# Release notes v1.1.0 - Aug 22, 2017 - SVG density tracks (useful for screenshots) v1.0.4 - Jul 17, 2017 - show/hide track sublabels (the contexts) without redrawing entire track v1.0.3 - Jul 14, 2017 - realigned the density values in the track view to be centered on the region computed for - added jasmine testing v1.0.2 - Jun 23, 2017 - fixed issue when using color values names; all CSS3 color names are supported v1.0.1 - Jun 21, 2017 - fixed issue with dialog and array colors - added sample dataset to test plugin is installed correctly v1.0 - Mar 16, 2017 - random color generation based on number of contexts - uses chroma.js for color conversions in ColorHandler v0.6 - Nov 21, 2016 - on hover over track, show density score for sequence contexts - scores are listed in order of context and color coded - option to show/hide scores v0.5 - Nov 21, 2016 - functional dialog box to add/remove contexts, set colors, change window size/delta, and min/max density - check box in track menu to use both strands or forward only to compute density - removed non-functional "Change score range" option in track menu v0.2 - Nov 10, 2016 - allows specifiying unlimited number of nucleotide contexts - multiple options to specify color of contexts default to random (not truly random but equidistant colors) - ability to compute density using forward strand or both strands