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How to use AWS SDK for iOS(swift-3) with MinIO Server Slack

In this recipe we will learn how to use AWSS3 for iOS with MinIO server. AWSS3 is the official AWS S3 SDK for the swift/objective-c programming language.

1. Prerequisites

Install MinIO Server from here.

To get latest AWSS3 SDK v2.5.5 working with minio/minio:edge, you have to modify file AWSSignature.m from AWSS3 SDK, remove line [urlRequest setValue:@"Chunked" forHTTPHeaderField:@"Transfer-Encoding"];, keep track on aws-sdk-ios #638

2. Installation

Setup AWSS3 for iOS from the official AWS iOS SDK docs here

we only need 'AWSS3'

3. Example

Please replace accessKey, secretKey, and url, change the region base on what you need, service must set to .S3

(AWSS3 will auto remove port number if you type xxxx:9000 in url, currently it only support full url without port, so please make sure you have a domain map to port 9000, you may need refer to this Setup Nginx proxy with MinIO Server)

let accessKey = "XXXXXXX"
let secretKey = "XXXXXXX"

let credentialsProvider = AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(accessKey: accessKey, secretKey: secretKey)
let configuration = AWSServiceConfiguration(region: .USEast1, endpoint: AWSEndpoint(region: .USEast1, service: .S3, url: URL(string:"XXXXXX")),credentialsProvider: credentialsProvider)

AWSServiceManager.default().defaultServiceConfiguration = configuration

let S3BucketName = "images"
let remoteName = "prefix_test.jpg"
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: NSTemporaryDirectory()).appendingPathComponent(remoteName)
let image = UIImage(named: "test")
let data = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(image!, 0.9)
do {
    try data?.write(to: fileURL)
catch {}

let uploadRequest = AWSS3TransferManagerUploadRequest()!
uploadRequest.body = fileURL
uploadRequest.key = remoteName
uploadRequest.bucket = S3BucketName
uploadRequest.contentType = "image/jpeg"
uploadRequest.acl = .publicRead

let transferManager = AWSS3TransferManager.default()

transferManager.upload(uploadRequest).continueWith { (task: AWSTask<AnyObject>) -> Any? in

Full example project here

4. Run the Program

for example if you running that eample project

  1. Run the xcode project on your phone or simulator
  2. Click upload button on screen


  1. Check on MinIO Browser, inside images bucket, there should be an image there called prefix_test.jpg, means you susccessful upload the image