Database assembly: species data ================ Beau Larkin Last updated: 18 October, 2023 - [Description](#description) - [Workflow](#workflow) - [ITS data (all fungi)](#its-data-all-fungi) - [18S data (mycorrhizae)](#18s-data-mycorrhizae) - [Desired outcome](#desired-outcome) - [Resources](#resources) - [Packages and libraries](#packages-and-libraries) - [Functions](#functions) - [Load and process data](#load-and-process-data) - [Import files](#import-files) - [ETL using `etl()`](#etl-using-etl) - [Post-processing 18S data](#post-processing-18s-data) # Description Microbial sequence abundances were produced by Lorinda Bullington in QIIME2. ETL must be performed on output text files to allow downstream analysis. Iterative steps are needed to find out the optimal number of samples to keep from each field to ensure equal sampling effort and adequate representation of diversity. ## Workflow 1. The script `process_data.R` is run first. A few samples failed to amplify, resulting in some fields characterized by 9 samples and others by 10. To balance sampling effort across fields, the top 9 samples by sequence abundance are chosen from each field. 2. Next, `microbial_diagnostics_pre.R` is run to investigate sequencing depth in samples and species accumulation in fields. A few samples are known to have low sequence abundance (an order of magnitude lower than the maximum), and the consequence of rarefying to this small depth must be known. A new cutoff for sequence depth, and definition of further samples which must be cut, is recommended. 3. Then, `process_data.R` is run again, this time with the number of samples retained per field set to the levels recommended in `microbial_diagnostics_pre.R`. As of 2023-10-11, the recommended number of samples to keep from all fields is **8 from the ITS dataset** and **7 from the 18S dataset.** - If downstream analyses have been completed, then it’s likely that the `process_data.R` script has been left at this step. 4. Finally, `microbial_diagnostics_post.R` is run. It is very similar to the “\_pre” script, but a different file is used so that the two may be compared. ## ITS data (all fungi) Sequence abundances in 97% similar OTUs in individual samples form the base data. The abundances are raw (not rarefied). - ITS taxonomy are included in a separate file. ## 18S data (mycorrhizae) Sequence abundance in 97% similar OTUs in individual samples. The abundances are raw (not rarefied). - 18S taxonomy are included in a separate file. - A unifrac distance matrix will be created and included after sample selection and sequence depth rarefaction. ## Desired outcome For each raw table, species OTU codes must be aligned with short, unique keys, and then species tables must be transposed into sites-species matrices. Some fields only retained nine samples. To correct for survey effort, the nine samples from each field with the greatest total sequence abundance will be chosen, and sequences summed for each OTU within fields. Rarefaction of sequencing depth to the minimum total number of sequences will be applied to summed OTUs. For each taxonomy table, taxonomy strings must be parsed and unnecessary characters removed. A function is used to streamline the pipeline and to reduce errors. [Fungal traits]( data will be joined with the ITS taxonomy For all tables, short and unique rownames must be created to allow for easy joining of species and metadata tables. For all sequences, zero-abundance and singleton OTUs must be removed after OTUs have been rarefied and summed within fields. For the 18S data, a second table is needed to produce a UNIFRAC distance matrix. The table must have OTUs in rows with OTU ids. # Resources ## Packages and libraries ``` r packages_needed = c("tidyverse", "vegan", "knitr") packages_installed = packages_needed %in% rownames(installed.packages()) ``` ``` r if (any(!packages_installed)) { install.packages(packages_needed[!packages_installed]) } ``` ``` r for (i in 1:length(packages_needed)) { library(packages_needed[i], character.only = T) } ``` ## Functions *NOTE:* Due to rounding, a very few OTUs are retained or lost (\<1%) when function `Rarefy()` is rerun. These different outcomes change nothing about how results would be interpreted, but they do change axis limits and other trivial parameters that cause headaches later. Be advised that downstream changes will be needed if `Rarefy()` is rerun and new files are created by `write_csv()` in the steps at the end of this function. ``` r etl <- function(spe, taxa, samps, traits=NULL, varname, gene, cluster_type, colname_prefix, folder) { # Variable definitions # spe = Dataframe or tibble with QIIME2 sequence abundances output, # OTUs in rows and samples in columns. # taxa = Dataframe or tibble with QIIME2 taxonomy outputs; OTUs in # rows and metadata in columns. # samps = Samples to keep from each field # traits = Additional dataframe of traits or guilds. # varname = An unique key will be created to replace the cumbersome cluster # hash which is produced by QIIME2. Varname, a string, begins the # column name for this new, short key. Unquoted. Example: otu_num # gene = Gene region targeted in sequencing, e.g.: "ITS", "18S", "16S". # Quoted. Used to select() column names, so must match text in # column names. Also used to create distinct file names. # cluster_type = Clustering algorithm output, e.g.: "otu", "sv". Quoted. # Used to create simple cluster IDs. # colname_prefix = Existing, verbose prefix to text of OTU column names. The function removes # this prefix to make OTU names more concise. # folder = The function creates output files in the working directory by # default. To use a subfolder, use this variable. Quoted. # Include the "/" before the folder name. If no folder # name is desired, use "". set.seed <- 397 varname <- enquo(varname) data <- spe %>% left_join(taxa, by = join_by(`#OTU ID`)) # Produce metadata for ITS or 18S data, write to file if(gene == "ITS") { meta <- data %>% mutate(!!varname := paste0(cluster_type, "_", row_number())) %>% select(!starts_with(gene)) %>% rename(otu_ID = `#OTU ID`) %>% select(!!varname, everything()) %>% separate_wider_delim( taxonomy, delim = ";", names = c( "kingdom", "phylum", "class", "order", "family", "genus", "species" ), cols_remove = TRUE, too_few = "align_start" ) %>% mutate(kingdom = str_sub(kingdom, 4, nchar(kingdom)), phylum = str_sub(phylum, 4, nchar(phylum)), class = str_sub(class, 4, nchar(class)), order = str_sub(order, 4, nchar(order)), family = str_sub(family, 4, nchar(family)), genus = str_sub(genus, 4, nchar(genus)), species = str_sub(species, 4, nchar(species))) %>% left_join(traits, by = join_by(phylum, class, order, family, genus)) %>% select(-kingdom, -Confidence) } else { meta <- data %>% mutate(!!varname := paste0(cluster_type, "_", row_number())) %>% select(!starts_with(gene)) %>% rename(otu_ID = `#OTU ID`) %>% select(!!varname, everything()) %>% separate(taxonomy, c("class", "order", "family", "genus", "taxon", "accession"), sep = ";", remove = TRUE, fill = "right") %>% select(-Confidence) } spe_t <- data.frame( data %>% mutate(!!varname := paste0(cluster_type, "_", row_number())) %>% select(!!varname, starts_with(gene)), row.names = 1 ) %>% t() %>% %>% rownames_to_column() %>% mutate(rowname = str_remove(rowname, colname_prefix)) %>% separate_wider_delim(cols = rowname, delim = "_", names = c("field_key", "sample")) # Display minimum number of samples in a field min_samples <- spe_t %>% group_by(field_key) %>% summarize(n = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% pull(n) %>% min() # Display number of samples in all fields samples_fields <- spe_t %>% group_by(field_key) %>% summarize(n = n(), .groups = "drop") %>% mutate(field_key = as.numeric(field_key)) %>% left_join(sites, by = join_by(field_key)) %>% select(field_key, field_name, region, n) %>% arrange(field_key) %>% kable(format = "pandoc", caption = "Number of samples available in each field") # Raw (not rarefied) sequence abundances, top n samples, write to file spe_topn <- spe_t %>% mutate(sum = rowSums(across(starts_with(cluster_type)))) %>% group_by(field_key) %>% slice_max(sum, n=samps) %>% select(-sum) %>% arrange(field_key, sample) # Remove zero abundance columns strip_cols1 <- which(apply(spe_topn[, -c(1,2)], 2, sum) == 0) spe_samps_raw <- { if (length(strip_cols1) == 0) data.frame(spe_topn) else data.frame(spe_topn[, -strip_cols1]) } %>% mutate(field_key = as.numeric(field_key), sample = as.numeric(sample)) %>% arrange(field_key, sample) %>% as_tibble() # Rarefied sequence abundances, top n samples, write to file spe_samps_raw_df <- spe_samps_raw %>% mutate(field_sample = paste(field_key, sample, sep = "_")) %>% select(field_sample, everything(), -field_key, -sample) %>% data.frame(., row.names = 1) depth_spe_samps_rfy <- min(rowSums(spe_samps_raw_df)) spe_samps_rrfd <- rrarefy(spe_samps_raw_df, depth_spe_samps_rfy) # Remove zero abundance columns strip_cols2 <- which(apply(spe_samps_rrfd, 2, sum) == 0) spe_samps_rfy <- { if (length(strip_cols2) == 0) data.frame(spe_samps_rrfd) else data.frame(spe_samps_rrfd[, -strip_cols2]) } %>% rownames_to_column(var = "field_sample") %>% separate_wider_delim(cols = field_sample, delim = "_", names = c("field_key", "sample")) %>% mutate(field_key = as.numeric(field_key), sample = as.numeric(sample)) %>% arrange(field_key, sample) %>% as_tibble() # Produce summaries of raw sequence data for each field, from top n samples, write to file spe_raw_sum <- spe_samps_raw %>% group_by(field_key) %>% summarize(across(starts_with(cluster_type), ~ sum(.x)), .groups = "drop") %>% mutate(field_key = as.numeric(field_key)) %>% arrange(field_key) # Remove zero abundance columns strip_cols3 <- which(apply(spe_raw_sum, 2, sum) <= 0) spe_raw <- if(length(strip_cols3) == 0) { spe_raw_sum } else { spe_raw_sum[, -strip_cols3] } # Rarefy summed raw sequence data for each field, from top n samples, write to file spe_raw_df <- data.frame(spe_raw, row.names = 1) depth_spe_rfy <- min(rowSums(spe_raw_df)) spe_rrfd <- rrarefy(spe_raw_df, depth_spe_rfy) # Remove zero abundance columns strip_cols4 <- which(apply(spe_rrfd, 2, sum) <= 0) spe_rfy <- { if (length(strip_cols4) == 0) data.frame(spe_rrfd) else data.frame(spe_rrfd[, -strip_cols4]) } %>% rownames_to_column(var = "field_key") %>% mutate(field_key = as.numeric(field_key)) %>% arrange(field_key) %>% as_tibble() write_csv(meta, paste0(getwd(), folder, "/spe_", gene, "_metadata.csv")) write_csv(spe_samps_raw, paste0(getwd(), folder, "/spe_", gene, "_raw_samples.csv")) write_csv(spe_samps_rfy, paste0(getwd(), folder, "/spe_", gene, "_rfy_samples.csv")) write_csv(spe_raw, paste0(getwd(), folder, "/spe_", gene, "_raw.csv")) write_csv(spe_rfy, paste0(getwd(), folder, "/spe_", gene, "_rfy.csv")) out <- list( min_samples = min_samples, samples_retained = samps, samples_fields = samples_fields, spe_meta = meta, spe_samps_raw = spe_samps_raw, depth_spe_samps_rfy = depth_spe_samps_rfy, spe_samps_rfy = spe_samps_rfy, spe_raw = spe_raw, depth_spe_rfy = depth_spe_rfy, spe_rfy = spe_rfy ) return(out) } ``` # Load and process data ## Import files ``` r its_otu <- read_delim(paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/ITS/ITS_otu_raw.txt"), show_col_types = FALSE) its_taxa <- read_delim(paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/ITS/ITS_otu_taxonomy.txt"), show_col_types = FALSE) # The 18S OTU file contains an unknown site label in the last column; remove it amf_otu <- read_delim(paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/18S/18S_otu_raw.txt"), show_col_types = FALSE) %>% select(-last_col()) amf_taxa <- read_delim(paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/18S/18S_otu_taxonomy.txt"), show_col_types = FALSE) traits <- read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/2023-02-23_fungal_traits.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE) %>% select(phylum:primary_lifestyle) # Site metadata ``` ``` r sites <- read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/sites.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE) ``` ## ETL using `etl()` Schema: `process_qiime(spe, taxa, samps, traits=NULL, varname, gene, cluster_type, colname_prefix, folder)` **Note:** If doing the first step of this workflow, retain 9 samples per field from each dataset and proceed to further diagnostics in `microbial_diagnostics_pre.R`. **Note:** If doing the third step of this workflow, Retain 8 samples from ITS and 7 samples from 18S per field based on results from `microbial_diagnostics_pre.R`. Proceed to `microbial_diagnostics_post.R` for final exploration of the datasets. ``` r its <- etl( spe = its_otu, taxa = its_taxa, samps = 8, traits = traits, varname = otu_num, gene = "ITS", cluster_type = "otu", colname_prefix = "ITS_TGP_", folder = "/clean_data" ) its ``` ## $min_samples ## [1] 9 ## ## $samples_retained ## [1] 8 ## ## $samples_fields ## ## ## Table: Number of samples available in each field ## ## field_key field_name region n ## ---------- ----------- ------- --- ## 1 BBRP1 BM 10 ## 2 ERRP1 BM 10 ## 3 FGC1 FG 10 ## 4 FGREM1 FG 10 ## 5 FGRP1 FG 10 ## 6 FLC1 FL 10 ## 7 FLC2 FL 10 ## 8 FLREM1 FL 10 ## 9 FLRP1 FL 9 ## 10 FLRP4 FL 10 ## 11 FLRP5 FL 10 ## 12 FLRSP1 FL 10 ## 13 FLRSP2 FL 10 ## 14 FLRSP3 FL 9 ## 15 KORP1 BM 10 ## 16 LPC1 LP 10 ## 17 LPREM1 LP 10 ## 18 LPRP1 LP 10 ## 19 LPRP2 LP 10 ## 20 MBREM1 BM 10 ## 21 MBRP1 BM 10 ## 22 MHRP1 BM 10 ## 23 MHRP2 BM 10 ## 24 PHC1 BM 10 ## 25 PHRP1 BM 10 ## ## $spe_meta ## # A tibble: 3,175 × 9 ## otu_num otu_ID phylum class order family genus species primary_lifestyle ## ## 1 otu_1 352d386293… Ascom… Sord… Hypo… Nectr… Fusa… Fusari… plant_pathogen ## 2 otu_2 a78342f18e… Morti… Mort… Mort… Morti… Mort… Mortie… soil_saprotroph ## 3 otu_3 dabfbac17a… Ascom… Sord… Glom… Plect… Gibe… plant_pathogen ## 4 otu_4 bdee5c3cbc… Ascom… Euro… Chae… Herpo… unid… uniden… ## 5 otu_5 73514f6e23… Ascom… Sord… Hypo… Nectr… ## 6 otu_6 c92d481c3f… Ascom… Doth… Pleo… Didym… ## 7 otu_7 204f1bd97d… Ascom… Doth… Pleo… Peric… Peri… plant_pathogen ## 8 otu_8 0ab6be0adc… Ascom… Euro… Chae… Herpo… unid… uniden… ## 9 otu_9 3c7865fa95… Basid… Trem… Cyst… Mraki… Taus… Tauson… soil_saprotroph ## 10 otu_10 caa87147e4… Ascom… ## # ℹ 3,165 more rows ## ## $spe_samps_raw ## # A tibble: 200 × 3,032 ## field_key sample otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 ## ## 1 1 1 170 241 8 0 45 469 1502 0 0 108 ## 2 1 2 72 1320 0 231 28 42 502 10 0 80 ## 3 1 4 102 842 3 0 19 80 239 0 0 31 ## 4 1 5 153 0 4 0 27 203 498 274 0 98 ## 5 1 6 117 0 13 2286 24 152 862 0 0 33 ## 6 1 7 416 11 25 6 48 225 112 0 0 154 ## 7 1 9 115 34 32 0 33 565 217 0 0 82 ## 8 1 10 85 137 15 54 33 118 294 0 0 118 ## 9 2 1 721 352 199 0 93 0 84 0 0 680 ## 10 2 2 90 212 42 0 51 0 43 0 0 233 ## # ℹ 190 more rows ## # ℹ 3,020 more variables: otu_11 , otu_12 , otu_13 , ## # otu_14 , otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , ## # otu_19 , otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , ## # otu_24 , otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , ## # otu_29 , otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , ## # otu_34 , otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , … ## ## $depth_spe_samps_rfy ## [1] 5321 ## ## $spe_samps_rfy ## # A tibble: 200 × 2,869 ## field_key sample otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 ## ## 1 1 1 79 145 4 0 28 261 863 0 0 53 ## 2 1 2 56 1068 0 189 25 36 389 9 0 67 ## 3 1 4 81 635 2 0 15 61 173 0 0 24 ## 4 1 5 114 0 4 0 14 140 347 188 0 75 ## 5 1 6 85 0 11 1682 19 122 615 0 0 23 ## 6 1 7 315 7 21 6 37 175 86 0 0 112 ## 7 1 9 99 33 26 0 31 507 179 0 0 66 ## 8 1 10 63 107 13 50 26 89 222 0 0 96 ## 9 2 1 459 243 127 0 53 0 50 0 0 453 ## 10 2 2 63 138 32 0 27 0 32 0 0 146 ## # ℹ 190 more rows ## # ℹ 2,857 more variables: otu_11 , otu_12 , otu_13 , ## # otu_14 , otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , ## # otu_19 , otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , ## # otu_24 , otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , ## # otu_29 , otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , ## # otu_34 , otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , … ## ## $spe_raw ## # A tibble: 25 × 2,896 ## field_key otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 otu_11 ## ## 1 1 1230 2585 100 2577 257 1854 4226 284 0 704 0 ## 2 2 4082 2526 1231 92 855 131 632 0 11 2344 140 ## 3 3 492 7 489 0 808 387 379 0 30 0 692 ## 4 4 2351 0 5 0 1779 2874 2036 0 85 917 0 ## 5 5 663 191 648 0 1798 3766 6229 0 101 1306 196 ## 6 6 1717 490 282 0 774 1033 1548 0 4099 6 3816 ## 7 7 1831 1922 1503 9 902 3530 126 0 11026 0 410 ## 8 8 1950 696 973 1395 1143 1672 2090 0 38 1967 108 ## 9 9 2835 1581 1414 1143 306 1704 1397 27 0 754 79 ## 10 10 1001 1033 1007 540 266 938 1573 2037 0 318 34 ## # ℹ 15 more rows ## # ℹ 2,884 more variables: otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , ## # otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , ## # otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , ## # otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , ## # otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , ## # otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , … ## ## $depth_spe_rfy ## [1] 58170 ## ## $spe_rfy ## # A tibble: 25 × 2,889 ## field_key otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 otu_11 ## ## 1 1 1230 2585 100 2577 257 1854 4226 284 0 704 0 ## 2 2 3607 2239 1085 80 754 114 555 0 8 2084 120 ## 3 3 435 7 417 0 704 341 335 0 24 0 608 ## 4 4 2226 0 5 0 1698 2715 1930 0 80 869 0 ## 5 5 545 156 533 0 1495 3076 5104 0 90 1065 167 ## 6 6 1366 404 224 0 631 817 1225 0 3225 4 3040 ## 7 7 1521 1608 1261 5 787 2955 106 0 9238 0 339 ## 8 8 1655 603 825 1196 988 1443 1793 0 34 1693 95 ## 9 9 2028 1120 997 799 219 1174 995 18 0 530 55 ## 10 10 839 867 849 451 221 794 1328 1721 0 270 31 ## # ℹ 15 more rows ## # ℹ 2,877 more variables: otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , ## # otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , ## # otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , ## # otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , ## # otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , ## # otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , … ``` r amf <- etl( spe = amf_otu, taxa = amf_taxa, samps = 7, varname = otu_num, gene = "18S", cluster_type = "otu", colname_prefix = "X18S_TGP_", folder = "/clean_data" ) amf ``` ## $min_samples ## [1] 9 ## ## $samples_retained ## [1] 7 ## ## $samples_fields ## ## ## Table: Number of samples available in each field ## ## field_key field_name region n ## ---------- ----------- ------- --- ## 1 BBRP1 BM 9 ## 2 ERRP1 BM 10 ## 3 FGC1 FG 10 ## 4 FGREM1 FG 10 ## 5 FGRP1 FG 10 ## 6 FLC1 FL 10 ## 7 FLC2 FL 10 ## 8 FLREM1 FL 10 ## 9 FLRP1 FL 9 ## 10 FLRP4 FL 10 ## 11 FLRP5 FL 10 ## 12 FLRSP1 FL 10 ## 13 FLRSP2 FL 10 ## 14 FLRSP3 FL 9 ## 15 KORP1 BM 10 ## 16 LPC1 LP 10 ## 17 LPREM1 LP 10 ## 18 LPRP1 LP 10 ## 19 LPRP2 LP 10 ## 20 MBREM1 BM 10 ## 21 MBRP1 BM 9 ## 22 MHRP1 BM 10 ## 23 MHRP2 BM 10 ## 24 PHC1 BM 10 ## 25 PHRP1 BM 10 ## ## $spe_meta ## # A tibble: 152 × 8 ## otu_num otu_ID class order family genus taxon accession ## ## 1 otu_1 320f3edc7b48ba5691766ccc71b… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00212 ## 2 otu_2 97cefc055a2fa1b8caf5b81635b… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00135 ## 3 otu_3 2c47b9acb976f06611bddfe10f9… Para… Para… Parag… Para… ## 4 otu_4 7487be824e0acea7ee8c22b94f1… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00195 ## 5 otu_5 e8cbf85e2f78be8ff21c0c3e0f5… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… ## 6 otu_6 87ff74cc0f55f12dc4056a4a8a2… Glom… Glom… Claro… Clar… ## 7 otu_7 f10a50b1220da2d3e275f9772b3… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00222 ## 8 otu_8 0d508e08bf3048aa561e7c9d96e… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00315 ## 9 otu_9 4a4251fdd8c94240584c5d4ff6a… Glom… Glom… Glome… Glom… Glom… VTX00214 ## 10 otu_10 210c71717f87c8e4912431ed98b… Glom… Glom… Claro… Clar… Clar… VTX00056 ## # ℹ 142 more rows ## ## $spe_samps_raw ## # A tibble: 175 × 151 ## field_key sample otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 ## ## 1 1 1 120 195 51 0 307 120 88 143 0 18 ## 2 1 2 102 195 378 267 1006 275 120 171 61 0 ## 3 1 4 17 279 30 0 395 16 184 894 0 0 ## 4 1 5 0 0 486 30 566 223 550 33 0 16 ## 5 1 7 55 111 275 0 516 110 21 148 0 0 ## 6 1 8 130 505 129 0 113 26 55 758 26 110 ## 7 1 10 144 359 193 0 648 30 16 151 0 28 ## 8 2 1 1251 0 2407 0 275 278 30 0 293 37 ## 9 2 3 454 25 84 0 265 541 95 0 288 352 ## 10 2 5 393 0 2247 0 1381 26 0 0 294 109 ## # ℹ 165 more rows ## # ℹ 139 more variables: otu_11 , otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , ## # otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , ## # otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , ## # otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , ## # otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , ## # otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , … ## ## $depth_spe_samps_rfy ## [1] 1364 ## ## $spe_samps_rfy ## # A tibble: 175 × 143 ## field_key sample otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 ## ## 1 1 1 90 153 40 0 234 84 64 100 0 13 ## 2 1 2 41 62 125 90 326 88 41 51 19 0 ## 3 1 4 4 95 11 0 129 8 56 345 0 0 ## 4 1 5 0 0 202 11 221 89 206 11 0 4 ## 5 1 7 34 59 168 0 295 66 7 80 0 0 ## 6 1 8 64 235 52 0 49 14 25 328 4 43 ## 7 1 10 68 172 93 0 312 19 6 77 0 15 ## 8 2 1 284 0 616 0 65 60 7 0 70 13 ## 9 2 3 138 5 20 0 77 175 37 0 90 120 ## 10 2 5 85 0 495 0 293 5 0 0 62 22 ## # ℹ 165 more rows ## # ℹ 131 more variables: otu_11 , otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , ## # otu_15 , otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , ## # otu_20 , otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , ## # otu_25 , otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , ## # otu_30 , otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , ## # otu_35 , otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , … ## ## $spe_raw ## # A tibble: 25 × 147 ## field_key otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 otu_11 ## ## 1 1 568 1644 1542 297 3551 800 1034 2298 87 172 1485 ## 2 2 4373 25 9072 0 4175 1415 462 0 1400 1265 0 ## 3 3 44 350 31 3454 1386 595 1974 0 570 25 0 ## 4 4 3402 3525 0 1223 1124 1298 466 1810 5069 2188 580 ## 5 5 755 2901 27 58 4195 1675 779 18 2256 3249 123 ## 6 6 725 125 6648 4679 1610 1895 2840 5 725 149 6 ## 7 7 16 0 1677 1294 5984 1262 67 112 166 0 0 ## 8 8 2221 2617 454 624 1688 1706 2341 1161 1126 2343 3033 ## 9 9 725 2699 211 3035 487 489 1616 4418 1811 1397 4372 ## 10 10 1850 1234 165 2431 192 708 1627 4483 228 737 1832 ## # ℹ 15 more rows ## # ℹ 135 more variables: otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , otu_15 , ## # otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , otu_20 , ## # otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , otu_25 , ## # otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , otu_30 , ## # otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , otu_35 , ## # otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , otu_40 , … ## ## $depth_spe_rfy ## [1] 17975 ## ## $spe_rfy ## # A tibble: 25 × 146 ## field_key otu_1 otu_2 otu_3 otu_4 otu_5 otu_6 otu_7 otu_8 otu_9 otu_10 otu_11 ## ## 1 1 456 1356 1293 243 2972 649 864 1919 68 149 1268 ## 2 2 2089 8 4172 0 2045 674 201 0 684 602 0 ## 3 3 26 208 18 2183 872 390 1252 0 367 10 0 ## 4 4 1846 1894 0 673 608 695 258 1008 2786 1213 326 ## 5 5 345 1371 16 31 2010 794 379 4 1051 1529 60 ## 6 6 365 48 3457 2392 841 1014 1509 2 381 67 4 ## 7 7 11 0 1116 852 4023 819 37 75 108 0 0 ## 8 8 1122 1293 231 311 839 850 1204 556 563 1158 1514 ## 9 9 442 1584 132 1736 287 291 954 2568 1062 823 2555 ## 10 10 1329 911 117 1765 140 487 1190 3213 162 538 1283 ## # ℹ 15 more rows ## # ℹ 134 more variables: otu_12 , otu_13 , otu_14 , otu_15 , ## # otu_16 , otu_17 , otu_18 , otu_19 , otu_20 , ## # otu_21 , otu_22 , otu_23 , otu_24 , otu_25 , ## # otu_26 , otu_27 , otu_28 , otu_29 , otu_30 , ## # otu_31 , otu_32 , otu_33 , otu_34 , otu_35 , ## # otu_36 , otu_37 , otu_38 , otu_39 , otu_40 , … ## Post-processing 18S data To produce a UNIFRAC distance table, the trimmed table `amf$spe_rfy` must be imported back into QIIME, where sequence data can be used with abundances to create a phylogeny and distance matrix. The data frame must be transposed and use legal column names (i.e., non-numeric). Site metadata is used to create better column names. The resultant distance matrix will be imported again when needed for multivariate analysis and ordination. ``` r amf_export <- data.frame( sites %>% select(field_key, field_name) %>% left_join(amf$spe_rfy, by = join_by(field_key)) %>% select(-field_key), row.names = 1 ) %>% t() %>% %>% rownames_to_column(var = "otu_num") %>% left_join(amf$spe_meta %>% select(otu_num, otu_ID), by = join_by(otu_num)) %>% select(otu_ID, everything(), -otu_num) write_tsv(amf_export, paste0(getwd(), "/otu_tables/18S/spe_18S_rfy_export.tsv")) ```