sjcl ==== [![Build Status](]( [![Join the chat at](]( Stanford Javascript Crypto Library Security Advisories === * 12.02.2014: the current development version has a paranoia bug in the ecc module. The bug was introduced in commit [ac0b3fe0]( and might affect ecc key generation on platforms without a platform random number generator. Security Contact ==== Security Mail: OpenPGP-Key Fingerprint: 0D54 3E52 87B4 EC06 3FA9 0115 72ED A6C7 7AAF 48ED Keyserver: Upgrade Guide ==== ## 1.0.3 -> 1.0.4 `codecBase32` has been re-enabled with changes to conform to [RFC 4648]( * Padding with `=` is now applied to the output of `fromBits`. If you don't want that padding, you can disable it by calling `fromBits` with a second parameter of `true` or anything that evaluates as "truthy" in JS * The encoding alphabet for `sjcl.codec.base32` now matches that specified by the RFC, rather than the extended hex alphabet. * The former extended hex alphabet is now available through `sjcl.codec.base32hex` (also matching the RFC). So if you encoded something with `base32` before, you'll want to decode it with `base32hex` now. Documentation ==== The documentation is available [here](