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Tags: br3ndonland/inboard



Toggle 0.60.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.107 and Starlette 0.28** (7d19e10)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.107](
[Starlette 0.28](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI and Starlette versioning.

FastAPI 0.107 updates to Starlette 0.28. Starlette 0.28 moves exception
handling to the `Route` class and adds an error message if `TestClient`
runs without HTTPX installed.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.59.0 to 0.60.0 (2be52ab)
- Update to FastAPI 0.107 and Starlette 0.28 (7d19e10)
- Update changelog for version 0.59.0 (#92) (92d281d)


Toggle 0.59.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.106** (e3ece81)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.106](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning.

In FastAPI 0.74 (released in inboard 0.18.0 - 2022-03-05), the internal
`AsyncExitStack` was updated so that dependencies with `yield` could
catch exceptions like `HTTPException`.

FastAPI 0.106 builds on the 0.74 updates by introducing the ability to
raise exceptions after `yield`. This update includes a BREAKING CHANGE
because objects from dependencies with `yield` can no longer be used in
background tasks. The recommendation in the
[FastAPI docs](
for updating background tasks is:

> If you used to rely on this behavior, now you should create the
> resources for background tasks inside the background task itself, and
> use internally only data that doesn't depend on the resources of
> dependencies with `yield`.
> For example, instead of using the same database session, you would
> create a new database session inside of the background task, and you
> would obtain the objects from the database using this new session. And
> then instead of passing the object from the database as a parameter to
> the background task function, you would pass the ID of that object and
> then obtain the object again inside the background task function.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.58.0 to 0.59.0 (893fa7e)
- Update to FastAPI 0.106 (e3ece81)
- Update changelog for version 0.58.0 (#91) (0997ad3)


Toggle 0.58.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.105** (5bc3013)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.105](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning.

FastAPI 0.105 adds support for `Annotated` dependencies with multiple
type annotations.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.57.0 to 0.58.0 (e3eee4d)
- Update to FastAPI 0.105 (5bc3013)
- Update to `mypy==1.8.0` (2529780)
- Update to `hatch==1.9.1` (65e7363)
- Update to `pipx==1.4.0` (66f9560)
- Update to `pipx==1.3.3` (fb08b72)
- Update changelog for version 0.57.0 (#90) (f867910)


Toggle 0.57.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.104** (882084c)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.104](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning.

FastAPI 0.104 drops support for Python 3.7 and adds API reference docs
available [here](

**Switch from pre-commit to Hatch scripts** (#89, 1a5450b)

pre-commit runs Git hooks. It can run on different Git events like
`pre-push` and can also easily run on CI (continuous integration)
platforms like GitHub Actions. These pre-commit hooks are often related
to code quality and help ensure code quality checks are continuously
enforced. While it is helpful for continuously running code quality
checks, pre-commit also has some downsides as detailed in #89.

This project was previously migrated from Poetry to Hatch in version
0.38.0 - 2023-02-26. As of this release, the project's code quality
checks will be migrated from pre-commit to Hatch scripts.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.56.1 to 0.57.0 (a500ab1)
- Update to FastAPI 0.104 (882084c)
- Switch from pre-commit to Hatch scripts (#89) (1a5450b)
- Add attribute lists to CSpell `ignoreRegExpList` (03ac3f7)
- Update changelog for version 0.56.1 (#88) (1006821)


Toggle 0.56.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Fix `uvicorn[standard]` version** (be409c4)

Uvicorn was updated to version 0.23.2 in 2590d8a and 0.56.0, but the
version number for `uvicorn[standard]` was not updated correspondingly.
This release will update `uvicorn[standard]` to 0.23.2.

**Update to Material for MkDocs 9** (ab692a3, 90f75b0)

Docs will now be built with
[Material for MkDocs 9](
The most notable user-facing change is the new dark theme color palette,
which has undergone a few small changes since its release in version
9.4.0 (squidfunk/mkdocs-material#6061).
Code block copy behavior has undergone some small changes as well. Code
blocks in the documentation have been reformatted for easier copying.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.56.0 to 0.56.1 (0dba457)
- Fix `uvicorn[standard]` version (be409c4)
- Add docs deployment info to (141d8e5)
- Remove Material for MkDocs version from README (b415bf4)
- Configure Material for MkDocs code block copy (90f75b0)
- Update to Material for MkDocs 9 (ab692a3)
- Relax upper bound on HTTPX (f49d205)
- Update to `mypy==1.7.0` (140dac6)
- Update changelog for version 0.56.0 (#86) (18f2052)


Toggle 0.56.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to Uvicorn 0.23.2** (2590d8a)

This release will update/upgrade from Uvicorn 0.22.0 to
[Uvicorn 0.23.2](
This is a minor release to align with Uvicorn versioning.

to Uvicorn since 0.22.0 include:

- Drop support for Python 3.7
- Switch to a vendored copy of `asgiref.typing` at `uvicorn._types`
- Add a new option `--ws-max-queue`
- Make a small scope change in

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.55.0 to 0.56.0 (4b92cef)
- Update to Uvicorn 0.23.2 (2590d8a)
- Update changelog for version 0.55.0 (#85) (62ec752)


Toggle 0.55.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.103** (b6aef8b)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.103](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning

FastAPI 0.103 adds support for an `openapi_examples` keyword argument
as described in the
and sets a temporary upper bound on AnyIO of `anyio>=3.7.1,<4.0.0`,
separately from Starlette, to help with the update to Starlette 0.31.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.54.0 to 0.55.0 (f2acd2c)
- Update to FastAPI 0.103 (b6aef8b)
- Update changelog for version 0.54.0 (#84) (b348793)


Toggle 0.54.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.102**

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.102](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning.

FastAPI 0.101 added support for
[Pydantic computed fields](
and altered responses to use
[Pydantic serialization](
The change to Pydantic serialization in FastAPI 0.101 separated input
and output schemas, altering responses and OpenAPI schema generation.
Due to the lack of backwards compatibility and the associated issues
([tiangolo/fastapi#10011 (comment)](tiangolo/fastapi#10011 (comment)),
the update to FastAPI 0.101 may be a **BREAKING CHANGE** for some users.

FastAPI 0.102 builds on the serialization changes introduced in 0.101 by
adding docs explaining the serialization behavior and by adding a new
optional keyword argument for disabling the new behavior.

If the Pydantic serialization behavior affects your project adversely,
disable it with `separate_input_output_schemas=False` on the FastAPI app
(`app = FastAPI(separate_input_output_schemas=False)`) as shown in the
[FastAPI docs](

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.53.0 to 0.54.0 (59a3dd0)
- Update changelog for version 0.53.0 (#83) (04dfec9)
- Update to FastAPI 0.102 (05abd20)


Toggle 0.53.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.101** (9d54839)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.101](

FastAPI 0.101 adds support for
[Pydantic computed fields](
and alters responses to use
[Pydantic serialization](
The change to Pydantic serialization in FastAPI 0.101 separates input
and output schemas, altering responses and OpenAPI schema generation.
Due to the lack of backwards compatibility and the associated issues
([tiangolo/fastapi#10011 (comment)](tiangolo/fastapi#10011 (comment)),
the update to FastAPI 0.101 may be a **BREAKING CHANGE** for some users.

How to deal with this breaking change:

- If this change affects your project adversely, skip FastAPI 0.101 and
  update to FastAPI 0.102 (upcoming in the next inboard release).
- Set `separate_input_output_schemas=False` on the FastAPI app instance
  (`app = FastAPI(separate_input_output_schemas=False)`) as shown in the
  [FastAPI docs](

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.52.0 to 0.53.0 (825b08c)
- Update to FastAPI 0.101 (9d54839)
- Update changelog for version 0.52.0 (#82) (9c18aa0)


Toggle 0.52.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
br3ndonland Brendon Smith

### Changes

**Update to FastAPI 0.100** (de4d583)

This release will update/upgrade to
[FastAPI 0.100](
This is a minor release to align with FastAPI versioning.

FastAPI 0.100 includes support for
[Pydantic 2](
and installs Pydantic 2 by default, which can be a **BREAKING CHANGE**
depending on each project's usage of Pydantic.

How to deal with this breaking change:

- First, update requirements files with `"pydantic==1.*"` to avoid
  automatically updating to Pydantic 2.
- Next, remove `"pydantic==1.*"` from requirements files,
  install Pydantic 2, and follow the
  [Pydantic 2 migration guide](

**Remove Poetry 1.1 from Docker images** (b36b351)

As described in the changelog entry for
[inboard 0.38]( and
the [inboard docs](,
inboard switched its dependency management and packaging from Poetry 1.1
to Hatch. Poetry 1.1 was retained in the inboard Docker images for
backwards compatibility, but Poetry 1.1 is unmaintained and so it must
eventually be removed.

This release will remove Poetry 1.1 from the inboard Docker images.
This is a **BREAKING CHANGE**.

How to deal with this breaking change:

- If you are not using Poetry there are no changes needed.
- If you are still using Poetry add `RUN pipx install poetry`
  to your Dockerfile.

### Commits

- Bump version from 0.51.0 to 0.52.0 (be3c16c)
- Update to FastAPI 0.100 (de4d583)
- Remove Poetry 1.1 from Docker images (b36b351)
- Update changelog for version 0.51.0 (#81) (fbda899)