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Bitmovin Player Yospace Integration WebOS Sample

This folder contains a sample for how to use the Bitmovin Player Yospace Integration library in LG WebOS TV apps.

Getting started

Run npm run build-tv (or npm run build-tv:dev) in the project root to build the library and copy all required files, including the sample web page and Javascript files, to the correct location in this folder.

Open this WebOS folder in Visual Studio Code with the webOS TV extension to create a package and launch on the TV as usual.

Please note that changes in the WebOS/index.html and WebOS/js/* files will be overwritten by the build tooling, changes should be made in the ../web/ folder only.

Notes for developing your own app

Make sure to enable file_protocol and set your app_id in the tweaks section of your config. The app_id should be your app_id.

var conf = {
	key : "<YOUR_PLAYER_KEY>",
	source : {
		dash: ""
	playback : {
		autoplay : true
	tweaks : {
		file_protocol : true,
		app_id : "com.bitmovin.demo.webapp"