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716 lines (448 loc) · 19.4 KB

File metadata and controls

716 lines (448 loc) · 19.4 KB

Change Log

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.

Not released:


  • Fix hasName method for empty name cases


  • Remove dependencies from npm package


  • Better find and findOne lookup. Now we should not care about duplicate ids.
  • Better typescript definitions


  • new property shape.hitStrokeWidth(10)
  • Better typescript definitions
  • Remove Object.assign usage (for IE11 support)


  • Better modules and TS types


  • Fix commonjs exports
  • Fix global injections


  • Make Konva modular: import Konva from 'konva/lib/Core';;
  • Fix incorrect Transformer behavior
  • Fix drag&drop for touch devices



Customs builds are temporary removed from npm package. You can not use import Konva from 'konva/src/Core';. This feature will be added back later.

Possibly breaking

That changes are private and internal specific. They should not break most of Konva apps.

  • Konva.Util.addMethods is removed
  • Konva.Util._removeLastLetter is removed
  • Konva.Util._getImage is removed
  • Konv.Util._getRGBAString is removed
  • Konv.Util._merge is removed
  • Removed polyfill for requestAnimationFrame.
  • id and name properties defaults are empty strings, not undefined
  • internal _cache property was updated to use es2015 Map instead of {}.
  • Konva.Validators is removed.


  • Show a warning when a stage has too many layers
  • Show a warning on duplicate ids
  • Show a warning on weird class in Node.create parsing from JSON
  • Show a warning for incorrect value for component setters.
  • Show a warning for incorrect value for zIndex property.
  • Show a warning when user is trying to reuse destroyed shape.
  • new publish method measureSize(string) for Konva.Text
  • You can configure what mouse buttons can be used for drag&drop. To enable right button you can use Konva.dragButtons = [0, 1].
  • Now you can hide stage stage.visible(false). It will set its container display style to "none".
  • New method stage.setPointersPositions(event). Usually you don't need to use it manually.
  • New method layer.toggleHitCanvas() to show and debug hit areas


  • Full rewrite to Typescript with tons of refactoring and small optimizations. The public API should be 100% the same
  • Fixed patternImage and radialGradient for Konva.Text
  • Konva.Util._isObject is renamed to Konva.Util._isPlainObject.
  • A bit changed behavior of removeId (private method), now it doesn't clear node ref, if object is changed.
  • simplified batchDraw method (it doesn't use Konva.Animation) now.
  • Performance improvements for shapes will image patterns, linear and radial fills
  • text.getTextHeight() is deprecated. Use text.height() or text.fontSize() instead.
  • Private method stage._setPointerPosition() is deprecated. Use stage.setPointersPositions(event);


  • Better mouse support on mobile devices (yes, that is possible to connect mouse to mobile)
  • Better implementation of mouseover event for stage
  • Fixed underline drawing for text with lineHeight !== 1
  • Fixed some caching behavior when a node has globalCompositeOperation.
  • Fixed automatic updates for Konva.Transformer
  • Fixed container change for a stage.
  • Fixed warning for width and height attributes for Konva.Text
  • Fixed gradient drawing for Konva.Text
  • Fixed rendering with strokeWidth = 0



  • Performance fixes when cached node has many children
  • Better drawing for shape with strokeScaleEnabled = false on HDPI devices


  • New ignoreStroke for Konva.Transformer. Good to use when a shape has strokeScaleEnabled = false


  • getKerning TextPath API is deprecated. Use kerningFunc instead.



  • Use custom functions for trimRight and trimLeft (for better browsers support)



  • New anchorCornerRadius for Konva.Transformer


  • Performance fixes for caching


  • dragstart event behavior is a bit changed. It will fire BEFORE actual position of a node is changed.



  • Fixed a wrong cache when a shape inside group has listening = false



  • Added some text trim logic to wrap in better


  • getClientRect for complex paths fixes
  • getClientRect calculation fix for groups
  • Update Konva.Transformer on rotateEnabled change
  • Fix click stage event on dragend
  • Fix some Transformer cursor behavior



  • Centered resize with ALT key for Konva.Transformer
  • New centeredScaling for Konva.Transformer


  • Tween support for gradient properties
  • Add user-select: none to the stage container to fix some "selected contend around" issues



  • new methods path.getLength() and path.getPointAtLength(val)
  • verticalAlign for Konva.Text



  • Default duration for tweens and methods is now 300ms
  • Typescript fixes
  • Automatic validations for many attributes



  • New properties for Konva.Transformer: borderStroke, borderStrokeWidth, borderDash, anchorStroke, anchorStrokeWidth, anchorSize.


  • Some properties of Konva.Transformer are renamed. lineEnabled -> borderEnabled. rotateHandlerOffset -> rotateAnchorOffset, enabledHandlers -> enabledAnchors.



  • Some Konva.Transformer fixes
  • Typescript fixes
  • stage.toDataURL() fixes when it has hidden layers
  • shape.toDataURL() automatically adjust position and size of resulted image



  • toObject fixes



  • Some drag&drop fixes



  • Removed wrong dep
  • Typescript fixes



  • Typescript fixes
  • add shape as second argument for sceneFunc and hitFunc



  • Fixed Konva.Text justify drawing for a text with decoration
  • Added methods data(),setData() and getData() methods to Konva.TextPath
  • Correct cache reset for Konva.Transformer



  • Konva.Transformer automatically track shape changes
  • Konva.Transformer works with shapes with offset too



  • Cursor fixes for Konva.Transformer
  • Fixed lineHeight behavior for Konva.Text
  • Some performance optimizations for Konva.Text
  • Better wrap algorithm for Konva.Text
  • fixed Konva.Arrow with tension != 0
  • Some fixes for Konva.Transformer



  • Typescript defs for Konva.Transformer
  • Typescript defs for globalCompositeOperation


  • Fixed flow for contextmenu event. Now it will be triggered on shapes too
  • find() method for Containers can use a function as a parameter


  • some bugs fixes for group.getClientRect()
  • Konva.Arrow will not draw dash for pointers
  • setAttr will trigger change event if new value is the same Object
  • better behavior of dblclick event when you click fast on different shapes
  • stage.toDataURL will use pixelRatio = 1 by default.



  • Even more bugs fixes for Konva.Transformer



  • Several bugs fixes for Konva.Transformer



  • new Konva.Transformer. It is a special group that allow simple resizing and rotation of a shape.
  • Add ability to remove event by callback'event', callback).
  • new Konva.Filters.Contrast.
  • new Konva.Util.haveIntersection() to detect simple collusion
  • add Konva.Text.ellipsis to add '…' to text string if width is fixed and wrap is set to 'none'
  • add gradients for strokes


  • stage events are slightly changed. mousedown, click, mouseup, dblclick, touchstart, touchend, tap, dbltap will be triggered when clicked on empty areas too


  • Some typescript fixes
  • Pixelate filter fixes
  • Fixes for path data parsing
  • Fixed shadow size calculation


  • Some deprecated methods are removed. If previous version was working without deprecation warnings for you, this one will work fine too.



  • Some typescript fixes



  • isBrowser detection for electron



  • Changing size of a stage will redraw it in synchronous way


  • Some fixes special for nodejs



  • Fixed Konva.document is undefined



  • Konva for browser env and Konva for nodejs env are separate packages now. You can use konva-node for NodeJS env.



  • Several typescript fixes


  • Default value for dragDistance is changed to 3px.
  • Fix rare error throw on drag
  • Caching with height = 0 or width = 0 with throw async error. Caching will be ignored.



  • The node.getClientRect() calculation is changed a bit. It is more powerfull and correct. Also it takes parent transform into account. See docs.
  • Upgrade nodejs deps



  • Fix bug with double trigger wheel in Firefox
  • Fix node.getClientRect() calculation in a case of Group + invisible child
  • Fix dblclick issue konvajs#252



  • Fixed bug with pointer detection. css 3d transformed stage will not work now.



  • Fixed bug with automatic shadow for negative scale values



  • Fix pointer position detection


  • moved globalCompositeOperation property to Konva.Node



  • support of globalCompositeOperation for Konva.Shape


  • getAllIntersections now works ok for Text shapes (konvajs#224)


  • Konva a bit changed a way to detect pointer position. Now it should be OK to apply css transform on Konva container. konvajs#215



  • support for lineDashOffset property for Konva.Shape.



  • textDecoration of Konva.Text now supports line-through



  • new align value for Konva.Text and Konva.TextPath: justify
  • new property for Konva.Text and Konva.TextPath: textDecoration. Right now it sports only '' (no decoration) and 'underline' values.
  • new property for Konva.Text: letterSpacing
  • new event contentContextmenu for Konva.Stage
  • align support for Konva.TextPath
  • new method toCanvas() for converting a node into canvas element


  • changing a size of Konva.Stage will update it in async way (via batchDraw).
  • shadowOffset respect pixel ratio now


  • Fixed bug when Konva.Tag width was not changing its width dynamically
  • Fixed "calling remove() for dragging shape will throw an error"
  • Fixed wrong opacity level for cached group with opacity
  • More consistent shadows on HDPI screens
  • Fixed memory leak for nodes with several names



  • refresh stage hit and its dragend
  • getClientRect calculations



  • new properties for Konva.TextPath: letterSpacing and textBaseline.



  • Prevent throwing an error when text property of Konva.Text = undefined or null



  • Better hit function for TextPath.
  • Validation of Shape filters.



  • Fixed "Dragging Group on mobile view throws "missing preventDefault" error" #169



  • Fixed #166 bug of drag&drop



  • new property of Konva.Shape - preventDefault.



  • Fixed some typescript definitions



  • Konva.Text will interpret undefined width and height as AUTO



  • you can now unset property by node.x(undefined) or node.setAttr('x', null)


  • Bug fix for case when touchend event throws error



  • Bug fix for case when touchend event throws error



  • Custom clip function



  • fixes in typescript definitions
  • fixes for bug with mouseenter event on deep nesting case



  • typescript definition in npm package
  • [email protected], [email protected], [email protected] support
  • Konva.Path will be filled when it is not closed
  • Animation.start() will not not immediate sync draw. This should improve performance a little.
  • Warning when node for Tween is not in layer yet.
  • removeChildren() remove only first level children. So it will not remove grandchildren.



  • batchDraw will do not immediate draw()


  • fix incorrect shadow offset on rotation



  • batchDraw function works less time now
  • lighter npm package



  • repair cancelBubble event property behaviour
  • fix wrong Path getClientRect() calculation
  • better HDPI support
  • better typescript definitions
  • node 0.12 support


  • more universal stage container selector
  • mousewheel event changed to wheel



  • correct Konva.Arrow drawing. Now it works better.
  • Better support for dragging when mouse out of stage
  • Better corner radius for Label shape
  • contentTap event for stage


  • event delegation. You can use it in this way: layer.on('click', 'Circle', handler);
  • new node.findAncestors(selector) and node.findAncestor(selector) functions
  • optional selector parameter for stage.getIntersection and layer.getIntersection
  • show warning message if several instances of Konva are added to page.


  • moveTo and some other methods return this
  • getAbsolutePosition support optional relative parent argument (useful to find absolute position inside of some of parent nodes)
  • change event will be not fired if changed value is the same as old value



  • RGBA filter. Thanks to @codefo
  • stroke and fill support for Konva.Sprite


  • Correct calculation in getClientRect method of Konva.Line and Konva.Container.
  • Correct toObject() behaviour for node with attrs with extended native prototypes
  • Fixed bug for caching where buffer canvas is required


  • Dragging works much better. If your pointer is out of stage content dragging will still continue.
  • Konva.Node.create now works with objects.
  • Konva.Tween now supports tweening points to state with different length



  • to will not throw error if no onFinish callback
  • HDPI support for desktop
  • Fix bug when filters are not correct for HDPI
  • Fix bug when hit area is not correct for HDPI
  • Fix bug for incorrect getClientRect calculation
  • Repair fill gradient for text


  • context wrapper is more capable with native context. So you can use context.fillStyle property in your sceneFunc without accessing native context.
  • toDataURL now handles pixelRatio. you can pass config.pixelRatio argument
  • Correct clone() for custom nodes
  • FastLayer can now have transforms
  • stage.toDataURL() method now works synchronously. So callback argument is not required.
  • container.find(selector) method now has a validation step. So if you forgot to add # or . you will see a warning message in the console.


  • new Konva.Image.fromURL method


  • fillRed, fillGreen, fillBlue, fillAlpha are deprecated. Use fill instead.
  • strokeRed, strokeGreen, strokeBlue, strokeAlpha are deprecated. Use stroke instead.
  • shadowRed, shadowGreen, shadowBlue, shadowAlpha are deprecated. Use shadow instead.
  • dashArray is deprecated. Use dash instead.
  • drawFunc is deprecated. Use sceneFunc instead.
  • drawHitFunc is deprecated. Use hitFunc instead.
  • rotateDeg is deprecated. Use rotate instead.



  • cache algorithm has A LOT OF updates.


  • scale now affects shadowOffset
  • performance optimization (remove some unnecessary draws)
  • more expected drawing when shape has opacity, stroke and shadow
  • HDPI for caching.
  • Cache should work much better. Now you don't need to pass bounding box {x,y,width,height} to cache method for all buildin Konva shapes. (only for your custom Konva.Shape instance).
  • Tween now supports color properties (fill, stroke, shadowColor)



  • Bug Fixes
    • browser crashing on pointer events fixed
    • optimized getIntersection function
  • Enhancements
    • container.findOne() method
    • new strokeHitEnabled property. Useful for performance optimizations
    • typescript definitions. see /resources/konva.d.ts

Rebranding release 2015-01-28

Differences from last official KineticJS release

  • Bug Fixes

    • strokeScaleEnabled = false is disabled for text as I can not find a way to implement this
    • strokeScaleEnabled = false for Line now creates a correct hit graph
    • working "this-example" as name for nodes
    • Konva.Text() with no config will not throw exception
    • Konva.Line() with no config will not throw exception
    • Correct stage resizing with FastLayer
    • batchDraw method for FastLayer
    • Correct mouseover/mouseout/mouseenter/mouseleave events for groups
    • cache node before adding to layer
    • intersects function now works for shapes with shadow
  • Enhancements

    • cornerRadius of Rect is limited by width/2 and height/2
    • black is default fill for text
    • true class extending. Now rect instanceOf Konva.Shape will return true
    • while dragging you can redraw layer that is not under drag. hit graph will be updated in this case
    • now you can move object that is dragging into another layer.
    • new frameOffsets attribute for Konva.Sprite
    • much better dragging performance
    • browserify support
    • applying opacity to cached node
    • remove all events with
    • mouse dragging only with left button
    • opacity now affects cached shapes
    • Label corner radius
    • smart changing width, height, radius attrs for circle, start, ellipse, ring.
    • mousewheel support. Thanks @vmichnowicz
    • new Arrow plugin
    • multiple names:'foo bar'); container.find('.foo'); (thanks @mattslocum)
    • Container.findOne()