include ./Makefile.Common RUN_CONFIG?=local/config.yaml CMD?= OTEL_VERSION=main OTEL_RC_VERSION=main OTEL_STABLE_VERSION=main VERSION=$(shell git describe --always --match "v[0-9]*" HEAD) BUILD_INFO=-ldflags "-X $(BUILD_INFO_IMPORT_PATH).Version=$(VERSION)" COMP_REL_PATH=cmd/otelcontribcol/components.go GROUP ?= all FOR_GROUP_TARGET=for-$(GROUP)-target FIND_MOD_ARGS=-type f -name "go.mod" TO_MOD_DIR=dirname {} \; | sort | grep -E '^./' EX_COMPONENTS=-not -path "./receiver/*" -not -path "./processor/*" -not -path "./exporter/*" -not -path "./extension/*" -not -path "./connector/*" EX_INTERNAL=-not -path "./internal/*" EX_PKG=-not -path "./pkg/*" # NONROOT_MODS includes ./* dirs (excludes . dir) NONROOT_MODS := $(shell find . $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) RECEIVER_MODS_0 := $(shell find ./receiver/[a-k]* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) RECEIVER_MODS_1 := $(shell find ./receiver/[l-z]* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) RECEIVER_MODS := $(RECEIVER_MODS_0) $(RECEIVER_MODS_1) PROCESSOR_MODS := $(shell find ./processor/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) EXPORTER_MODS := $(shell find ./exporter/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) EXTENSION_MODS := $(shell find ./extension/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) CONNECTOR_MODS := $(shell find ./connector/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) INTERNAL_MODS := $(shell find ./internal/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) PKG_MODS := $(shell find ./pkg/* $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) OTHER_MODS := $(shell find . $(EX_COMPONENTS) $(EX_INTERNAL) $(EX_PKG) $(FIND_MOD_ARGS) -exec $(TO_MOD_DIR) ) $(PWD) ALL_MODS := $(RECEIVER_MODS) $(PROCESSOR_MODS) $(EXPORTER_MODS) $(EXTENSION_MODS) $(CONNECTOR_MODS) $(INTERNAL_MODS) $(PKG_MODS) $(OTHER_MODS) # find -exec dirname cannot be used to process multiple matching patterns FIND_INTEGRATION_TEST_MODS={ find . -type f -name "*integration_test.go" & find . -type f -name "*e2e_test.go" -not -path "./testbed/*"; } INTEGRATION_MODS := $(shell $(FIND_INTEGRATION_TEST_MODS) | xargs $(TO_MOD_DIR) | uniq) ifeq ($(GOOS),windows) EXTENSION := .exe endif .DEFAULT_GOAL := all all-modules: @echo $(NONROOT_MODS) | tr ' ' '\n' | sort all-groups: @echo "receiver-0: $(RECEIVER_MODS_0)" @echo "\nreceiver-1: $(RECEIVER_MODS_1)" @echo "\nreceiver: $(RECEIVER_MODS)" @echo "\nprocessor: $(PROCESSOR_MODS)" @echo "\nexporter: $(EXPORTER_MODS)" @echo "\nextension: $(EXTENSION_MODS)" @echo "\nconnector: $(CONNECTOR_MODS)" @echo "\ninternal: $(INTERNAL_MODS)" @echo "\npkg: $(PKG_MODS)" @echo "\nother: $(OTHER_MODS)" .PHONY: all all: install-tools all-common goporto multimod-verify gotest otelcontribcol .PHONY: all-common all-common: @$(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="common" .PHONY: e2e-test e2e-test: otelcontribcol oteltestbedcol $(MAKE) -C testbed run-tests .PHONY: integration-test integration-test: @$(MAKE) for-integration-target TARGET="mod-integration-test" .PHONY: integration-tests-with-cover integration-tests-with-cover: @$(MAKE) for-integration-target TARGET="do-integration-tests-with-cover" # Long-running e2e tests .PHONY: stability-tests stability-tests: otelcontribcol @echo Stability tests are disabled until we have a stable performance environment. @echo To enable the tests replace this echo by $(MAKE) -C testbed run-stability-tests .PHONY: gotidy gotidy: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="tidy" .PHONY: gomoddownload gomoddownload: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="moddownload" .PHONY: gotest gotest: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="test" .PHONY: gotest-with-cover gotest-with-cover: @$(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="test-with-cover" $(GOCMD) tool covdata textfmt -i=./coverage/unit -o ./$(GROUP)-coverage.txt .PHONY: gofmt gofmt: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="fmt" .PHONY: golint golint: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="lint" .PHONY: gogovulncheck gogovulncheck: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="govulncheck" .PHONY: goporto goporto: $(PORTO) $(PORTO) -w --include-internal --skip-dirs "^cmd$$" ./ .PHONY: for-all for-all: @echo "running $${CMD} in root" @$${CMD} @set -e; for dir in $(NONROOT_MODS); do \ (cd "$${dir}" && \ echo "running $${CMD} in $${dir}" && \ $${CMD} ); \ done COMMIT?=HEAD MODSET?=contrib-core REMOTE? .PHONY: push-tags push-tags: $(MULITMOD) $(MULITMOD) verify set -e; for tag in `$(MULITMOD) tag -m ${MODSET} -c ${COMMIT} --print-tags | grep -v "Using" `; do \ echo "pushing tag $${tag}"; \ git push ${REMOTE} $${tag}; \ done; DEPENDABOT_PATH=".github/dependabot.yml" .PHONY: gendependabot gendependabot: @echo "Recreating ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} file" @echo "# File generated by \"make gendependabot\"; DO NOT EDIT." > ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "version: 2" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "updates:" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo "Add entry for \"/\" gomod" @echo " - package-ecosystem: \"gomod\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo " directory: \"/\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo " schedule:" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo " interval: \"weekly\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @echo " day: \"wednesday\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH} @set -e; for dir in `echo $(NONROOT_MODS) | tr ' ' '\n' | head -n 219 | tr '\n' ' '`; do \ echo "Add entry for \"$${dir:1}\""; \ echo " - package-ecosystem: \"gomod\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; \ echo " directory: \"$${dir:1}\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; \ echo " schedule:" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; \ echo " interval: \"weekly\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; \ echo " day: \"wednesday\"" >> ${DEPENDABOT_PATH}; \ done @echo "The following modules are not included in the dependabot file because it has a limit of 220 entries:" @set -e; for dir in `echo $(NONROOT_MODS) | tr ' ' '\n' | tail -n +220 | tr '\n' ' '`; do \ echo " - $${dir:1}"; \ done # Define a delegation target for each module .PHONY: $(ALL_MODS) $(ALL_MODS): @echo "Running target '$(TARGET)' in module '$@' as part of group '$(GROUP)'" $(MAKE) -C $@ $(TARGET) # Trigger each module's delegation target .PHONY: for-all-target for-all-target: $(ALL_MODS) .PHONY: for-receiver-target for-receiver-target: $(RECEIVER_MODS) .PHONY: for-receiver-0-target for-receiver-0-target: $(RECEIVER_MODS_0) .PHONY: for-receiver-1-target for-receiver-1-target: $(RECEIVER_MODS_1) .PHONY: for-processor-target for-processor-target: $(PROCESSOR_MODS) .PHONY: for-exporter-target for-exporter-target: $(EXPORTER_MODS) .PHONY: for-extension-target for-extension-target: $(EXTENSION_MODS) .PHONY: for-connector-target for-connector-target: $(CONNECTOR_MODS) .PHONY: for-internal-target for-internal-target: $(INTERNAL_MODS) .PHONY: for-pkg-target for-pkg-target: $(PKG_MODS) .PHONY: for-other-target for-other-target: $(OTHER_MODS) .PHONY: for-integration-target for-integration-target: $(INTEGRATION_MODS) # Debugging target, which helps to quickly determine whether for-all-target is working or not. .PHONY: all-pwd all-pwd: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="pwd" .PHONY: run run: cd ./cmd/otelcontribcol && GO111MODULE=on $(GOCMD) run --race . --config ../../${RUN_CONFIG} ${RUN_ARGS} .PHONY: docker-component # Not intended to be used directly docker-component: check-component GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 $(MAKE) $(COMPONENT) cp ./bin/$(COMPONENT)_linux_amd64 ./cmd/$(COMPONENT)/$(COMPONENT) docker build -t $(COMPONENT) ./cmd/$(COMPONENT)/ rm ./cmd/$(COMPONENT)/$(COMPONENT) .PHONY: check-component check-component: ifndef COMPONENT $(error COMPONENT variable was not defined) endif .PHONY: docker-otelcontribcol docker-otelcontribcol: COMPONENT=otelcontribcol $(MAKE) docker-component .PHONY: docker-telemetrygen docker-telemetrygen: COMPONENT=telemetrygen $(MAKE) docker-component .PHONY: generate generate: cd cmd/mdatagen && $(GOCMD) install . $(MAKE) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) generate ./..." .PHONY: mdatagen-test mdatagen-test: cd cmd/mdatagen && $(GOCMD) install . cd cmd/mdatagen && $(GOCMD) generate ./... cd cmd/mdatagen && $(GOCMD) test ./... FILENAME?=$(shell git branch --show-current) .PHONY: chlog-new chlog-new: $(CHLOGGEN) $(CHLOGGEN) new --filename $(FILENAME) .PHONY: chlog-validate chlog-validate: $(CHLOGGEN) $(CHLOGGEN) validate .PHONY: chlog-preview chlog-preview: $(CHLOGGEN) $(CHLOGGEN) update --dry .PHONY: chlog-update chlog-update: $(CHLOGGEN) $(CHLOGGEN) update --version $(VERSION) .PHONY: genotelcontribcol genotelcontribcol: $(BUILDER) $(BUILDER) --skip-compilation --config cmd/otelcontribcol/builder-config.yaml --output-path cmd/otelcontribcol $(MAKE) -C cmd/otelcontribcol fmt # Build the Collector executable. .PHONY: otelcontribcol otelcontribcol: cd ./cmd/otelcontribcol && GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOCMD) build -trimpath -o ../../bin/otelcontribcol_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$(EXTENSION) \ $(BUILD_INFO) -tags $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) . .PHONY: genoteltestbedcol genoteltestbedcol: $(BUILDER) $(BUILDER) --skip-compilation --config cmd/oteltestbedcol/builder-config.yaml --output-path cmd/oteltestbedcol $(MAKE) -C cmd/oteltestbedcol fmt # Build the Collector executable, with only components used in testbed. .PHONY: oteltestbedcol oteltestbedcol: cd ./cmd/oteltestbedcol && GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOCMD) build -trimpath -o ../../bin/oteltestbedcol_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$(EXTENSION) \ $(BUILD_INFO) -tags $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) . # Build the telemetrygen executable. .PHONY: telemetrygen telemetrygen: cd ./cmd/telemetrygen && GO111MODULE=on CGO_ENABLED=0 $(GOCMD) build -trimpath -o ../../bin/telemetrygen_$(GOOS)_$(GOARCH)$(EXTENSION) \ $(BUILD_INFO) -tags $(GO_BUILD_TAGS) . .PHONY: update-dep update-dep: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="updatedep" $(MAKE) otelcontribcol .PHONY: update-otel update-otel: $(MAKE) update-dep VERSION=$(OTEL_VERSION) RC_VERSION=$(OTEL_RC_VERSION) STABLE_VERSION=$(OTEL_STABLE_VERSION) .PHONY: otel-from-tree otel-from-tree: # This command allows you to make changes to your local checkout of otel core and build # contrib against those changes without having to push to github and update a bunch of # references. The workflow is: # # 1. Hack on changes in core (assumed to be checked out in ../opentelemetry-collector from this directory) # 2. Run `make otel-from-tree` (only need to run it once to remap go modules) # 3. You can now build contrib and it will use your local otel core changes. # 4. Before committing/pushing your contrib changes, undo by running `make otel-from-lib`. $(MAKE) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -replace$(SRC_ROOT)/../opentelemetry-collector" .PHONY: otel-from-lib otel-from-lib: # Sets opentelemetry core to be not be pulled from local source tree. (Undoes otel-from-tree.) $(MAKE) for-all CMD="$(GOCMD) mod edit -dropreplace" .PHONY: build-examples build-examples: docker-compose -f examples/demo/docker-compose.yaml build docker-compose -f exporter/splunkhecexporter/example/docker-compose.yml build .PHONY: deb-rpm-package %-package: ARCH ?= amd64 %-package: GOOS=linux GOARCH=$(ARCH) $(MAKE) otelcontribcol docker build -t otelcontribcol-fpm internal/buildscripts/packaging/fpm docker run --rm -v $(CURDIR):/repo -e PACKAGE=$* -e VERSION=$(VERSION) -e ARCH=$(ARCH) otelcontribcol-fpm # Verify existence of READMEs for components specified as default components in the collector. .PHONY: checkdoc checkdoc: $(CHECKDOC) $(CHECKDOC) --project-path $(CURDIR) --component-rel-path $(COMP_REL_PATH) --module-name $(MOD_NAME) .PHONY: all-checklinks all-checklinks: $(MAKE) $(FOR_GROUP_TARGET) TARGET="checklinks" # Function to execute a command. Note the empty line before endef to make sure each command # gets executed separately instead of concatenated with previous one. # Accepts command to execute as first parameter. define exec-command $(1) endef # List of directories where certificates are stored for unit tests. CERT_DIRS := receiver/sapmreceiver/testdata \ receiver/signalfxreceiver/testdata \ receiver/splunkhecreceiver/testdata \ receiver/mongodbatlasreceiver/testdata/alerts/cert \ receiver/mongodbreceiver/testdata/certs \ receiver/cloudflarereceiver/testdata/cert # Generate certificates for unit tests relying on certificates. .PHONY: certs certs: $(foreach dir, $(CERT_DIRS), $(call exec-command, @internal/buildscripts/ -o $(dir))) .PHONY: multimod-verify multimod-verify: $(MULITMOD) @echo "Validating versions.yaml" $(MULITMOD) verify .PHONY: multimod-prerelease multimod-prerelease: $(MULITMOD) $(MULITMOD) prerelease -s=true -b=false -v ./versions.yaml -m contrib-base $(MAKE) gotidy .PHONY: multimod-sync multimod-sync: $(MULITMOD) $(MULITMOD) sync -a=true -s=true -o ../opentelemetry-collector $(MAKE) gotidy .PHONY: crosslink crosslink: $(CROSSLINK) @echo "Executing crosslink" $(CROSSLINK) --root=$(shell pwd) --prune .PHONY: clean clean: @echo "Removing coverage files" find . -type f -name 'coverage.txt' -delete find . -type f -name 'coverage.html' -delete find . -type f -name 'coverage.out' -delete find . -type f -name 'integration-coverage.txt' -delete find . -type f -name 'integration-coverage.html' -delete .PHONY: genconfigdocs genconfigdocs: cd cmd/configschema && $(GOCMD) run ./docsgen all .PHONY: generate-gh-issue-templates generate-gh-issue-templates: for FILE in bug_report feature_request other; do \ YAML_FILE=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/$${FILE}.yaml"; \ TMP_FILE=".github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/$${FILE}.yaml.tmp"; \ cat "$${YAML_FILE}" > "$${TMP_FILE}"; \ FILE="$${TMP_FILE}" ./.github/workflows/scripts/ > "$${YAML_FILE}"; \ rm "$${TMP_FILE}"; \ done