# Change Log This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](http://semver.org/). ## 4.23.2 * Updated Firefox ESR. ## 4.23.1 * Fixed feature query with mobile to desktop when caniuse lags (by @steverep). ## 4.23.0 * Added `BROWSERSLIST_ROOT_PATH` (by @teleclimber). ## 4.22.3 * Fixed white spaces support in `supports` query (@g-plane). * Fixed shared config like `@company/package/browserslist-config` (@boucodes). ## 4.22.2 * Fixed idempotency in time queries with `mobileToDesktop` (by Aliaksei Sapach). ## 4.22.1 * Updated Firefox ESR (by @lerkor). ## 4.22 * Added `fully supports` query (by Ben Scott). * Added `partially supports` alias for `supports` query (by Ben Scott). ## 4.21.11 * Added warning to `--update-db` to move to new CLI (by Ivan Vasilev). * Fixed docs (by Tatsunori Uchino). ## 4.21.10 * Updated Firefox ESR. ## 4.21.9 * Fixed Opera Mobile edge cases (by Steve Repsher). ## 4.21.8 * Fixed `supports` query and `mobileToDesktop` (by Steve Repsher). ## 4.21.7 * Fixed last queries for Android (by Steve Repsher). ## 4.21.6 * Fixed time queries with `mobileToDesktop` (by Steve Repsher). * Fixed docs (by Tatsunori Uchino, Will Stone, and Dominik Pschenitschni). ## 4.21.5 * Fixed running Browserslist in browser environment. ## 4.21.4 * Updated Firefox ESR. ## 4.21.3 * Improved unknown region and unknown feature error (by Alexander Chabin). ## 4.21.2 * Updated Firefox ESR. ## 4.21.1 * Fixed parsing days in `since` query. ## 4.21 * IE 11 was added to `dead` and removed from `defaults` (by Albert Portnoy). * Added `browserslist.parse()` to get config AST for analysis. * Moved `--update-db` script to `update-browserslist-db` tool. * Fixed Unicode BOM support in `package.json`. ## 4.20.4 * Fixed Opera in `mobileToDesktop` (by Pig Fang). ## 4.20.3 * Added `Baidu` to `dead` browsers (by Igor Lukanin). ## 4.20.2 * Fixed `package.funding` URL format. ## 4.20.1 * Fixed `package.funding`. * Fixed docs (by Michael Lohmann). ## 4.20 * Added `last 2 node versions` and `last 2 node major versions` (by @g-plane). ## 4.19.3 * Updated Firefox ESR (by Christophe Coevoet). ## 4.19.2 * Fixed `--help` output. ## 4.19.1 * Fixed `throwOnMissing` types (by Øyvind Saltvik). ## 4.19 * Added queries grammar definition (by Pig Fang). * Added `throwOnMissing` option (by Øyvind Saltvik). * Fixed `null` data ignoring in `< 50% in CN` (byPig Fang). * Fixed data parsing in `in my stats` (by Sun Xiaoran). * Fixed `yarn.lock` support with `integrity` (by Alexey Berezin). * Fixed Yarn Berry error message in `--update-db`. ## 4.18.1 * Fixed case inventiveness for `cover` queries (by Pig Fang). * Fixed `since 1970` query for `null` in release date (by Pig Fang). ## 4.18 * Added `--ignore-unknown-versions` CLI option (by Pig Fang). ## 4.17.6 * Fixed sharable config resolution (by Adaline Valentina Simonian). ## 4.17.5 * Fixed `--update-db` for some `pnpm` cases. ## 4.17.4 * Reduced package size. ## 4.17.3 * Use `picocolors` for color output in `--update-db`. ## 4.17.2 * Reduced package size. ## 4.17.1 * Use Nano Colors for color output in `--update-db`. ## 4.17 * Added `yarn` 3 support to `--update-db` (by Himank Pathak). ## 4.16.8 * Updated Firefox ESR. ## 4.16.7 * Fixed `oudated caniuse-lite` warning text (by Paul Verest). * Fixed docs (by Alexander Belov). ## 4.16.6 * Fixed `npm-shrinkwrap.json` support in `--update-db` (by Geoff Newman). ## 4.16.5 * Fixed unsafe RegExp (by Yeting Li). ## 4.16.4 * Fixed unsafe RegExp. * Added artifactory support to `--update-db` (by Ittai Baratz). ## 4.16.3 * Fixed `--update-db`. ## 4.16.2 * Fixed `--update-db` (by @ialarmedalien). ## 4.16.1 * Fixed Chrome 4 with `mobileToDesktop` (by Aron Woost). ## 4.16 * Add `browserslist config` query. ## 4.15 * Add TypeScript types (by Dmitry Semigradsky). ## 4.14.7 * Fixed Yarn Workspaces support to `--update-db` (by Fausto Núñez Alberro). * Added browser changes to `--update-db` (by @AleksandrSl). * Added color output to `--update-db`. * Updated `package.funding` to have link to our Open Collective. ## 4.14.6 * Fixed Yarn support in `--update-db` (by Ivan Storck). * Fixed npm 7 support in `--update-db`. ## 4.14.5 * Fixed `last 2 electron versions` query (by Sergey Melyukov). ## 4.14.4 * Fixed `Unknown version 59 of op_mob` error. ## 4.14.3 * Update Firefox ESR. ## 4.14.2 * Fixed `--update-db` on Windows (by James Ross). * Improved `--update-db` output. ## 4.14.1 * Added `--update-db` explanation (by Justin Zelinsky). ## 4.14 * Add `BROWSERSLIST_DANGEROUS_EXTEND` support (by Timo Mayer). ## 4.13 * Added `supports` query to select browsers (by Jesús Leganés-Combarro). ## 4.12.2 * Update Firefox ESR. ## 4.12.1 * Update `package.json` scanning tool for `--update-db` (by Luke Edwards). * Improve docs (by Mukundan Senthil). * Drop Node.js 13.0-13.6 support because of ES modules bug in that versions. ## 4.12 * Add environments to shared configs (by Yevgeny Petukhov). * Fix docs (by Dmitry Statsenko and Thomas Pozzo di Borgo). ## 4.11.1 * Fix Node.js 6 support. ## 4.11 * Add `npx browserslist --mobile-to-desktop` (by James Ross). ## 4.10 * Add `npx browserslist --update-db` (by Ivan Solovev). ## 4.9.1 * Normalize incorrect Can I Use regional data (by Huáng Jùnliàng). ## 4.9 * Add `node X-Y` query support (by Yuping Zuo). ## 4.8.7 * Fix `last N major versions` (by Valeriy Trubachev). ## 4.8.6 * Fix `Unknown version 10 of op_mob` error in `mobileToDesktop` option. ## 4.8.5 * Fix `last N browsers` again after new `caniuse-db` API changes. ## 4.8.4 * Fix released versions detection for queries like `last N browsers`. * Add IE 11 Mobile to `dead` browsers. ## 4.8.3 * Fix warning message (by Anton Ivanov). ## 4.8.2 * Fix `Cannot convert undefined or null to object` (by Antoine Clausse). * Fix `mobileToDesktop` in `defaults` (by Huáng Jùnliàng). ## 4.8.1 * Fix Chrome and `mobileToDesktop` (by Huáng Jùnliàng). ## 4.8 * Add `> 5% in browserslist-config-my stats` query (by Andrew Leedham). * Improve docs (by Danny van Kooten). ## 4.7.3 * Add funding link for `npm fund`. ## 4.7.2 * Add cache for query parsing. * Improve config caching (by Kārlis Gaņģis). * Update Firefox ESR. ## 4.7.1 * Improve caching. ## 4.7 * Add PhantomJS queries. * Improve docs (by Dorian Koehring). ## 4.6.6 * Remove Safari from `dead` query. ## 4.6.5 * Add Samsung 4 browser to `dead` query. * Remove dirty fix for `android all` error. ## 4.6.4 * Add Firefox 68 to `Firefox ESR` query. ## 4.6.3 * Dirty fix for `android all` error. ## 4.6.2 * Fix `last x version` and similar queries for Android (by Tony Ross). ## 4.6.1 * Fix patch version support for Electron (by Kilian Valkhof). ## 4.6 * Add `mobileToDesktop` option (by Nicolò Ribaudo). ## 4.5.6 * Make `Node > 5` and `node > 5` queries case insensitive. ## 4.5.5 * Fix CLI help (by Marcel Gerber). * Add KaiOS browser to docs. ## 4.5.4 * Update docs (by Andrew Leedham and Dan Onoshko). ## 4.5.3 * Fix splitting string to queries. ## 4.5.2 * Show default browsers in CLI on project without config. ## 4.5.1 * Improve text for the warning about outdated `caniuse-lite`. ## 4.5 * Add `>=`, `>`, and `<=` support for Node.js version (by Mathspy Terabithian). ## 4.4.2 * Allow to have string in `package.json` (by @dmarkhas). ## 4.4.1 * Allow to use `.` in scope name of shareable config (by Gustav Nikolaj). ## 4.4 * Added `and` and `or` keywords to combine queries (by Jon Ege Ronnenberg). ## 4.3.7 * Fix fraction years support in `last 1.5 years` (by Clément P). * Fix version-less browser support. ## 4.3.6 * Fix version-less browser support in custom statistics (by Alex Walter). ## 4.3.5 * Fix `not` query for wrong Can I Use data. ## 4.3.4 * Allow to update `node-releases` without new Browserslist releases. ## 4.3.3 * Fix Node.js 11 support. ## 4.3.2 * Fix `Unknown version 11 of Node.js` error (by Dan Onoshko). ## 4.3.1 * Fix conflict between `caniuse-lite` and custom browsers statistics. ## 4.3 * Allow to use `extends browserslist-config-a/file` (by @Schweinepriester). ## 4.2.1 * Use new `node-releases` support (by Sergey Rubanov). ## 4.2 * Add `--json` argument for CLI. * Allow to pass multiple areas in CLI by `--coverage=US,alt-AS,global`. ## 4.1.2 * Better `unknow query` error message. * Use latest `node-releases`. ## 4.1.1 * Update Firefox ESR versions. ## 4.1 * Add `current node` query. * Add contributors widget to docs (by Sergey Surkov). ## 4.0.2 * Fix new `node-releases` support (by Sergey Rubanov). * Fix error text (by Josh Smith). ## 4.0.1 * Reduce npm package size. * Fix docs. ## 4.0.0 “Erinaceus amurensis” * Add `node X` and `maintained node versions` queries (by Pavel Vostrikov). * Remove Node.js 4 support. * Show warning if `caniuse-lite` is old (by Anton Tuzhik). * Add comma support in config file. ## 3.2.8 * Add IE 9-5.5 to dead browsers. * Remove development configs from npm package. ## 3.2.7 * Add Firefox 60 as Firefox ESR. ## 3.2.6 * Add Opera Mini 12 to dead browsers. * Update docs (by Jamie Kyle). ## 3.2.5 * Fix excluding Opera Mini and other browsers with `all` version. ## 3.2.4 * Resolve shareable config from current working directory. ## 3.2.3 * Fix `package.json` config validation for single string case. * Fix CLI error reporting. ## 3.2.2 * Add `package.json` config validation. * Move project to `browserlist` GitHub organization. ## 3.2.1 * Fix error text (by Steve Schrab). ## 3.2 * Add `cover 99%` query (by Vasily Fedoseyev). * Add `cover 99% in US` query (by Vasily Fedoseyev). * Add `cover 99% in my stats` query (by Vasily Fedoseyev). * Add `"my stats"` support to `browserlist.coverage()` (by Vasily Fedoseyev). ## 3.1.2 * Add more clear error on missed browser version. ## 3.1.1 * Fix JSDoc (by Sylvain Pollet-Villard). ## 3.1 * Add `ignoreUnknownVersions` option. * Fix docs (by Pascal Duez). ## 3.0 “Atelerix sclateri” * Remove country statistics from client-side build of Browserslist. * Change `> 1%` to `> 0.5%` in default query. * Add `not dead` to default query. * Change default environment to `production` (by Marco Fugaro). * Add `dead` query support with IE 10 and BlackBerry browser. * Add multiple environments in one section support (by Evilebot Tnawi). * Add custom statistics support to `browserlist.coverage()`. * Fix `path` option check. ## 2.11.3 * Fix for `path: undefined` option. ## 2.11.2 * Remove Node.js specific code from webpack build. ## 2.11.1 * Fix using Browserslist in browser with `path` but without `fs`. ## 2.11 * Add `last 2 years` query support (by James Harris). ## 2.10.2 * Fix Browserify support. ## 2.10.1 * Fix using Browserslist without `process` (by Andrew Patton). ## 2.10 * Add `< 1%` and `<= 1%` queries support (by August Kaiser). ## 2.9.1 * Fix unknown query on trailing spaces in query. ## 2.9 * Add `last Electron versions` and `last Electron major versions` queries (by Louis Mouhat). ## 2.8 * Add `since 2016-03` and `since 2016-03-20` queries support (by Andrew Blick). ## 2.7 * Add `since 2016` queries support (by Igor Deryabin). ## 2.6.1 * Fix `Path must be a string` error. ## 2.6 * By default load config from current directory in CLI tool. ## 2.5.1 * Allow `@scope/browserlist-config` config name (by Jamie Connolly). ## 2.5 * Add `extends` query (by YellowKirby). ## 2.4.1 * Throw error if `package.json` contain `browserlist` instead of `browserslist`. ## 2.4 * Add `last n major versions` query (by John Sanders). ## 2.3.3 * Fix browsers support. ## 2.3.2 * Fix `> 0` query for browsers with one version (by Nikolay Solovyov). ## 2.3.1 * Reduce library size. ## 2.3 * Add `unreleased versions` and `unreleased Chrome versions` queries. ## 2.2.2 * Fix `Path must be a string` error (by Pieter Beulque). ## 2.2.1 * Fix security issue with regions dynamic `require`. ## 2.2 * Add region usage statistics support (by Clément P). ## 2.1.5 * Remove Firefox 45 from Firefox ESR. ## 2.1.4 * Use both ESR versions when they actual. ## 2.1.3 * Add warning on first exclude query. ## 2.1.2 * Fix non-Node.js environments support. ## 2.1.1 * Fix CLI arguments parsing. ## 2.1 * Add `>= 5%`, `>= 5% in US` and `>= 5% in my stats` queries. ## 2.0 “Atelerix frontalis” * `last n versions` returns versions for all browsers, not only main browsers. * Cache file system operations (by Aarni Koskela). * Use `caniuse-lite` 1 MB instead of `caniuse-db` 7 MB (by Ben Briggs). * Add `.browserslistrc` config support. * Add QQ Browser for Android support. * Add tests for CLI (by Zhulduz Zhankenova). ## 1.7.7 * Update Firefox ESR. ## 1.7.6 * Fix Android Chrome selection. ## 1.7.5 * Fix combining `not` query with country based statistics. * Fix `--env` argument in CLI (by Tuure Savuoja). ## 1.7.4 * Speed up browser sorting (by Aarni Koskela). ## 1.7.3 * Fix config finding when directory was passed to `path` (by Aarni Koskela). ## 1.7.2 * Fix config finding algorithm (by Aarni Koskela). ## 1.7.1 * Fix unreleased browsers version detection. ## 1.7 * Add `--config` and `--env` arguments to CLI (by Jarek Rencz). ## 1.6 * Convert Electron version to Chrome (by Kilian Valkhof). * Fix `0` version mistake in Can I Use data. ## 1.5.2 * Fix browser versions ordering (by Marco Massarotto). ## 1.5.1 * Fix error on `package.json` and `browserslist` in same directory. ## 1.5 * Add `package.json` support (by Stepan Kuzmin). * Add environments support (by Maksim Semenov and openlibser). * Add `browserslist-stats.json` file support (by Oleh Aloshkin). * Add `config` option to CLI (by Evilebot Tnawi). * Add JSDoc. * Fix tests on Windows (by Anna Stoliar). * Don’t set custom usage statistics globally. ## 1.4 * Add `defaults` keyword. ## 1.3.6 * Add `UCAndroid` alias to `and_uc` (by Evilebot Tnawi). ## 1.3.5 * Fix Opera Mini support. Use `op_mini all`. ## 1.3.4 * Add space-less `>1%` and `>.5%` syntax support (by Andreas Lind). ## 1.3.3 * Clean `0` versions in some country-based requests. ## 1.3.2 * Update Firefox ESR. ## 1.3.1 * Add Safari TP support. ## 1.3 * Add coverage for specific country (by Joshua Wise). ## 1.2 * Add `browserslist.coverage()` method. * Add `--coverage` and `-c` argument to CLI. * Add `-v` argument support to CLI. * Better error handling in CLI. ## 1.1.3 * Fix jspm support (by Sean Anderson). ## 1.1.2 * Fix jspm support (by Sean Anderson). ## 1.1.1 * Fix space-less `>10%` and `>10% in my stats` queries. * Normalize error messages. * Remove development files from npm package. ## 1.1 * Added query against custom browser usage data (by Daniel Rey). ## 1.0.1 * Update Firefox ESR (by Rouven Weßling). ## 1.0 “Atelerix algirus” * Remove Opera 12.1 from default query. * Add `not` keyword and exclude browsers by query. * Add Microsoft Edge support (by Andrey Polischuk). * Add CLI for debug and non-JS usage (by Luke Horvat). * Use own class in Browserslist errors. ## 0.5 * Add version ranges `IE 6-9` (by Ben Briggs). ## 0.4 * Add `config` option and `BROWSERSLIST_CONFIG` environment variable support. * Add symlink config support. ## 0.3.3 * Fix DynJS compatibility (by Nick Howes). ## 0.3.2 * Fix joined versions on versions query (by Vincent De Oliveira). ## 0.3.1 * Fix global variable leak (by Peter Müller). ## 0.3 * Takes queries from `BROWSERSLIST` environment variable. ## 0.2 * Return Can I Use joined versions as `ios_saf 7.0-7.1`. ## 0.1.3 * Better work with Can I Use joined versions like `ios_saf 7.0-7.1`. * Browserslist now understands `ios_saf 7.0` or `ios_saf 7`. ## 0.1.2 * Do not create global `browserslist` var (by Maxime Thirouin). ## 0.1.1 * Sort browsers by name and version. ## 0.1 “Atelerix albiventris” * Initial release.