const fs = require("fs").promises; const path = require("path"); (async () => { let hasError = false; const files = (await fs.readdir(path.join(__dirname, ".."))).filter((file) => file.endsWith(".txt")); // Array of strings, each representing a single file that ends in `.txt` await Promise.all(files.filter((file) => file !== "everything.txt").map(async (file) => { // For each file const fileContents = await fs.readFile(path.join(__dirname, "..", file), "utf8"); // Get file contents as a string const commentedURLs = fileContents.split("\n").map((line) => { if (line.startsWith("#")) { return line.split(" ")[2].trim(); } return null; }).filter((a) => a !== null && !!a); let isHeaderComplete = false; fileContents.split("\n").forEach((line, index) => { if (line.startsWith("")) { isHeaderComplete = true; } // Ensuring that all lines start with "#" or " " if (line.length > 0 && !line.startsWith("#") && !line.startsWith(" ")) { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} must start with "#" or " ".`); hasError = true; } // Checking to ensure all URLs are lowercase if (line.startsWith(" ")) { const lineNoIP = line.replace(" ", ""); const url = lineNoIP.split("#")[0].trim(); if (url.toLowerCase() !== url) { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} url ${url} must be all lowercase.`); hasError = true; } } // Ensuring that all lines that start with `#` are followed by a space if (line.startsWith("#") && line.length > 1 && line[1] !== " ") { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} should have a space after #.`); hasError = true; } // Ensure that after header is complete that all lines that start with `#` start with `#` if (isHeaderComplete && line.startsWith("#") && !line.startsWith("#")) { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} should start with "#".`); hasError = true; } // Ensure that the URL doesn't exist in the commentedURLs array if (line.startsWith(" ")) { const lineNoIP = line.replace(" ", ""); const url = lineNoIP.split("#")[0].trim(); if (commentedURLs.includes(url)) { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} url ${url} is commented out in this file. This suggests an error. Please either remove this line or remove the commented URL.`); hasError = true; } } // Ensure that the URL doesn't contain whitespace characters if (line.startsWith(" ")) { const lineNoIP = line.replace(" ", ""); const url = lineNoIP.split("#")[0].trim(); if (/\s/gmu.test(url)) { console.error(`Line ${index + 1} in ${file} url ${url} contains whitespace in the URL.`); hasError = true; } } }); })); process.exit(hasError ? 1 : 0); })();