# Bolt specific stuff. Don't put config files, databases or 'vendor' in Git. app/cache/* app/config/*.yml app/config/extensions/ app/database/* *config.yml files/* extensions/* thumbs/ vendor/ theme/* composer.lock # Bolt development files app/src/tmp/ app/src/docs/ app/src/grunt-local/*.js app/view/maps/ pimple.json .deploy.yml # Bolt testing files coverage.xml phpunit.xml *.codeception-backup tests/codeception/_output tests/codeception/_support/*Tester.php tests/codeception/_support/_generated/ tests/phpunit/web-root/ # Common developer tools codeception.phar composer.phar php-cs-fixer.phar scrutinizer.phar # NPM, Gulp and Grunt stuff node_modules bower_components npm-debug.log .sass-cache !yarn.lock # Sourcemaps *.map # File-system cruft and temporary files .DS_Store __* ._* Vagrantfile .vagrant* .*.swp .swp *.lock .buildpath .idea