism for any need for compatibility with 2.12 as in previous releases. In general, the distinction is only relevant for configuration specs involving lists.

See #59 for more details.

Bug fix release

07 Oct 21:05
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Should fix this particular misbehavior: #54 (comment) (thanks @kirkbro for reporting).

Shared config objects #54

15 Sep 01:40
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Initial implementation of shared config objects. See #54 and README for details. (thanks @kirkbro for the suggestion!)

Bug fix release

04 Sep 02:53
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  • Fixed #55 about strings with regexes not properly captured. This was a regression, alas, not sure when it was introduced. Thanks @Ankoul for reporting!
  • Along with this, also some unit tests re multiline strings and strings with control chars.

Given config now fully validated at wrapper construction

08 Aug 19:38
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Resolves #49 (which also supersedes #36).

For both java and scala, in case of any missing or incompatible types in the given configuration, wrapper construction will now throw a com.typesafe.config.ConfigException with a summary of all the corresponding com.typesafe.config.ConfigException's collected as the constructor traverses the configuration.

Example of such a summary:

Invalid configuration:
    'service.poolSize': com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing(No configuration setting found for key 'poolSize')
    'service.url': com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$Missing(No configuration setting found for key 'url')      
    'service.debug': com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$WrongType(String: 5: debug has type NUMBER rather than BOOLEAN)
    'service.doLog': com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$WrongType(String: 6: doLog has type STRING rather than BOOLEAN)
    'service.factor': com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$WrongType(String: 7: factor has type BOOLEAN rather than NUMBER)

(Note: command-line option --scala:fp is now obsolete, still accepted but ignored.)

New `--all-required` flag

25 Jul 17:59
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The new --all-required flag strictly forces all entries (even objects) to be required (even the @optional annotation is ignored). Thanks @abonander for the suggestion (#47).