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Provide a description on how to use it with anaconda #39

matthiasbrix opened this issue Sep 19, 2019 · 2 comments

Provide a description on how to use it with anaconda #39

matthiasbrix opened this issue Sep 19, 2019 · 2 comments


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I have had struggles to get it running in a conda environment because it did not allow me to install from the pipfile. What I did is this:

conda create -n openprotein

source activate openprotein

conda install pip

~/anaconda3/envs/openprotein/bin/pip install pipenv

~/anaconda3/envs/openprotein/bin/pipenv install

Perhaps provide a requirements file for conda environments?

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In what way does the above fail to install the Pipfile? If you could provide error logs that would be helpful.

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amjadalfawal commented Dec 21, 2019

use this yml import it as env its work with conda
this is documentation for export and import env

  - menpo
  - jmcmurray
  - anaconda
  - pytorch
  - soumith
  - conda-forge
  - defaults
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    - pip==19.3.1
    - werkzeug==0.16.0
prefix: D:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\envs\openprotien```

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