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Bytescheduler is a generic communication scheduler for distributed training framework such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, MXNet. It separates tensor partitioning and communication scheduling from various training frameworks, gradient update architectures and network protocols, without modifying their implementations much. We open source ByteScheduler's source code here and hope it can facilitate further research and development in distributed DNN training acceleration and related directions. The code is reorganized based on the original paper version for open source purpose, feel free to file an issue if you find a bug.

Table of Contents

Why Generic Communication Scheduling?

Existing distributed training frameworks (MXNet, PyTorch, etc) do not fully utilize the potentials of overlapping computation and communication to speed up neural network training:

  1. The dependency graph of computation and communication says gradients of former layers are aggregated later during backward propagation but are needed first in next forward propagation.
  2. The best communication granularity may not be layers. Small layers incurs large communication startup overhead. Large layers blocks the aggregation of other layers; it also discourages pipelining of communication and aggregation for parameter server architecture.

ByteScheduler is a generic scheduling layer for distributed training to address the above limitations. It is designed for improving the performance of distributed training by scheduling communication and computation. The basic scheduling principles are:

  1. Communication of former layers of a neural network has higher priority and can preempt communication of latter layers.
  2. Partition large layers and merge small layers.

In order to let all existing and future ML frameworks benefit from communication scheduling, we design a generic communication scheduler, i.e., ByteScheduler. It sits between the framework (Python) API layer and the engine of popular training frameworks, including MXNet, PyTorch, TensorFlow and potentially others. It also works with different communication options, including PS architecture and all-reduce. Check this for ByteSchduler's architecture.

The difference with BytePS is: ByteScheduler works as a shim between tensor programming layer and framework engine layer, while BytePS runs as a PS communication library below the engine. Though both provide tensor partitioning, credit-based preemptive scheduling and generality features, the design rationale and architecture of BytePS are different.

ByteScheduler is fast. Below is a chart representing the MXNet PS benchmark that was done on GPU servers with 8 V100 PCIe GPUs each connected by RoCE-capable 100 Gbit/s network:

ResNet50 VGG16 Transformer
ByteScheduler ResNet50 Speedup ByteScheduler ResNet50 Speedup ByteScheduler ResNet50 Speedup

ByteScheduler achieves up to 171% speedup in this case.


To install ByteScheduler, simply run the command below after cloning the source code:

$ python2 install && python3 install

Check the Dockerfiles for more details when installing with MXNet or PyTorch.


To use ByteScheduler, make a few code additions to your program.


See full training ImageNet examples. The script below provides a simple skeleton of code block based on MXNet API.

import mxnet as mx

# Create kvstore
kv = mx.kvstore.create("dist_sync")

# Wrap kvstore using ScheduledKVStore
from bytescheduler.mxnet.kvstore import ScheduledKVStore
kv = ScheduledKVStore(kv)

# Continue


ByteScheduler also supports PyTorch based on Horovod.

Example (also see a full benchmark example):

import torch
import torch.optim as optim
from torchvision import models
import horovod.torch as hvd

# Set up standard model.
model = getattr(models, "resnet50")()
optimizer = optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01)

# bytescheduler wrapper
import bytescheduler.pytorch.horovod as bsc

# Horovod: wrap optimizer with DistributedOptimizer.
optimizer = hvd.DistributedOptimizer(optimizer,
num_steps = 1000

# ByteScheduler, further wrap Horovod DistributedOptimizer
optimizer = bsc.ScheduledOptimizer(model, optimizer, num_steps)

# Continue


ByteScheduler requires a TF installation in the build environment. To build the plugin, just run the Makefile.

ByteScheduler currently requires recompiling TF (tested with r1.13) with tf.patch to limit memory leak. Check TensorFlow official doc to see how to build from source (Note with GCC 4.8).

Due to ABI compatibility issue, it is recommended to use the same compiler for the plugin and core TF. More details could be found here.

For usage, just import the library at the beginning of the TF program:

import tensorflow as tf

It will instrument the distributed TF program, coordinate the scheduling of the parameter updates.

For tensor partitioning, you need to partition the model manually. For reference, we have a quick patch benchmarks.patch for tensorflow/benchmarks, which adds partitioning to weight variables of large fully-connected layers.

Communication Scheduling

One of the unique things about ByteScheduler is its ability to schedule communication with tensor partitioning.

See here for full details and tweaking instructions.


To enable debugging mode, set BYTESCHEDULER_DEBUG=1 and check log in bytescheduler.log.

Besides, ByteScheduler has the ability to record the timeline of its activity, called ByteScheduler Timeline. To enable it, set BYTESCHEDULER_TIMELINE=/path/to/timeline.json. After running a few steps, open the trace file using Chrome. You can check the queueing time and communication time of each tensor.


Please submit a ticket if you have trouble in using ByteScheduler.


This is the demo code of ByteScheduler and it is not meant for production use. We welcome any code or idea contributions from the community. So far the prototype has the following major limitations.

  1. Auto-tuning support for PS architecture. Changing the partition size of tensors during training may incur tensor shape errors. A workaround but general solution would be checkpointing and restart the training.

  2. Optimizer rewriting. For PyTorch and TensorFlow, we support SGD optimizer in this code. For each optimizer in the two frameworks, ByteScheduler requires rewriting it in order to cross the global barrier and make communication scheduling effective. MXNet does not have such an issue.


For more details, e.g., interaction with framework engines, scheduling algorithm, check the SOSP'19 paper.