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Releases: blakeblackshear/frigate

0.5.0 Release

04 Mar 02:29
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This release was a major overhaul to use multiple processes and improve performance.

Breaking Changes:

  • You must pass the shm-size parameter to your container via the command line or docker-compose. Check the updated README
  • New required fps parameter for the each camera. See example
  • Debug endpoint changed. See updated README


  • Lightweight motion detection incorporated to minimize unnecessary Coral use
  • Regions are no longer necessary
  • Use of a Coral is now optional
  • Separate process per camera
  • Allow the mqtt password to pull from env vars
  • Debug endpoint now accepts fps and h url parameters to specify size and fps. Default is 1 fps and 360 height for minimal CPU usage.

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0

0.5.0 Release Candidate 7

02 Mar 12:13
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  • Ensure the camera recovers after a detection hang
  • Update to latest url for tensorflow lite wheel

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc7

0.5.0 Release Candidate 6

02 Mar 00:54
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  • Update docs
  • Handle errors better in detection process
  • Actually call the restart function when detection hangs

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc6

0.5.0 Release Candidate 5

01 Mar 13:35
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  • Handle ffmpeg restarts in the camera subprocess to prevent zombies
  • Restart the detection process if it gets stuck
  • Switch the detection process to use a queue and the plasma store to avoid locks
  • Update the benchmark script to run detection the way frigate does
  • Allow the mqtt password to pull from env vars

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc5

0.5.0 Release Candidate 3

24 Feb 00:38
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  • Fix dictionary changed size during iteration error
  • Output stderr logs from plasma store
  • Cleanup frames from memory after finished rather than using default eviction
  • Add a few more metrics to stats

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc3

0.5.0 Release Candidate 4

26 Feb 02:42
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  • Increase the buffer size for the ffmpeg subprocess
  • Stop killing the camera process from the main process
  • Print some more information to the logs when the ffmpeg process isn't returning data

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc4

0.5.0 Release Candidate 2

23 Feb 14:01
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  • Fix watchdog calculation for restarting process to prevent infinite loop
  • Fix issue preventing objects from expiring when another object type was in the frame
  • Add back ability to specify frame size in the config instead of trying to detect it

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc2

0.5.0 Release Candidate 1

22 Feb 15:32
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This release was a major overhaul to use multiple processes and improve performance.

Breaking Changes:

  • You must pass the shm-size parameter to your container via the command line or docker-compose. Check the updated README
  • New required fps parameter for the each camera. See example
  • Debug endpoint changed. See updated README


  • Lightweight motion detection incorporated to minimize unnecessary Coral use
  • Regions are no longer necessary
  • Use of a Coral is now optional
  • Separate process per camera

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.5.0-rc1

Beta Release 0.4.0

15 Jan 13:31
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Beta Release 0.4.0 Pre-release

This release touched almost every line of code. I am certain there are changes I have missed. I see much better bounding boxes and higher confidence scores for detections on my cameras.

Breaking Changes:

  • Object configuration has changed again. Please reference the updated config example.
  • Region specific settings are no longer available because objects can be detected outside the bounds of regions dynamically


  • By default, frigate only looks for the following object types: person, car, and truck. You must specify others if you want.
  • Detected objects are now assigned an id and tracked across frames
  • Regions are dynamically created for tracked objects
  • If an object is against the edge of a region, a new region is dynamically created to ensure the entire object is included in the detection
  • Dockerfile has been overhauled. Building should take less time and result in a smaller image size. There is still room for more improvement.
  • Updated to the latest EdgeTPU libraries from Google
  • Added a /debug/stats endpoint where you can see FPS for your cameras/Coral and various queue lengths
  • Watchdog timeout for ffmpeg is now configurable
  • Timestamp on snapshots is now configurable
  • Support for UDP camera feeds

Docker image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.4.0-beta

0.3.0 Release

14 Dec 21:28
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Breaking Changes:

  • Configuration file changes to support all objects in the model. See updated example.
  • Images are now served up at /<camera_name>/<object_name>/best.jpg
  • MQTT messages are published to <camera_name>/<object_name> and <camera_name>/<object_name>/snapshot


  • Frigate now reports on every object type in the model. You can configure thresholds and min/max areas for each object type at a global, camera, or region level.
  • Preview MJPEG feed is limited to 1FPS and now caches the jpg image in order to reduce bandwidth and cpu usage. Using the mpdecimate flag with ffmpeg has reduced the effective FPS of my cameras quite a bit, so it was re-encoding the same image often.
  • Different object types now have different color bounding boxes. (inspiration from @pizzato)

Image is available with docker pull blakeblackshear/frigate:0.3.0