# Argo Workflow Templates by Example ## Welcome! Argo is an open source project that provides container-native workflows for Kubernetes. Each step in an Argo workflow is defined as a container. Argo is implemented as a Kubernetes CRD (Custom Resource Definition). As a result, Argo workflows can be managed using `kubectl` and natively integrates with other Kubernetes services such as volumes, secrets, and RBAC. The new Argo software is light-weight and installs in under a minute, and provides complete workflow features including parameter substitution, artifacts, fixtures, loops and recursive workflows. Many of the Argo examples used in this walkthrough are available at https://github.com/argoproj/argo/tree/master/examples. If you like this project, please give us a star! For a complete description of the Argo workflow spec, please refer to https://github.com/argoproj/argo/blob/master/pkg/apis/workflow/v1alpha1/workflow_types.go ## Table of Contents - [Argo CLI](#argo-cli) - [Hello World!](#hello-world) - [Parameters](#parameters) - [Steps](#steps) - [DAG](#dag) - [Artifacts](#artifacts) - [The Structure of Workflow Specs](#the-structure-of-workflow-specs) - [Secrets](#secrets) - [Scripts & Results](#scripts--results) - [Output Parameters](#output-parameters) - [Loops](#loops) - [Conditionals](#conditionals) - [Recursion](#recursion) - [Exit handlers](#exit-handlers) - [Timeouts](#timeouts) - [Volumes](#volumes) - [Daemon Containers](#daemon-containers) - [Sidecars](#sidecars) - [Hardwired Artifacts](#hardwired-artifacts) - [Kubernetes Resources](#kubernetes-resources) - [Docker-in-Docker Using Sidecars](#docker-in-docker-using-sidecars) - [Custom Template Variable Reference](#custom-template-variable-reference) - [Continuous Integration Example](#continuous-integration-example) ## Argo CLI In case you want to follow along with this walkthrough, here's a quick overview of the most useful argo command line interface (CLI) commands. [Install Argo here](https://github.com/argoproj/argo/blob/master/demo.md) ```sh argo submit hello-world.yaml # submit a workflow spec to Kubernetes argo list # list current workflows argo get hello-world-xxx # get info about a specific workflow argo logs -w hello-world-xxx # get logs from all steps in a workflow argo logs hello-world-xxx-yyy # get logs from a specific step in a workflow argo delete hello-world-xxx # delete workflow ``` You can also run workflow specs directly using `kubectl` but the Argo CLI provides syntax checking, nicer output, and requires less typing. ```sh kubectl create -f hello-world.yaml kubectl get wf kubectl get wf hello-world-xxx kubectl get po --selector=workflows.argoproj.io/workflow=hello-world-xxx --show-all # similar to argo kubectl logs hello-world-xxx-yyy -c main kubectl delete wf hello-world-xxx ``` ## Hello World! Let's start by creating a very simple workflow template to echo "hello world" using the docker/whalesay container image from DockerHub. You can run this directly from your shell with a simple docker command: ```sh bash% docker run docker/whalesay cowsay "hello world" _____________ < hello world > ------------- \ \ \ ## . ## ## ## == ## ## ## ## === /""""""""""""""""___/ === ~~~ {~~ ~~~~ ~~~ ~~~~ ~~ ~ / ===- ~~~ \______ o __/ \ \ __/ \____\______/ Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. ``` Below, we run the same container on a Kubernetes cluster using an Argo workflow template. Be sure to read the comments as they provide useful explanations. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow # new type of k8s spec metadata: generateName: hello-world- # name of the workflow spec spec: entrypoint: whalesay # invoke the whalesay template templates: - name: whalesay # name of the template container: image: docker/whalesay command: [cowsay] args: ["hello world"] resources: # limit the resources limits: memory: 32Mi cpu: 100m ``` Argo adds a new `kind` of Kubernetes spec called a `Workflow`. The above spec contains a single `template` called `whalesay` which runs the `docker/whalesay` container and invokes `cowsay "hello world"`. The `whalesay` template is the `entrypoint` for the spec. The entrypoint specifies the initial template that should be invoked when the workflow spec is executed by Kubernetes. Being able to specify the entrypoint is more useful when there is more than one template defined in the Kubernetes workflow spec. :-) ## Parameters Let's look at a slightly more complex workflow spec with parameters. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: hello-world-parameters- spec: # invoke the whalesay template with # "hello world" as the argument # to the message parameter entrypoint: whalesay arguments: parameters: - name: message value: hello world templates: - name: whalesay inputs: parameters: - name: message # parameter declaration container: # run cowsay with that message input parameter as args image: docker/whalesay command: [cowsay] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"] ``` This time, the `whalesay` template takes an input parameter named `message` that is passed as the `args` to the `cowsay` command. In order to reference parameters (e.g., ``"{{inputs.parameters.message}}"``), the parameters must be enclosed in double quotes to escape the curly braces in YAML. The argo CLI provides a convenient way to override parameters used to invoke the entrypoint. For example, the following command would bind the `message` parameter to "goodbye world" instead of the default "hello world". ```sh argo submit arguments-parameters.yaml -p message="goodbye world" ``` In case of multiple parameters that can be overriten, the argo CLI provides a command to load parameters files in YAML or JSON format. Here is an example of that kind of parameter file: ```yaml message: goodbye world ``` To run use following command: ```sh argo submit arguments-parameters.yaml --parameter-file params.yaml ``` Command-line parameters can also be used to override the default entrypoint and invoke any template in the workflow spec. For example, if you add a new version of the `whalesay` template called `whalesay-caps` but you don't want to change the default entrypoint, you can invoke this from the command line as follows: ```sh argo submit arguments-parameters.yaml --entrypoint whalesay-caps ``` By using a combination of the `--entrypoint` and `-p` parameters, you can call any template in the workflow spec with any parameter that you like. The values set in the `spec.arguments.parameters` are globally scoped and can be accessed via `{{workflow.parameters.parameter_name}}`. This can be useful to pass information to multiple steps in a workflow. For example, if you wanted to run your workflows with different logging levels that are set in the environment of each container, you could have a YAML file similar to this one: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: global-parameters- spec: entrypoint: A arguments: parameters: - name: log-level value: INFO templates: - name: A container: image: containerA env: - name: LOG_LEVEL value: "{{workflow.parameters.log-level}}" command: [runA] - name: B container: image: containerB env: - name: LOG_LEVEL value: "{{workflow.parameters.log-level}}" command: [runB] ``` In this workflow, both steps `A` and `B` would have the same log-level set to `INFO` and can easily be changed between workflow submissions using the `-p` flag. ## Steps In this example, we'll see how to create multi-step workflows, how to define more than one template in a workflow spec, and how to create nested workflows. Be sure to read the comments as they provide useful explanations. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: steps- spec: entrypoint: hello-hello-hello # This spec contains two templates: hello-hello-hello and whalesay templates: - name: hello-hello-hello # Instead of just running a container # This template has a sequence of steps steps: - - name: hello1 # hello1 is run before the following steps template: whalesay arguments: parameters: - name: message value: "hello1" - - name: hello2a # double dash => run after previous step template: whalesay arguments: parameters: - name: message value: "hello2a" - name: hello2b # single dash => run in parallel with previous step template: whalesay arguments: parameters: - name: message value: "hello2b" # This is the same template as from the previous example - name: whalesay inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: docker/whalesay command: [cowsay] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"] ``` The above workflow spec prints three different flavors of "hello". The `hello-hello-hello` template consists of three `steps`. The first step named `hello1` will be run in sequence whereas the next two steps named `hello2a` and `hello2b` will be run in parallel with each other. Using the argo CLI command, we can graphically display the execution history of this workflow spec, which shows that the steps named `hello2a` and `hello2b` ran in parallel with each other. ```sh STEP PODNAME ✔ arguments-parameters-rbm92 ├---✔ hello1 steps-rbm92-2023062412 └-·-✔ hello2a steps-rbm92-685171357 └-✔ hello2b steps-rbm92-634838500 ``` ## DAG As an alternative to specifying sequences of steps, you can define the workflow as a directed-acyclic graph (DAG) by specifying the dependencies of each task. This can be simpler to maintain for complex workflows and allows for maximum parallelism when running tasks. In the following workflow, step `A` runs first, as it has no dependencies. Once `A` has finished, steps `B` and `C` run in parallel. Finally, once `B` and `C` have completed, step `D` can run. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: dag-diamond- spec: entrypoint: diamond templates: - name: echo inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: alpine:3.7 command: [echo, "{{inputs.parameters.message}}"] - name: diamond dag: tasks: - name: A template: echo arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: A}] - name: B dependencies: [A] template: echo arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: B}] - name: C dependencies: [A] template: echo arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: C}] - name: D dependencies: [B, C] template: echo arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: D}] ``` The dependency graph may have [multiple roots](./dag-multiroot.yaml). The templates called from a DAG or steps template can themselves be DAG or steps templates. This can allow for complex workflows to be split into manageable pieces. The DAG logic has a built-in `fail fast` feature to stop scheduling new steps, as soon as it detects that one of the DAG nodes is failed. Then it waits until all DAG nodes are completed before failing the DAG itself. The [FailFast](./dag-disable-failFast.yaml) flag default is `true`, if set to `false`, it will allow a DAG to run all branches of the DAG to completion (either success or failure), regardless of the failed outcomes of branches in the DAG. More info and example about this feature at [here](https://github.com/argoproj/argo/issues/1442). ## Artifacts **Note:** You will need to configure an artifact repository to run this example. [Configuring an artifact repository here](https://github.com/argoproj/argo/blob/master/ARTIFACT_REPO.md). When running workflows, it is very common to have steps that generate or consume artifacts. Often, the output artifacts of one step may be used as input artifacts to a subsequent step. The below workflow spec consists of two steps that run in sequence. The first step named `generate-artifact` will generate an artifact using the `whalesay` template that will be consumed by the second step named `print-message` that then consumes the generated artifact. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: artifact-passing- spec: entrypoint: artifact-example templates: - name: artifact-example steps: - - name: generate-artifact template: whalesay - - name: consume-artifact template: print-message arguments: artifacts: # bind message to the hello-art artifact # generated by the generate-artifact step - name: message from: "{{steps.generate-artifact.outputs.artifacts.hello-art}}" - name: whalesay container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["cowsay hello world | tee /tmp/hello_world.txt"] outputs: artifacts: # generate hello-art artifact from /tmp/hello_world.txt # artifacts can be directories as well as files - name: hello-art path: /tmp/hello_world.txt - name: print-message inputs: artifacts: # unpack the message input artifact # and put it at /tmp/message - name: message path: /tmp/message container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["cat /tmp/message"] ``` The `whalesay` template uses the `cowsay` command to generate a file named `/tmp/hello-world.txt`. It then `outputs` this file as an artifact named `hello-art`. In general, the artifact's `path` may be a directory rather than just a file. The `print-message` template takes an input artifact named `message`, unpacks it at the `path` named `/tmp/message` and then prints the contents of `/tmp/message` using the `cat` command. The `artifact-example` template passes the `hello-art` artifact generated as an output of the `generate-artifact` step as the `message` input artifact to the `print-message` step. DAG templates use the tasks prefix to refer to another task, for example `{{tasks.generate-artifact.outputs.artifacts.hello-art}}`. ## The Structure of Workflow Specs We now know enough about the basic components of a workflow spec to review its basic structure: - Kubernetes header including metadata - Spec body - Entrypoint invocation with optionally arguments - List of template definitions - For each template definition - Name of the template - Optionally a list of inputs - Optionally a list of outputs - Container invocation (leaf template) or a list of steps - For each step, a template invocation To summarize, workflow specs are composed of a set of Argo templates where each template consists of an optional input section, an optional output section and either a container invocation or a list of steps where each step invokes another template. Note that the controller section of the workflow spec will accept the same options as the controller section of a pod spec, including but not limited to environment variables, secrets, and volume mounts. Similarly, for volume claims and volumes. ## Secrets Argo supports the same secrets syntax and mechanisms as Kubernetes Pod specs, which allows access to secrets as environment variables or volume mounts. See the [Kubernetes documentation](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/) for more information. ```yaml # To run this example, first create the secret by running: # kubectl create secret generic my-secret --from-literal=mypassword=S00perS3cretPa55word apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: secret-example- spec: entrypoint: whalesay # To access secrets as files, add a volume entry in spec.volumes[] and # then in the container template spec, add a mount using volumeMounts. volumes: - name: my-secret-vol secret: secretName: my-secret # name of an existing k8s secret templates: - name: whalesay container: image: alpine:3.7 command: [sh, -c] args: [' echo "secret from env: $MYSECRETPASSWORD"; echo "secret from file: `cat /secret/mountpath/mypassword`" '] # To access secrets as environment variables, use the k8s valueFrom and # secretKeyRef constructs. env: - name: MYSECRETPASSWORD # name of env var valueFrom: secretKeyRef: name: my-secret # name of an existing k8s secret key: mypassword # 'key' subcomponent of the secret volumeMounts: - name: my-secret-vol # mount file containing secret at /secret/mountpath mountPath: "/secret/mountpath" ``` ## Scripts & Results Often, we just want a template that executes a script specified as a here-script (also known as a `here document`) in the workflow spec. This example shows how to do that: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: scripts-bash- spec: entrypoint: bash-script-example templates: - name: bash-script-example steps: - - name: generate template: gen-random-int-bash - - name: print template: print-message arguments: parameters: - name: message value: "{{steps.generate.outputs.result}}" # The result of the here-script - name: gen-random-int-bash script: image: debian:9.4 command: [bash] source: | # Contents of the here-script cat /dev/urandom | od -N2 -An -i | awk -v f=1 -v r=100 '{printf "%i\n", f + r * $1 / 65536}' - name: gen-random-int-python script: image: python:alpine3.6 command: [python] source: | import random i = random.randint(1, 100) print(i) - name: gen-random-int-javascript script: image: node:9.1-alpine command: [node] source: | var rand = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100); console.log(rand); - name: print-message inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo result was: {{inputs.parameters.message}}"] ``` The `script` keyword allows the specification of the script body using the `source` tag. This creates a temporary file containing the script body and then passes the name of the temporary file as the final parameter to `command`, which should be an interpreter that executes the script body. The use of the `script` feature also assigns the standard output of running the script to a special output parameter named `result`. This allows you to use the result of running the script itself in the rest of the workflow spec. In this example, the result is simply echoed by the print-message template. ## Output Parameters Output parameters provide a general mechanism to use the result of a step as a parameter rather than as an artifact. This allows you to use the result from any type of step, not just a `script`, for conditional tests, loops, and arguments. Output parameters work similarly to `script result` except that the value of the output parameter is set to the contents of a generated file rather than the contents of `stdout`. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: output-parameter- spec: entrypoint: output-parameter templates: - name: output-parameter steps: - - name: generate-parameter template: whalesay - - name: consume-parameter template: print-message arguments: parameters: # Pass the hello-param output from the generate-parameter step as the message input to print-message - name: message value: "{{steps.generate-parameter.outputs.parameters.hello-param}}" - name: whalesay container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo -n hello world > /tmp/hello_world.txt"] # generate the content of hello_world.txt outputs: parameters: - name: hello-param # name of output parameter valueFrom: path: /tmp/hello_world.txt # set the value of hello-param to the contents of this hello-world.txt - name: print-message inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [cowsay] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"] ``` DAG templates use the tasks prefix to refer to another task, for example `{{tasks.generate-parameter.outputs.parameters.hello-param}}`. ## Loops When writing workflows, it is often very useful to be able to iterate over a set of inputs as shown in this example: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: loops- spec: entrypoint: loop-example templates: - name: loop-example steps: - - name: print-message template: whalesay arguments: parameters: - name: message value: "{{item}}" withItems: # invoke whalesay once for each item in parallel - hello world # item 1 - goodbye world # item 2 - name: whalesay inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [cowsay] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.message}}"] ``` We can also iterate over sets of items: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: loops-maps- spec: entrypoint: loop-map-example templates: - name: loop-map-example steps: - - name: test-linux template: cat-os-release arguments: parameters: - name: image value: "{{item.image}}" - name: tag value: "{{item.tag}}" withItems: - { image: 'debian', tag: '9.1' } #item set 1 - { image: 'debian', tag: '8.9' } #item set 2 - { image: 'alpine', tag: '3.6' } #item set 3 - { image: 'ubuntu', tag: '17.10' } #item set 4 - name: cat-os-release inputs: parameters: - name: image - name: tag container: image: "{{inputs.parameters.image}}:{{inputs.parameters.tag}}" command: [cat] args: [/etc/os-release] ``` We can pass lists of items as parameters: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: loops-param-arg- spec: entrypoint: loop-param-arg-example arguments: parameters: - name: os-list # a list of items value: | [ { "image": "debian", "tag": "9.1" }, { "image": "debian", "tag": "8.9" }, { "image": "alpine", "tag": "3.6" }, { "image": "ubuntu", "tag": "17.10" } ] templates: - name: loop-param-arg-example inputs: parameters: - name: os-list steps: - - name: test-linux template: cat-os-release arguments: parameters: - name: image value: "{{item.image}}" - name: tag value: "{{item.tag}}" withParam: "{{inputs.parameters.os-list}}" # parameter specifies the list to iterate over # This template is the same as in the previous example - name: cat-os-release inputs: parameters: - name: image - name: tag container: image: "{{inputs.parameters.image}}:{{inputs.parameters.tag}}" command: [cat] args: [/etc/os-release] ``` We can even dynamically generate the list of items to iterate over! ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: loops-param-result- spec: entrypoint: loop-param-result-example templates: - name: loop-param-result-example steps: - - name: generate template: gen-number-list # Iterate over the list of numbers generated by the generate step above - - name: sleep template: sleep-n-sec arguments: parameters: - name: seconds value: "{{item}}" withParam: "{{steps.generate.outputs.result}}" # Generate a list of numbers in JSON format - name: gen-number-list script: image: python:alpine3.6 command: [python] source: | import json import sys json.dump([i for i in range(20, 31)], sys.stdout) - name: sleep-n-sec inputs: parameters: - name: seconds container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo sleeping for {{inputs.parameters.seconds}} seconds; sleep {{inputs.parameters.seconds}}; echo done"] ``` ## Conditionals We also support conditional execution as shown in this example: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: coinflip- spec: entrypoint: coinflip templates: - name: coinflip steps: # flip a coin - - name: flip-coin template: flip-coin # evaluate the result in parallel - - name: heads template: heads # call heads template if "heads" when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == heads" - name: tails template: tails # call tails template if "tails" when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == tails" # Return heads or tails based on a random number - name: flip-coin script: image: python:alpine3.6 command: [python] source: | import random result = "heads" if random.randint(0,1) == 0 else "tails" print(result) - name: heads container: image: alpine:3.6 command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo \"it was heads\""] - name: tails container: image: alpine:3.6 command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo \"it was tails\""] ``` ## Recursion Templates can recursively invoke each other! In this variation of the above coin-flip template, we continue to flip coins until it comes up heads. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: coinflip-recursive- spec: entrypoint: coinflip templates: - name: coinflip steps: # flip a coin - - name: flip-coin template: flip-coin # evaluate the result in parallel - - name: heads template: heads # call heads template if "heads" when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == heads" - name: tails # keep flipping coins if "tails" template: coinflip when: "{{steps.flip-coin.outputs.result}} == tails" - name: flip-coin script: image: python:alpine3.6 command: [python] source: | import random result = "heads" if random.randint(0,1) == 0 else "tails" print(result) - name: heads container: image: alpine:3.6 command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo \"it was heads\""] ``` Here's the result of a couple of runs of coinflip for comparison. ```sh argo get coinflip-recursive-tzcb5 STEP PODNAME MESSAGE ✔ coinflip-recursive-vhph5 ├---✔ flip-coin coinflip-recursive-vhph5-2123890397 └-·-✔ heads coinflip-recursive-vhph5-128690560 └-○ tails STEP PODNAME MESSAGE ✔ coinflip-recursive-tzcb5 ├---✔ flip-coin coinflip-recursive-tzcb5-322836820 └-·-○ heads └-✔ tails ├---✔ flip-coin coinflip-recursive-tzcb5-1863890320 └-·-○ heads └-✔ tails ├---✔ flip-coin coinflip-recursive-tzcb5-1768147140 └-·-○ heads └-✔ tails ├---✔ flip-coin coinflip-recursive-tzcb5-4080411136 └-·-✔ heads coinflip-recursive-tzcb5-4080323273 └-○ tails ``` In the first run, the coin immediately comes up heads and we stop. In the second run, the coin comes up tail three times before it finally comes up heads and we stop. ## Exit handlers An exit handler is a template that *always* executes, irrespective of success or failure, at the end of the workflow. Some common use cases of exit handlers are: - cleaning up after a workflow runs - sending notifications of workflow status (e.g., e-mail/Slack) - posting the pass/fail status to a webhook result (e.g. GitHub build result) - resubmitting or submitting another workflow ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: exit-handlers- spec: entrypoint: intentional-fail onExit: exit-handler # invoke exit-hander template at end of the workflow templates: # primary workflow template - name: intentional-fail container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo intentional failure; exit 1"] # Exit handler templates # After the completion of the entrypoint template, the status of the # workflow is made available in the global variable {{workflow.status}}. # {{workflow.status}} will be one of: Succeeded, Failed, Error - name: exit-handler steps: - - name: notify template: send-email - name: celebrate template: celebrate when: "{{workflow.status}} == Succeeded" - name: cry template: cry when: "{{workflow.status}} != Succeeded" - name: send-email container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo send e-mail: {{workflow.name}} {{workflow.status}}"] - name: celebrate container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo hooray!"] - name: cry container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo boohoo!"] ``` ## Timeouts To limit the elapsed time for a workflow, you can set the variable `activeDeadlineSeconds`. ```yaml # To enforce a timeout for a container template, specify a value for activeDeadlineSeconds. apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: timeouts- spec: entrypoint: sleep templates: - name: sleep container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo sleeping for 1m; sleep 60; echo done"] activeDeadlineSeconds: 10 # terminate container template after 10 seconds ``` ## Volumes The following example dynamically creates a volume and then uses the volume in a two step workflow. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: volumes-pvc- spec: entrypoint: volumes-pvc-example volumeClaimTemplates: # define volume, same syntax as k8s Pod spec - metadata: name: workdir # name of volume claim spec: accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ] resources: requests: storage: 1Gi # Gi => 1024 * 1024 * 1024 templates: - name: volumes-pvc-example steps: - - name: generate template: whalesay - - name: print template: print-message - name: whalesay container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo generating message in volume; cowsay hello world | tee /mnt/vol/hello_world.txt"] # Mount workdir volume at /mnt/vol before invoking docker/whalesay volumeMounts: # same syntax as k8s Pod spec - name: workdir mountPath: /mnt/vol - name: print-message container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo getting message from volume; find /mnt/vol; cat /mnt/vol/hello_world.txt"] # Mount workdir volume at /mnt/vol before invoking docker/whalesay volumeMounts: # same syntax as k8s Pod spec - name: workdir mountPath: /mnt/vol ``` Volumes are a very useful way to move large amounts of data from one step in a workflow to another. Depending on the system, some volumes may be accessible concurrently from multiple steps. In some cases, you want to access an already existing volume rather than creating/destroying one dynamically. ```yaml # Define Kubernetes PVC kind: PersistentVolumeClaim apiVersion: v1 metadata: name: my-existing-volume spec: accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ] resources: requests: storage: 1Gi --- apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: volumes-existing- spec: entrypoint: volumes-existing-example volumes: # Pass my-existing-volume as an argument to the volumes-existing-example template # Same syntax as k8s Pod spec - name: workdir persistentVolumeClaim: claimName: my-existing-volume templates: - name: volumes-existing-example steps: - - name: generate template: whalesay - - name: print template: print-message - name: whalesay container: image: docker/whalesay:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo generating message in volume; cowsay hello world | tee /mnt/vol/hello_world.txt"] volumeMounts: - name: workdir mountPath: /mnt/vol - name: print-message container: image: alpine:latest command: [sh, -c] args: ["echo getting message from volume; find /mnt/vol; cat /mnt/vol/hello_world.txt"] volumeMounts: - name: workdir mountPath: /mnt/vol ``` ## Daemon Containers Argo workflows can start containers that run in the background (also known as `daemon containers`) while the workflow itself continues execution. Note that the daemons will be *automatically destroyed* when the workflow exits the template scope in which the daemon was invoked. Daemon containers are useful for starting up services to be tested or to be used in testing (e.g., fixtures). We also find it very useful when running large simulations to spin up a database as a daemon for collecting and organizing the results. The big advantage of daemons compared with sidecars is that their existence can persist across multiple steps or even the entire workflow. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: daemon-step- spec: entrypoint: daemon-example templates: - name: daemon-example steps: - - name: influx template: influxdb # start an influxdb as a daemon (see the influxdb template spec below) - - name: init-database # initialize influxdb template: influxdb-client arguments: parameters: - name: cmd value: curl -XPOST 'http://{{steps.influx.ip}}:8086/query' --data-urlencode "q=CREATE DATABASE mydb" - - name: producer-1 # add entries to influxdb template: influxdb-client arguments: parameters: - name: cmd value: for i in $(seq 1 20); do curl -XPOST 'http://{{steps.influx.ip}}:8086/write?db=mydb' -d "cpu,host=server01,region=uswest load=$i" ; sleep .5 ; done - name: producer-2 # add entries to influxdb template: influxdb-client arguments: parameters: - name: cmd value: for i in $(seq 1 20); do curl -XPOST 'http://{{steps.influx.ip}}:8086/write?db=mydb' -d "cpu,host=server02,region=uswest load=$((RANDOM % 100))" ; sleep .5 ; done - name: producer-3 # add entries to influxdb template: influxdb-client arguments: parameters: - name: cmd value: curl -XPOST 'http://{{steps.influx.ip}}:8086/write?db=mydb' -d 'cpu,host=server03,region=useast load=15.4' - - name: consumer # consume intries from influxdb template: influxdb-client arguments: parameters: - name: cmd value: curl --silent -G http://{{steps.influx.ip}}:8086/query?pretty=true --data-urlencode "db=mydb" --data-urlencode "q=SELECT * FROM cpu" - name: influxdb daemon: true # start influxdb as a daemon container: image: influxdb:1.2 restartPolicy: Always # restart container if it fails readinessProbe: # wait for readinessProbe to succeed httpGet: path: /ping port: 8086 - name: influxdb-client inputs: parameters: - name: cmd container: image: appropriate/curl:latest command: ["/bin/sh", "-c"] args: ["{{inputs.parameters.cmd}}"] resources: requests: memory: 32Mi cpu: 100m ``` DAG templates use the tasks prefix to refer to another task, for example `{{tasks.influx.ip}}`. ## Sidecars A sidecar is another container that executes concurrently in the same pod as the main container and is useful in creating multi-container pods. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: sidecar-nginx- spec: entrypoint: sidecar-nginx-example templates: - name: sidecar-nginx-example container: image: appropriate/curl command: [sh, -c] # Try to read from nginx web server until it comes up args: ["until `curl -G '' >& /tmp/out`; do echo sleep && sleep 1; done && cat /tmp/out"] # Create a simple nginx web server sidecars: - name: nginx image: nginx:1.13 ``` In the above example, we create a sidecar container that runs nginx as a simple web server. The order in which containers come up is random, so in this example the main container polls the nginx container until it is ready to service requests. This is a good design pattern when designing multi-container systems: always wait for any services you need to come up before running your main code. ## Hardwired Artifacts With Argo, you can use any container image that you like to generate any kind of artifact. In practice, however, we find certain types of artifacts are very common, so there is built-in support for git, http, and s3 artifacts. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: hardwired-artifact- spec: entrypoint: hardwired-artifact templates: - name: hardwired-artifact inputs: artifacts: # Check out the master branch of the argo repo and place it at /src # revision can be anything that git checkout accepts: branch, commit, tag, etc. - name: argo-source path: /src git: repo: https://github.com/argoproj/argo.git revision: "master" # Download kubectl 1.8.0 and place it at /bin/kubectl - name: kubectl path: /bin/kubectl mode: 0755 http: url: https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/v1.8.0/bin/linux/amd64/kubectl # Copy an s3 bucket and place it at /s3 - name: objects path: /s3 s3: endpoint: storage.googleapis.com bucket: my-bucket-name key: path/in/bucket accessKeySecret: name: my-s3-credentials key: accessKey secretKeySecret: name: my-s3-credentials key: secretKey container: image: debian command: [sh, -c] args: ["ls -l /src /bin/kubectl /s3"] ``` ## Kubernetes Resources In many cases, you will want to manage Kubernetes resources from Argo workflows. The resource template allows you to create, delete or updated any type of Kubernetes resource. ```yaml # in a workflow. The resource template type accepts any k8s manifest # (including CRDs) and can perform any kubectl action against it (e.g. create, # apply, delete, patch). apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: k8s-jobs- spec: entrypoint: pi-tmpl templates: - name: pi-tmpl resource: # indicates that this is a resource template action: create # can be any kubectl action (e.g. create, delete, apply, patch) # The successCondition and failureCondition are optional expressions. # If failureCondition is true, the step is considered failed. # If successCondition is true, the step is considered successful. # They use kubernetes label selection syntax and can be applied against any field # of the resource (not just labels). Multiple AND conditions can be represented by comma # delimited expressions. # For more details: https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/labels/ successCondition: status.succeeded > 0 failureCondition: status.failed > 3 manifest: | #put your kubernetes spec here apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: Job metadata: generateName: pi-job- spec: template: metadata: name: pi spec: containers: - name: pi image: perl command: ["perl", "-Mbignum=bpi", "-wle", "print bpi(2000)"] restartPolicy: Never backoffLimit: 4 ``` Resources created in this way are independent of the workflow. If you want the resource to be deleted when the workflow is deleted then you can use [Kubernetes garbage collection](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/garbage-collection/) with the workflow resource as an owner reference ([example](./k8s-owner-reference.yaml)). **Note:** When patching, the resource will accept another attribute, `mergeStrategy`, which can either be `strategic`, `merge`, or `json`. If this attribute is not supplied, it will default to `strategic`. Keep in mind that Custom Resources cannot be patched with `strategic`, so a different strategy must be chosen. For example, suppose you have the [CronTab CustomResourceDefinition](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/access-kubernetes-api/custom-resources/custom-resource-definitions/#create-a-customresourcedefinition) defined, and the following instance of a CronTab: ```yaml apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: CronTab spec: cronSpec: "* * * * */5" image: my-awesome-cron-image ``` This Crontab can be modified using the following Argo Workflow: ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: k8s-patch- spec: entrypoint: cront-tmpl templates: - name: cront-tmpl resource: action: patch mergeStrategy: merge # Must be one of [strategic merge json] manifest: | apiVersion: "stable.example.com/v1" kind: CronTab spec: cronSpec: "* * * * */10" image: my-awesome-cron-image ``` ## Docker-in-Docker Using Sidecars An application of sidecars is to implement Docker-in-Docker (DinD). DinD is useful when you want to run Docker commands from inside a container. For example, you may want to build and push a container image from inside your build container. In the following example, we use the docker:dind container to run a Docker daemon in a sidecar and give the main container access to the daemon. ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: sidecar-dind- spec: entrypoint: dind-sidecar-example templates: - name: dind-sidecar-example container: image: docker:17.10 command: [sh, -c] args: ["until docker ps; do sleep 3; done; docker run --rm debian:latest cat /etc/os-release"] env: - name: DOCKER_HOST # the docker daemon can be access on the standard port on localhost value: sidecars: - name: dind image: docker:17.10-dind # Docker already provides an image for running a Docker daemon securityContext: privileged: true # the Docker daemon can only run in a privileged container # mirrorVolumeMounts will mount the same volumes specified in the main container # to the sidecar (including artifacts), at the same mountPaths. This enables # dind daemon to (partially) see the same filesystem as the main container in # order to use features such as docker volume binding. mirrorVolumeMounts: true ``` ## Custom Template Variable Reference In this example, we can see how we can use the other template language variable reference (E.g: Jinja) in Argo workflow template. Argo will validate and resolve only the variable that starts with Argo allowed prefix {***"item", "steps", "inputs", "outputs", "workflow", "tasks"***} ```yaml apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Workflow metadata: generateName: custom-template-variable- spec: entrypoint: hello-hello-hello templates: - name: hello-hello-hello steps: - - name: hello1 template: whalesay arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello1"}] - - name: hello2a template: whalesay arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2a"}] - name: hello2b template: whalesay arguments: parameters: [{name: message, value: "hello2b"}] - name: whalesay inputs: parameters: - name: message container: image: docker/whalesay command: [cowsay] args: ["{{user.username}}"] ``` ## Continuous Integration Example Continuous integration is a popular application for workflows. Currently, Argo does not provide event triggers for automatically kicking off your CI jobs, but we plan to do so in the near future. Until then, you can easily write a cron job that checks for new commits and kicks off the needed workflow, or use your existing Jenkins server to kick off the workflow. A good example of a CI workflow spec is provided at https://github.com/argoproj/argo/tree/master/examples/influxdb-ci.yaml. Because it just uses the concepts that we've already covered and is somewhat long, we don't go into details here.