.PHONY: pyright # Makefile oddities: # - Commands must start with literal tab characters (\t), not spaces. # - Multi-command rules (like `black` below) by default terminate as soon as a command has a non-0 # exit status. Prefix the command with "-" to instruct make to continue to the next command # regardless of the preceding command's exit status. # NOTE: See pyproject.toml [tool.black] for majority of black config. Only include/exclude options # and format targets should be specified here. Note there are separate pyproject.toml for the root # and examples/docs_snippets. # # NOTE: Use `extend-exclude` instead of `exclude`. If `exclude` is provided, it stops black from # reading gitignore. `extend-exclude` is layered on top of gitignore. See: # https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/usage_and_configuration/file_collection_and_discovery.html#gitignore black: black --fast \ --extend-exclude="examples/docs_snippets|snapshots" \ examples integration_tests helm python_modules .buildkite black --fast \ examples/docs_snippets check_black: black --check --fast \ --extend-exclude="examples/docs_snippets|snapshots" \ examples integration_tests helm python_modules .buildkite black --check --fast \ examples/docs_snippets pyright: python scripts/run-pyright.py --all install_pyright: pip install -e 'python_modules/dagster[pyright]' rebuild_pyright: python scripts/run-pyright.py --all --rebuild rebuild_pyright_pins: python scripts/run-pyright.py --update-pins quick_pyright: python scripts/run-pyright.py --diff unannotated_pyright: python scripts/run-pyright.py --unannotated ruff: ruff --fix . check_ruff: ruff . yamllint: yamllint -c .yamllint.yaml --strict \ `git ls-files 'helm/*.yml' 'helm/*.yaml' ':!:helm/**/templates/*.yml' ':!:helm/**/templates/*.yaml'` install_dev_python_modules: python scripts/install_dev_python_modules.py -qqq install_dev_python_modules_verbose: python scripts/install_dev_python_modules.py install_dev_python_modules_verbose_m1: python scripts/install_dev_python_modules.py -qqq --include-prebuilt-grpcio-wheel graphql: cd js_modules/dagit/; make generate-graphql; make generate-perms sanity_check: #NOTE: fails on nonPOSIX-compliant shells (e.g. CMD, powershell) @echo Checking for prod installs - if any are listed below reinstall with 'pip -e' @! (pip list --exclude-editable | grep -e dagster -e dagit) rebuild_dagit: sanity_check cd js_modules/dagit/; yarn install && yarn build rebuild_dagit_with_profiling: sanity_check cd js_modules/dagit/; yarn install && yarn build-with-profiling dev_install_m1_grpcio_wheel: install_dev_python_modules_verbose_m1 rebuild_dagit dev_install: install_dev_python_modules_verbose rebuild_dagit dev_install_quiet: install_dev_python_modules rebuild_dagit graphql_tests: pytest python_modules/dagster-graphql/dagster_graphql_tests/graphql/ -s -vv check_manifest: check-manifest python_modules/dagster check-manifest python_modules/dagit check-manifest python_modules/dagster-graphql ls python_modules/libraries | xargs -n 1 -Ipkg check-manifest python_modules/libraries/pkg