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:calendar: Month Page Views Table

Last Updated Unique Count
2024/6/19 48 95
2024/6/18 54 127
2024/6/17 52 125
2024/6/16 119 252
2024/6/15 41 78
2024/6/14 45 84
2024/6/13 33 86
2024/6/12 41 114
2024/6/11 40 83
2024/6/10 39 82
2024/6/9 44 152
2024/6/8 130 250
2024/6/7 40 126
2024/6/6 37 69
2024/6/5 2 2
2024/6/4 2 5
2024/6/3 3 4
2024/6/2 11 18
2024/6/1 3 6
2024/5/31 4 6
2024/5/30 4 20
2024/5/29 2 24
2024/5/28 11 16
2024/5/27 5 18
2024/5/26 3 16
2024/5/25 5 7
2024/5/24 3 3
2024/5/23 4 33
2024/5/22 2 2
2024/5/21 3 3
2024/5/20 4 4
Last updated on 2024/6/19 6:14 PM UTC ## ✂️Copy and 📋 Paste ### SVG Badge [![Image of insights](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/svg/139376543/badge.svg)](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/readme/139376543/week.md) ```readme [![Image of insights](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/svg/139376543/badge.svg)](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/readme/139376543/week.md) ``` ### Header # hostsVN [Image of insights](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/readme/139376543/week.md) ```readme # hostsVN [Image of insights](https://github.com/bigdargon/insights/blob/master/readme/139376543/week.md) ``` [**Set up GitHub Profile Views Counter for your repositories**](https://github.com/gayanvoice/github-profile-views-counter) ## ⛔ DO NOT - Do not commit any changes to `./cache` directory. This feature helps to integrity of the records for visitors. - The app will automatically stop measuring insights until you revoke those commits. ## 📦 Third party - [@octokit/rest](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@octokit/rest) - Send REST API requests to GitHub. - [fs-extra](https://www.npmjs.com/package/fs-extra) - Creating directories and files. - [simple-git](https://www.npmjs.com/package/simple-git) - Handling Git commands. - [node-chart-exec](https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-chart-exec) - Generate graphs. ## 📄 License - Powered by: [GitHub Profile Views Counter](https://github.com/gayanvoice/github-profile-views-counter) - Code: [MIT](./LICENSE) © [gayanvoice](https://github.com/gayanvoice/github-profile-views-counter) - Data in the `./cache` directory: [Open Database License](https://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1-0/)