Fast pnpm monorepo for cross-platform apps built with Expo / React Native and React.
Acquire a mutex in the browser through IndexedDB or cookies
A react-native dropdown component easy to customize for both iOS and Android.
The Select Component for React.js
Simple multi-select component for react-native
A universal Tooltip component for React Native and Web, powered by expo-modules.
Using this package, you can synchronise your code logic across browser tabs.
Consistent dependency versions in large JavaScript Monorepos.
Markdown renderer for React Native powered by marked.js
React Native component that monitors when an element enters or leaves the client viewport.
InstantID: Zero-shot Identity-Preserving Generation in Seconds 🔥
A highly customizable tour feature with an awesome spotlight effect
A camera control for three.js, similar to THREE.OrbitControls yet supports smooth transitions and more features.
tinder like react-native deck swiper
📸 A powerful, high-performance React Native Camera library.
airbnb/react-outside-click-handler but for React Native.
A collection of common interactive command line user interfaces.
A Pure JavaScript Color Picker for React Native
A VisionCamera Frame Processor plugin for fast buffer resizing and colorspace (YUV <> RGBA) conversions
A React Native plugin that enables React Native apps to receive sharing photos, videos, text, urls or any other file types from another app
Config Plugin to setup Apple targets
A multi-voice TTS system trained with an emphasis on quality
A self-hosted solution to enable secure connectivity between devices across restricted networks like NAT or firewalls
Out-of-distribution detection, robustness, and generalization resources. The repository contains a curated list of papers, tutorials, books, videos, articles and open-source libraries etc
This is a library to alternate and self-host the Prisma Data Proxy (cloud.prisma.io)
Save sensitive data into Android's Shared Preferences with keystore encryption/iOS's Keychain for React Native
An Expo config plugin to auto-configure iOS Share Extension.