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leeluolee / stackit
Forked from benweet/stackeditdegrade stackedit as a local markdown editor
Resizing images made easy - thanks to imagemagick.
harp-boilerplates / hb-blog
Forked from jorgepedret/hb-blogA basic Harp Boilerplate for a blog.
kennethormandy / hb-simurai
Forked from simurai/simurai.comSimurai’s site as a Harp boilerplate.
kennethormandy / hb-casper
Forked from TryGhost/CasperThe default Ghost theme, as a static blog.
bicherele / starter
Forked from prose/starterA starter site for Jekyll + Prose
wizonesolutions / meteor-up
Forked from arunoda/meteor-up-legacyProduction Quality Meteor Deployments
robhrt7 / frontdesk
Forked from miripiruni/frontdeskAll that needed to Front-end Developers
rszrama / gameQuery
Forked from onaluf/gameQuerya javascript game engine with jQuery
Default Yeoman generator for scaffolding out a SharePoint 2013 HTML Master Page & Page Layout project
Making SharePoint lists and items available as Backbone models and collections
cbucher / console
Forked from bozho/consoleThis is a modified version of Console 2 for a better experience under Windows Vista/7/8/10 and a better visual rendering.
CSS toolkit from Twitter for use as a WordPress theme
A demo for Team Collaboration on Github
andreasgal / pdf.js
Forked from mozilla/pdf.jsPDF Reader in JavaScript
A fully client-side map of your twitter followers
bicherele / devstack
Forked from openstack/devstackoneiric powered development environment for openstack
substance / interior
Forked from prose/starterSubstance interior website
bicherele / strano
Forked from joelmoss/stranoCapistrano and Github sittin' in a tree...
bicherele / littlechef
Forked from tobami/littlechefCook with Chef without a Chef Server
A creative-commons book on Backbone.js for beginners and advanced users alike
Recommended jQuery Plugin Patterns - a WIP
bicherele / tilemill
Forked from tilemill-project/tilemillA modern map design studio.
bicherele / MorseCode
Forked from ryanbrubaker/MorseCodeA simple page to simulate a morse code setup. The main point of the project was to learn more about CoffeeScript and Backbone.js
bicherele / serve-bootstrap
Forked from adamstac/serve-bootstrapServe Bootstrap to aid in rapid design using Haml, Sass and Compass
nodejs-es / nodeguide.com
Forked from felixge/nodeguide.comTraducción de nodeguide.com al español
jboss-developer / ticket-monster
Forked from jboss/ticket-monsterTicket Monster
bicherele / rails_admin
Forked from railsadminteam/rails_adminRailsAdmin is a Rails 3 engine that provides an easy-to-use interface for managing your data
browsermedia / rubycas-server
Forked from rubycas/rubycas-serverProvides single sign-on authentication for web applications, implementing the server-end of JA-SIG's CAS protocol.