- 1984 Westfalia
- https://botandrose.com
Integrate Dart Sass with Sprockets (Ruby on Rails asset pipeline)
Implementation of the repository pattern for ActiveRecord, splitting domain model and persistence classes
botandrose / adva_cms
Forked from svenfuchs/adva_cmscutting edge cms, blog, wiki, forum ...
botandrose / hamlbars
Forked from jimsynz/hamlbarsSome extensions to HAML to allow generation of Handlebars templates.
botandrose / haml2handlebars
Forked from elia/haml2erbConvert Haml templates to Erb!
Rack middleware for resizing proxied requests for images which don't reside on your own servers.
botandrose / anemone
Forked from chriskite/anemoneAnemone web-spider framework
Replaces WYMEditor with CKEditor in Refinery CMS. Also adds drag and drop sidebars for Images and Files.
Rack middleware for resizing proxied requests for images which don't reside on your own servers.
Some extensions to HAML to allow generation of Handlebars templates.
botandrose / input_css
Forked from rpheath/input_cssRails plugin: provides a default CSS class on all INPUT fields based on the type attribute - perfect for designers.
Sprockets preprocessor to losslessly compress .png and .jpg images.
Rack middleware to rewrite the links on both the request and the response.
botandrose / bard-static
Forked from kiskolabs/carpentryHandcrafted prototypes for Rails
botandrose / automaker
Forked from nhogle/automakerNot autotest, not autospec, but automake(r)
Run Jasmine JavaScript unit tests, integrate them into Ruby applications.
botandrose / jslint_on_rails
Forked from mackuba/jslint_on_railsJSLint JavaScript checker wrapped in a Rails plugin for easier use
our hacks to exception_logger
Clone of SVN repository for Scott Rutherford's excellent fckeditor Rails plugin