# Privacy Policy of PixelViewer - Version: 1.0. - Update: 2021/6/13. This is the privacy policy of ```PixelViewer``` which you need to read before you using ```PixelViewer```. The privacy policy may be updated in the future and you can check it on the website of ```PixelViewer```. We assume that you have agreed this privacy policy once you start using ```PixelViewer```. ## Scope of Privacy Policy This privacy policy will be applied when you use ```PixelViewer```. ## Collecting Your Personal Data We **DON'T** collect the following personal data: - User/Account name. - Computer name. - E-mail address. - IP address. - Geographical location. We **DO** collect the following data which may relate to your personal data: - Path/Name of files you open in ```PixelViewer``` or save in ```PixelViewer```. - Detailed information of application crashing. ## Using Your Personal Data We **DON'T** have any usage of your personal data by default. All collected data mentioned in previous section are saved in your computer and we **WON'T** send or upload these data. We may ask your help to send these data to us by yourself **ONLY** for debugging purpose (ex, application crashing). You can check these data before you sending to us or you can also reject to send these data. ## Contact Us If you have any concern of this privacy policy, please create an issue on [GitHub](https://github.com/carina-studio/PixelViewer/issues) or send e-mail to [carina.software.studio@gmail.com](mailto:carina.software.studio@gmail.com).