define([ 'dojo/_base/declare', 'dojo/_base/array', 'dojo/_base/lang', 'dojo/_base/Color', 'dojox/color', 'JBrowse/View/Track/Wiggle/Density', 'JBrowse/Util', 'NucleotideDensityPlugin/Store/SeqFeature/NucDensityMulti', 'NucleotideDensityPlugin/View/ColorHandler', 'NucleotideDensityPlugin/View/Dialog/NucleotideDensityDialog' ], function( declare, array, lang, Color, dojoxColor, WiggleDensity, Util, NucContent, ColorHandler, NucDensDialog ) { return declare(WiggleDensity, { constructor: function() { = new NucContent({ store:, browser: this.browser, windowSize: this.config.windowSize, windowDelta: this.config.windowDelta, bothStrands: this.config.bothStrands, contexts: this.config.context }); //var tmp = [''].concat(this.config.context); this.labels =, function(ctx){ return {name: ctx}; }); this.randomColors = ColorHandler.generateRandomColors(this.config.context); }, _defaultConfig: function() { return Util.deepUpdate(lang.clone(this.inherited(arguments)), { min_score: 0, max_score: 1, windowSize: 100, windowDelta: 10, logScaleOption: false, showLabels: true, showScores: true, colors: 'random', bothStrands: false, style : { height: 100 } }); }, getConfigColor: function(seqCtx){ return ColorHandler.getConfigColor(seqCtx, this.config.context, this.config.colors, this.randomColors); }, getConfForFeature: function(opt, feature){ if(opt === 'style.pos_color') return this.getConfigColor(; else return this.inherited(arguments); }, _calculatePixelScores: function(canvasWidth, features, featureRects) { var pixelValues = new Array(canvasWidth); array.forEach(features, function(f, i) { var fRect = featureRects[i]; var jEnd = fRect.r; var score = f.get('score'); /*if(score!==0) console.log(f);*/ for (var k = 0; k < this.labels.length; k++) { //console.log(this.labels[k].name, f.get('name')); if (this.labels[k].name === f.get('name')) { break; } } //console.log(k,; for (var j = Math.round(fRect.l); j < jEnd; j++) { if (!pixelValues[j]) { pixelValues[j] = new Array(this.labels.length); } //console.log(j,k,; if (!pixelValues[j][k]) { pixelValues[j][k] = { score: score, feat: f }; } } }, this); // create score displays for(var i=0; i' + pixelValues[i][k]['score'].toPrecision(6).toString() + ''; } pixelValues[i]['score'] = tmp; } } return pixelValues; }, _showPixelValue: function( scoreDisplay, score ) { if( this.config.showScores === false) return false; var scoreType = typeof score; if( scoreType == 'number' ) { // display the score with only 6 // significant digits, avoiding // most confusion about the // approximative properties of // IEEE floating point numbers // parsed out of BigWig files scoreDisplay.innerHTML = parseFloat( score.toPrecision(6) ); return true; } else if( scoreType == 'string' ) { scoreDisplay.innerHTML = score; return true; } else if( score && typeof score['score'] == 'number' ) { // "score" may be an object. scoreDisplay.innerHTML = parseFloat( score['score'].toPrecision(6) ); return true; } else if( score && typeof score['score'] == 'string' ) { // "score" may be an object. scoreDisplay.innerHTML =score['score']; return true; } else { return false; } }, _drawFeatures: function(scale, leftBase, rightBase, block, canvas, pixels, dataScale) { //console.log(pixels); var thisB = this; var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var canvasHeight = canvas.height; var featureColor = typeof === 'function' ? : (function() { // default color function uses conf variables var disableClipMarkers = thisB.config.disable_clip_markers; var normOrigin = dataScale.normalize(dataScale.origin); return function(p, n) { var feature = p.feat; var ret; // not clipped if (disableClipMarkers || n <= 1 && n >= 0) { ret = Color.blendColors( new Color(thisB.getConfForFeature('style.bg_color', feature)), new Color(thisB.getConfForFeature(n >= normOrigin ? 'style.pos_color' : 'style.neg_color', feature)), Math.abs(n - normOrigin) ).toString(); } else { ret = (n > 1 ? thisB.getConfForFeature('style.pos_color', feature) : thisB.getConfForFeature('style.neg_color', feature)); } return ret; }; })(); var resolution = Util.getResolution(context, this.browser.config.highResolutionMode); var kheight = canvasHeight / (this.labels.length * resolution); array.forEach(pixels, function(p, i) { if (p) { array.forEach(p, function(pi, j) { if (pi) { var score = pi.score; var n = dataScale.normalize(score); context.fillStyle = '' + featureColor(pi, n); thisB._fillRectMod(context, i, j * kheight, 1, kheight); } }); } }); }, makeTrackLabel: function() { var canvasHeight =; var kheight = canvasHeight / (this.labels.length); var thisB = this; this.inherited(arguments); if (this.config.showLabels) { var subTable = dojo.create('div',{className:'track-sublabels'},this.div); this.sublabels =, function(elt) { var bg = thisB.getConfigColor(; var htmlnode = dojo.create('div', { className: 'nuc-dens-sublabel', id:, style: { position: 'absolute', height: (kheight - 1) + 'px', width: thisB.config.labelWidth ? thisB.config.labelWidth + 'px' : null, font: thisB.config.labelFont, backgroundColor: bg, color: ColorHandler.getFontColor(bg) }, innerHTML:, title: }, subTable); return htmlnode; }); } }, updateStaticElements: function(/** Object*/ coords) { this.inherited(arguments); var height = - 2; if (this.sublabels && 'x' in coords) { var len = this.sublabels.length; array.forEach(this.sublabels, function(sublabel, i) { = coords.x + 'px'; = i * height / len + 'px'; if (i == len - 1) { dojo.addClass(sublabel, 'last'); } }, this); } }, _trackMenuOptions: function() { var track = this; var options = this.inherited(arguments); // remove trackScoreChange menu option if included var lastOpt = options[options.length-1]; if(lastOpt.hasOwnProperty('iconClass') && lastOpt.iconClass === 'trackScoreIcon') options.pop(); options.push( { type: 'dijit/MenuSeparator' }, { label: 'Track options', iconClass: 'dijitIconFunction', onClick: function() { new NucDensDialog({ setCallback: function(ws, wd, minsc, maxsc, ctx, clr) { track.config.windowSize = ws; track.config.windowDelta = wd; track.config.context = ctx; track.config.colors = clr; track.config.min_score = minsc; track.config.max_score = maxsc; track.browser.publish('/jbrowse/v1/c/tracks/replace', [track.config]); }, windowSize: track.config.windowSize, windowDelta: track.config.windowDelta, minScore: track.config.min_score, maxScore: track.config.max_score, contexts: track.config.context, colors: track.config.colors }).show(); } }, { label: 'Use both strands', title: 'use both strands or forward strand only to compute density', type: 'dijit/CheckedMenuItem', checked: track.config.bothStrands, onClick: function(evt){ track.config.bothStrands = this.checked; track.browser.publish('/jbrowse/v1/c/tracks/replace', [track.config]); } }, { label: 'Show labels', title: 'show sequence context labels on track', type: 'dijit/CheckedMenuItem', checked: track.config.showLabels, onClick: function(evt){ track.config.showLabels = this.checked; track.browser.publish('/jbrowse/v1/c/tracks/replace', [track.config]); } }, { label: 'Show scores', title: 'show density scores when mouseover track', type: 'dijit/CheckedMenuItem', checked: track.config.showScores, onClick: function(evt){ track.config.showScores = this.checked; track.browser.publish('/jbrowse/v1/c/tracks/replace', [track.config]); } } ); return options; } }); });