"""Main api runner.""" import copy import json import logging import os import traceback from datetime import datetime, timedelta from functools import reduce import requests from flask import Blueprint, Flask, current_app, jsonify, make_response, request from markupsafe import escape from peewee import operator from playhouse.sqliteq import SqliteQueueDatabase from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix from frigate.api.auth import AuthBp, get_jwt_secret, limiter from frigate.api.event import EventBp from frigate.api.export import ExportBp from frigate.api.media import MediaBp from frigate.api.preview import PreviewBp from frigate.api.review import ReviewBp from frigate.config import FrigateConfig from frigate.const import CONFIG_DIR from frigate.events.external import ExternalEventProcessor from frigate.models import Event, Timeline from frigate.plus import PlusApi from frigate.ptz.onvif import OnvifController from frigate.stats.emitter import StatsEmitter from frigate.storage import StorageMaintainer from frigate.util.builtin import ( clean_camera_user_pass, get_tz_modifiers, update_yaml_from_url, ) from frigate.util.services import ffprobe_stream, restart_frigate, vainfo_hwaccel from frigate.version import VERSION logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) bp = Blueprint("frigate", __name__) bp.register_blueprint(EventBp) bp.register_blueprint(ExportBp) bp.register_blueprint(MediaBp) bp.register_blueprint(PreviewBp) bp.register_blueprint(ReviewBp) bp.register_blueprint(AuthBp) def create_app( frigate_config, database: SqliteQueueDatabase, detected_frames_processor, storage_maintainer: StorageMaintainer, onvif: OnvifController, external_processor: ExternalEventProcessor, plus_api: PlusApi, stats_emitter: StatsEmitter, ): app = Flask(__name__) @app.before_request def check_csrf(): if request.method in ["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "TRACE"]: pass if "origin" in request.headers and "x-csrf-token" not in request.headers: return jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Missing CSRF header"}), 401 @app.before_request def _db_connect(): if database.is_closed(): database.connect() @app.teardown_request def _db_close(exc): if not database.is_closed(): database.close() app.frigate_config = frigate_config app.detected_frames_processor = detected_frames_processor app.storage_maintainer = storage_maintainer app.onvif = onvif app.external_processor = external_processor app.plus_api = plus_api app.camera_error_image = None app.stats_emitter = stats_emitter app.jwt_token = get_jwt_secret() if frigate_config.auth.enabled else None # update the request_address with the x-forwarded-for header from nginx app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_for=1) # initialize the rate limiter for the login endpoint limiter.init_app(app) if frigate_config.auth.failed_login_rate_limit is None: limiter.enabled = False app.register_blueprint(bp) return app @bp.route("/") def is_healthy(): return "Frigate is running. Alive and healthy!" @bp.route("/config/schema.json") def config_schema(): return current_app.response_class( current_app.frigate_config.schema_json(), mimetype="application/json" ) @bp.route("/go2rtc/streams") def go2rtc_streams(): r = requests.get("") if not r.ok: logger.error("Failed to fetch streams from go2rtc") return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Error fetching stream data"}), 500, ) stream_data = r.json() for data in stream_data.values(): for producer in data.get("producers", []): producer["url"] = clean_camera_user_pass(producer.get("url", "")) return jsonify(stream_data) @bp.route("/go2rtc/streams/") def go2rtc_camera_stream(camera_name: str): r = requests.get( f"{camera_name}&video=all&audio=allµphone" ) if not r.ok: logger.error("Failed to fetch streams from go2rtc") return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Error fetching stream data"}), 500, ) stream_data = r.json() for producer in stream_data.get("producers", []): producer["url"] = clean_camera_user_pass(producer.get("url", "")) return jsonify(stream_data) @bp.route("/version") def version(): return VERSION @bp.route("/stats") def stats(): return jsonify(current_app.stats_emitter.get_latest_stats()) @bp.route("/stats/history") def stats_history(): keys = request.args.get("keys", default=None) if keys: keys = keys.split(",") return jsonify(current_app.stats_emitter.get_stats_history(keys)) @bp.route("/config") def config(): config_obj: FrigateConfig = current_app.frigate_config config: dict[str, dict[str, any]] = config_obj.model_dump( mode="json", warnings="none", exclude_none=True ) # remove the mqtt password config["mqtt"].pop("password", None) # remove the proxy secret config["proxy"].pop("auth_secret", None) for camera_name, camera in current_app.frigate_config.cameras.items(): camera_dict = config["cameras"][camera_name] # clean paths for input in camera_dict.get("ffmpeg", {}).get("inputs", []): input["path"] = clean_camera_user_pass(input["path"]) # add clean ffmpeg_cmds camera_dict["ffmpeg_cmds"] = copy.deepcopy(camera.ffmpeg_cmds) for cmd in camera_dict["ffmpeg_cmds"]: cmd["cmd"] = clean_camera_user_pass(" ".join(cmd["cmd"])) # ensure that zones are relative for zone_name, zone in config_obj.cameras[camera_name].zones.items(): camera_dict["zones"][zone_name]["color"] = zone.color config["plus"] = {"enabled": current_app.plus_api.is_active()} config["model"]["colormap"] = config_obj.model.colormap for detector_config in config["detectors"].values(): detector_config["model"]["labelmap"] = ( current_app.frigate_config.model.merged_labelmap ) return jsonify(config) @bp.route("/config/raw") def config_raw(): config_file = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", "/config/config.yml") # Check if we can use .yaml instead of .yml config_file_yaml = config_file.replace(".yml", ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file_yaml): config_file = config_file_yaml if not os.path.isfile(config_file): return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Could not find file"}), 404 ) with open(config_file, "r") as f: raw_config = f.read() f.close() return raw_config, 200 @bp.route("/config/save", methods=["POST"]) def config_save(): save_option = request.args.get("save_option") new_config = request.get_data().decode() if not new_config: return make_response( jsonify( {"success": False, "message": "Config with body param is required"} ), 400, ) # Validate the config schema try: FrigateConfig.parse_raw(new_config) except Exception: return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": f"\nConfig Error:\n\n{escape(str(traceback.format_exc()))}", } ), 400, ) # Save the config to file try: config_file = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", "/config/config.yml") # Check if we can use .yaml instead of .yml config_file_yaml = config_file.replace(".yml", ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file_yaml): config_file = config_file_yaml with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write(new_config) f.close() except Exception: return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": "Could not write config file, be sure that Frigate has write permission on the config file.", } ), 400, ) if save_option == "restart": try: restart_frigate() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error restarting Frigate: {e}") return make_response( jsonify( { "success": True, "message": "Config successfully saved, unable to restart Frigate", } ), 200, ) return make_response( jsonify( { "success": True, "message": "Config successfully saved, restarting (this can take up to one minute)...", } ), 200, ) else: return make_response( jsonify({"success": True, "message": "Config successfully saved."}), 200, ) @bp.route("/config/set", methods=["PUT"]) def config_set(): config_file = os.environ.get("CONFIG_FILE", f"{CONFIG_DIR}/config.yml") # Check if we can use .yaml instead of .yml config_file_yaml = config_file.replace(".yml", ".yaml") if os.path.isfile(config_file_yaml): config_file = config_file_yaml with open(config_file, "r") as f: old_raw_config = f.read() f.close() try: update_yaml_from_url(config_file, request.url) with open(config_file, "r") as f: new_raw_config = f.read() f.close() # Validate the config schema try: config_obj = FrigateConfig.parse_raw(new_raw_config) except Exception: with open(config_file, "w") as f: f.write(old_raw_config) f.close() logger.error(f"\nConfig Error:\n\n{str(traceback.format_exc())}") return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": "Error parsing config. Check logs for error message.", } ), 400, ) except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error updating config: {e}") return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Error updating config"}), 500, ) json = request.get_json(silent=True) or {} if json.get("requires_restart", 1) == 0: current_app.frigate_config = FrigateConfig.runtime_config( config_obj, current_app.plus_api ) return make_response( jsonify( { "success": True, "message": "Config successfully updated, restart to apply", } ), 200, ) @bp.route("/ffprobe", methods=["GET"]) def ffprobe(): path_param = request.args.get("paths", "") if not path_param: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Path needs to be provided."}), 404 ) if path_param.startswith("camera"): camera = path_param[7:] if camera not in current_app.frigate_config.cameras.keys(): return make_response( jsonify( {"success": False, "message": f"{camera} is not a valid camera."} ), 404, ) if not current_app.frigate_config.cameras[camera].enabled: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": f"{camera} is not enabled."}), 404 ) paths = map( lambda input: input.path, current_app.frigate_config.cameras[camera].ffmpeg.inputs, ) elif "," in clean_camera_user_pass(path_param): paths = path_param.split(",") else: paths = [path_param] # user has multiple streams output = [] for path in paths: ffprobe = ffprobe_stream(path.strip()) output.append( { "return_code": ffprobe.returncode, "stderr": ( ffprobe.stderr.decode("unicode_escape").strip() if ffprobe.returncode != 0 else "" ), "stdout": ( json.loads(ffprobe.stdout.decode("unicode_escape").strip()) if ffprobe.returncode == 0 else "" ), } ) return jsonify(output) @bp.route("/vainfo", methods=["GET"]) def vainfo(): vainfo = vainfo_hwaccel() return jsonify( { "return_code": vainfo.returncode, "stderr": ( vainfo.stderr.decode("unicode_escape").strip() if vainfo.returncode != 0 else "" ), "stdout": ( vainfo.stdout.decode("unicode_escape").strip() if vainfo.returncode == 0 else "" ), } ) @bp.route("/logs/", methods=["GET"]) def logs(service: str): log_locations = { "frigate": "/dev/shm/logs/frigate/current", "go2rtc": "/dev/shm/logs/go2rtc/current", "nginx": "/dev/shm/logs/nginx/current", } service_location = log_locations.get(service) if not service_location: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Not a valid service"}), 404, ) start = request.args.get("start", type=int, default=0) end = request.args.get("end", type=int) try: file = open(service_location, "r") contents = file.read() file.close() # use the start timestamp to group logs together`` logLines = [] keyLength = 0 dateEnd = 0 currentKey = "" currentLine = "" for rawLine in contents.splitlines(): cleanLine = rawLine.strip() if len(cleanLine) < 10: continue # handle cases where S6 does not include date in log line if " " not in cleanLine: cleanLine = f"{datetime.now()} {cleanLine}" if dateEnd == 0: dateEnd = cleanLine.index(" ") keyLength = dateEnd - (6 if service_location == "frigate" else 0) newKey = cleanLine[0:keyLength] if newKey == currentKey: currentLine += f"\n{cleanLine[dateEnd:].strip()}" continue else: if len(currentLine) > 0: logLines.append(currentLine) currentKey = newKey currentLine = cleanLine logLines.append(currentLine) return make_response( jsonify({"totalLines": len(logLines), "lines": logLines[start:end]}), 200, ) except FileNotFoundError as e: logger.error(e) return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Could not find log file"}), 500, ) @bp.route("/restart", methods=["POST"]) def restart(): try: restart_frigate() except Exception as e: logging.error(f"Error restarting Frigate: {e}") return make_response( jsonify( { "success": False, "message": "Unable to restart Frigate.", } ), 500, ) return make_response( jsonify( { "success": True, "message": "Restarting (this can take up to one minute)...", } ), 200, ) @bp.route("/labels") def get_labels(): camera = request.args.get("camera", type=str, default="") try: if camera: events = Event.select(Event.label).where(Event.camera == camera).distinct() else: events = Event.select(Event.label).distinct() except Exception as e: logger.error(e) return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Failed to get labels"}), 404 ) labels = sorted([e.label for e in events]) return jsonify(labels) @bp.route("/sub_labels") def get_sub_labels(): split_joined = request.args.get("split_joined", type=int) try: events = Event.select(Event.sub_label).distinct() except Exception: return make_response( jsonify({"success": False, "message": "Failed to get sub_labels"}), 404, ) sub_labels = [e.sub_label for e in events] if None in sub_labels: sub_labels.remove(None) if split_joined: original_labels = sub_labels.copy() for label in original_labels: if "," in label: sub_labels.remove(label) parts = label.split(",") for part in parts: if part.strip() not in sub_labels: sub_labels.append(part.strip()) sub_labels.sort() return jsonify(sub_labels) @bp.route("/timeline") def timeline(): camera = request.args.get("camera", "all") source_id = request.args.get("source_id", type=str) limit = request.args.get("limit", 100) clauses = [] selected_columns = [ Timeline.timestamp, Timeline.camera, Timeline.source, Timeline.source_id, Timeline.class_type, Timeline.data, ] if camera != "all": clauses.append((Timeline.camera == camera)) if source_id: clauses.append((Timeline.source_id == source_id)) if len(clauses) == 0: clauses.append((True)) timeline = ( Timeline.select(*selected_columns) .where(reduce(operator.and_, clauses)) .order_by(Timeline.timestamp.asc()) .limit(limit) .dicts() ) return jsonify([t for t in timeline]) @bp.route("/timeline/hourly") def hourly_timeline(): """Get hourly summary for timeline.""" cameras = request.args.get("cameras", "all") labels = request.args.get("labels", "all") before = request.args.get("before", type=float) after = request.args.get("after", type=float) limit = request.args.get("limit", 200) tz_name = request.args.get("timezone", default="utc", type=str) _, minute_modifier, _ = get_tz_modifiers(tz_name) minute_offset = int(minute_modifier.split(" ")[0]) clauses = [] if cameras != "all": camera_list = cameras.split(",") clauses.append((Timeline.camera << camera_list)) if labels != "all": label_list = labels.split(",") clauses.append((Timeline.data["label"] << label_list)) if before: clauses.append((Timeline.timestamp < before)) if after: clauses.append((Timeline.timestamp > after)) if len(clauses) == 0: clauses.append((True)) timeline = ( Timeline.select( Timeline.camera, Timeline.timestamp, Timeline.data, Timeline.class_type, Timeline.source_id, Timeline.source, ) .where(reduce(operator.and_, clauses)) .order_by(Timeline.timestamp.desc()) .limit(limit) .dicts() .iterator() ) count = 0 start = 0 end = 0 hours: dict[str, list[dict[str, any]]] = {} for t in timeline: if count == 0: start = t["timestamp"] else: end = t["timestamp"] count += 1 hour = ( datetime.fromtimestamp(t["timestamp"]).replace( minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0 ) + timedelta( minutes=minute_offset, ) ).timestamp() if hour not in hours: hours[hour] = [t] else: hours[hour].insert(0, t) return jsonify( { "start": start, "end": end, "count": count, "hours": hours, } )