import critters import features import gl from thirdparty.libtcod import libtcodpy as libtcod from random import randrange import util FOV_ALGORITHM = libtcod.FOV_PERMISSIVE(2) FOV_LIGHT_WALLS = True class Map(object): map_critters = [] critter_xy_cache = {} def __init__(self, map_src, player): = map_src self.map_height = len(map_src) self.map_width = len(map_src[0]) self.player = player = self self.fov_map = None def __getitem__(self, item): return[item] def init_fov(self): self.fov_map = libtcod.map_new(self.map_width, self.map_height) for y in range(self.map_height): for x in range(self.map_width): libtcod.map_set_properties(self.fov_map, x, y, not self[y][x].flags & features.BLOCK_LOS, not self[y][x].flags & features.BLOCK_WALK) def recompute_fov(self): libtcod.map_compute_fov(self.fov_map, self.player.x, self.player.y, self.player.fov_range, FOV_LIGHT_WALLS, FOV_ALGORITHM) def place_critter(self, crit_level, crit_hd, x, y): crit = util.random_by_level(crit_level, critters.Critter.ALL) if crit is None: return crit = crit() crit.adjust_hd(crit_hd) self.map_critters.append(crit) self.critter_xy_cache[(x, y)] = crit, y, self) # basic algo: take player level (xl), and pick random number between xl - 3 and xl + 3. # let it be monster HD. Now take random monsters appropirate for this and prev levels (Critter.dlvl <= __dlvl__) # set this monster HD to a value defined earlier # for OOD monsters - same HD as previous case, and Critter.dlvl <= random(__dlvl__ + 2, __dlvl +3) def place_monsters(self): #choose random number of monsters #3d(dlvl) + 3d2 + 7 monsters total - at least 11 monsters on d1 and up-to 40 on d27 num_monsters = util.roll(1, gl.__dlvl__, util.roll(3, 2, 7)) #cap monster generation for now num_monsters = util.cap(num_monsters, 30) for i in range(num_monsters): #choose random spot for this monster x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at) #determining critter level. it may vary from XL - 3 to XL + 3. To let is scale better multiply by 100 #cap it to be no lower than 1 crit_hd = util.cap_lower(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1, 1) self.place_critter(gl.__dlvl__, crit_hd, x, y) #check for OOD monster. let's create OOD 10% of the time for now if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 100) >= 89: crit_level = libtcod.random_get_int(0, gl.__dlvl__ + 2, gl.__dlvl__ + 3) crit_hd = util.cap_lower(randrange(gl.__xl__ - 3, gl.__xl__ + 3), 1, 1) x, y = self.find_random_square(self.has_critter_at) self.place_critter(crit_level, crit_hd, x, y) def has_critter_at(self, coords): return self.critter_xy_cache.__contains__(coords) def get_critter_at(self, x, y): return self.critter_xy_cache[(x, y)] def remove_critter(self, critter): self.critter_xy_cache.pop((critter.x, critter.y)) self.map_critters.remove(critter) def find_random_square(self, occupied): startx = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 1, self.map_width) starty = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 1, self.map_height) for y in range(starty, self.map_height): for x in range(startx, self.map_width): if[y][x].passable() and not occupied((x, y)): return x, y #if nothing found - let's try once again return self.find_random_square(occupied) def can_walk(self, x, y): return[y][x].passable() and not self.has_critter_at((x, y)) def passable(self, x, y): return[y][x].passable()