For our entity typing experiments, we collected entity labels (Wikipedia article titles) from wikidata (20170814 dump) and mapped them to fine-grained entity types. The resulting data in 275 languages can be downloaded here.
We provide data for several entity type inventories:
A map from wikidata labels to exactly one of the 112 fine-grained entity types introduced by Ling & Weld, 2012. The entity type is selected via the notable type property in Freebase, i.e. the entity type most commonly associated with an entity.
A map from wikidata labels to one or more of the 112 FIGER types. The entity types are all types found for the given entity in Freebase.
A map from wikidata labels to one or more of the 89 entity types proposed by Gillick et al., 2014. The entity types are all types found for the given entity in Freebase. This is the data on which the results reported in our paper are based.
A map from wikidata labels to one or more of the four basic entity types PERSON, LOCATION, ORGANIZATION, OTHER, via the mapping by Gillick et al., 2014. The entity types are mapped from all types found for the given entity in Freebase.