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129 lines (107 loc) · 6.77 KB

File metadata and controls

129 lines (107 loc) · 6.77 KB


The format is based on Keep a Changelog and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


[0.9.0] - 2019-07-02


  • DataBindingObservableImpl now accepts optional PropertyChangeRegistry argument. This can be useful if usage class chooses to have some fields that are not implemented via by observable.


  • Joda dependency is now optional. If it is not found in classpath setFastJodaTimeZoneProvider from SecretSauceSettings will be ignored.
  • Migrate to androidX

[0.8.0] - 2018-06-12


  • DataBindingObservableImpl now has observable function that accepts callback to be called after the value has been changed. This callback receives both old and new value of the field.

  • AttachableViewModelRx.disposeOnDetach now returns Disposable to allow for further chaining.

  • getViewModelWithAutoLifecycle and Fragment.getVMWithAutoLifecycle now exposes recursive parameter (needed fe: when using with Android Navigation Architecture Component, or when we attach to DialogFragment)


  • DataBindingObservableImpl now only notifies callbacks only if new value is different from the old one.

  • subscribeTillDetach/observableCallback for objects that are Observable (and supposedly have multiple fields) now requires passing BR fields IDs. Only when one of fields with matching ID (or 0) is changed then callback will be called

  • useFragmentViewModelProvider default value changed - ViewModels requested by Fragments will now use Fragment lifecycle by default. If you want to change to previous behaviour you can set flag globally in [SecretSauceSettings].

  • RxJava2 dependency is now marked as implementation to avoid adding it as a transitive dependency to project that don't need it. NOTE: you must have RxJava in classpath to use AttachableViewModelRx

  • Bump dependencies

[0.7.0] - 2018-02-05


  • Binding Adapter - srcId calls setImageResource
  • ActivityLifecycleCallbacksAdapter - adapter for Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks were methods does nothing. Allows to override just one method instead of implementing whole interface -Activity.registerLifecycleCallbacksForThisActivityOnly - Wraps given [Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks], so only lifecycle of [this] [Activity] are forwarded. Allows to avoid if (a === view) boilerplate
  • AttachableViewModelRx - AttachableViewModel with convenience extension functions that will dispose RX Disposable on detach. This ViewModel also allows similar register/unregister action for Android DataBinding.
  • DataBindingHelper - aliases for easier creation of callback of new values in ObservableBoolean and ObservableField
  • DataBindingObservable/DataBindingObservableImpl - allows for easier creation of Observable classes.


  • lifecycle extensions functions moved from com.byoutline.secretsauce.di to com.byoutline.secretsauce.lifecycle package
  • lazyViewModelWithAutoLifecycle/getViewModel now has default value for view parameter. If not specified differently this will try to cast this to view, which is commonly the case for fragment and activities.
  • AttachableViewModel now allows registering multiple detach actions via registerDetachAction(s) method instead of allowing only one. Passing detach action as super.onAttach param is no longer supported.
  • Calling function that requires containerViewId or brViewModelId without passing it as an argument, or registering it globally in [SecretSauceSettings] will now throw an exception.

[0.6.0] - 14.12.2017


  • ViewModelAutoLifecycle and extensions functions added.
  • Rx Java invokeOnStopped extension functions for Fragment and Activity.


  • Converted to Kotlin.
  • due to vast changes artifact name changed from secretsauce to secretsaucekt.
  • Settings renamed to SecretSauceSettings to make it more obvious in application what is being set.
  • NetworkChangeReceiver - now sets state in ObservableBoolean instead of posting to Otto bus.
  • toast helpers are now Context extension functions.


  • Otto Bus
  • BaseAppCompatActivity removed - use Kotlin extension functions from com.byoutline.secretsauce.activities instead.
  • WaitDialog removed - use WaitLayout or other non blocking progress indicator.
  • DatePickerFragment removed - creating DatePicker without libs is now easier then before, so there was no longer much to gain by using this implementation.
  • FontCache/Custom font views removed - Android now has native support for Fonts.
  • SharedPrefsLoaderAsyncTask - with Kolin/lambda support in new Android build tools it is not worth wrapping so small amount in code in lib.
  • Common events removed - everything Otto related was dropped, use Databinding/RxJava instead.
  • BaseApp removed - initialization is now needed only for showFragment, Toast and logs, and can be done via Settings.set(debug = BuildConfig.DEBUG, containerViewId =
  • ss_drawer_shadow drawables removed.

[0.5.3] - 06.05.2017


  • Make listener interface in CustomClickableSpan public.
  • CustomFontTextView now checks suffixSpace attribute that can be used to workaround wrong measurement on wrap_content when font is italic.

[0.5.2] - 24.01.2016


  • Bump dependencies.

[0.5.1] - 22.12.2015


  • Implementing NavigationDrawerFragment.NavigationDrawerCallbacks is now optional for BaseAppCompatActivity.


  • Deprecated activities.
  • Methods for showing non support fragments removed from BaseAppCompatActivity.
  • Support for WaitDialog removed from BaseAppCompatActivity. Use WaitDialogHandler in your activity if you need it.

[0.5.0] - 21.12.2015


  • getContainerId and getDefaultFontName moved from BaseApp to AppComponentInterface.

[0.4.9] - 03.12.2015


  • @Named(BaseApp.INJECT_NAME_SESSION_ID) replaced with @SessionId.
  • CheckableFrameLayout and ChackableLinearLayout updated to pass real view instead of null.
  • ViewUtils.getStyledText added that allows applying multiple customizations at once.
  • appcompat dependencies bump.


  • kotlin(added in 0.4.8) removed from project
  • Accidental dependency on retrofit removed - decreased method count.

[0.4.8] - 06.11.2015


  • Added kotlin dependency. (Removed in [0.4.9])


  • Changed MenuOption from concrete class to interface.
  • Make NavigationDrawerFragment::selectItem public.

[0.4.7] - 26.10.2015


  • Added no args CachedField support to WaitLayout.
  • Added setStyledMsg to ViewUtils that allow to set style for part of text in TextView.