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Soil abiotic properties

Beau Larkin

Last updated: 20 October, 2023


Soil nutrients were analyzed by Ward Laboratories, Inc., analysis methods available in local files or at the link included here. Soil organic matter is in percent determined by the loss-on-ignition method. Soil pH is in a log scale as is typical, and all the other minerals are in parts per million. This may need to be converted to $mg*kg^{-1}$ or a similar ratio.

This script provides a quick overview of the soil abiotic property data and produces products (e.g., ordination axis values) for use in downstream analysis.

Packages and libraries

packages_needed = c("tidyverse", "vegan", "GGally")
packages_installed = packages_needed %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(!packages_installed)) {
for (i in 1:length(packages_needed)) {
    library(packages_needed[i], character.only = T)


Cleanplot PCA produces informative visualizations of PCA ordinations (Borcard et al. 2018)

source(paste0(getwd(), "/supporting_files/cleanplot_pca.txt"))


sites <-
    read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/sites.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
        field_type = factor(
            ordered = TRUE,
            levels = c("corn", "restored", "remnant")),
        yr_since = replace(yr_since, which(field_type == "remnant"), "+"),
        yr_since = replace(yr_since, which(field_type == "corn"), "-")) %>%
    select(-lat, -long, -yr_restore, -yr_rank) %>% 
# Remove soil data from sites in old fields (rows 26, 27)
soil <- read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/soil.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE)[-c(26:27), ]

Fatty acid data is used here to show constrasts with soil properties.

fa <- read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/plfa.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE)


PCA ordination

soil_z <- decostand(data.frame(soil[, -1], row.names = 1), "standardize")
soil_pca <- rda(soil_z)
soil_pca %>% summary(., display = NULL)
## Call:
## rda(X = soil_z) 
## Partitioning of variance:
##               Inertia Proportion
## Total              13          1
## Unconstrained      13          1
## Eigenvalues, and their contribution to the variance 
## Importance of components:
##                          PC1    PC2    PC3    PC4     PC5     PC6     PC7
## Eigenvalue            4.4790 2.3301 1.7896 1.4132 1.16188 0.70120 0.38467
## Proportion Explained  0.3445 0.1792 0.1377 0.1087 0.08938 0.05394 0.02959
## Cumulative Proportion 0.3445 0.5238 0.6614 0.7701 0.85952 0.91346 0.94305
##                           PC8     PC9     PC10     PC11    PC12     PC13
## Eigenvalue            0.27747 0.20308 0.129286 0.069183 0.04186 0.019432
## Proportion Explained  0.02134 0.01562 0.009945 0.005322 0.00322 0.001495
## Cumulative Proportion 0.96440 0.98002 0.989963 0.995285 0.99851 1.000000
## Scaling 2 for species and site scores
## * Species are scaled proportional to eigenvalues
## * Sites are unscaled: weighted dispersion equal on all dimensions
## * General scaling constant of scores:

Axes 1 and 2 explain 52% of the variation in sites. Not bad. Axes 1 through 5 account for 86%.

screeplot(soil_pca, bstick = TRUE)

Eigenvalues from the first five axes exceed the broken stick model.


Abiotic properties that exceed the unit circle (Scaling 1 plot) exert more influence on the ordination of sites. These are $P,~NO_3,~SO_4,~Ca,~Mg,$ and $OM$. $Mn$ and $pH$ are close enough to warrant further investigation.

Sites sort in somewhat predictable ways (Scaling 2 plot). Cornfields are associated with phosphorus, nitrate, and sulfate. Many, but not all, remnants are associates with soil organic matter. Blue Mounds fields are associated with manganese, but since manganese isn’t a very strong element in this ordination, these fields may also be very low in soild organic matter, magnesium, or calcium.

Variance inflation and collinearity

Using these abiotic properties in models or forward selection procedures later will require that we know about their collinearity. Let’s test that here.

sort(diag(solve(cor(data.frame(soil[, -1], row.names = 1)))), decreasing = TRUE)
##        OM         P        Ca       NO3         K        Mn        pH        Na 
## 26.691234 16.835301 16.660895  8.406986  7.189305  6.200678  6.144903  5.470299 
##        Mg        Fe       SO4        Cu        Zn 
##  5.445119  5.252802  4.574149  2.006058  1.993519

Variance inflation factors greater than 10 are evidence of collinearity (Borcard et al. 20180). Soil organic matter, phosphorus, and calcium show VIF greater than 10. Later, when constrained ordinations are done, forward selection will likely prevent the inclusion of collinear variables. But which ones to choose? Soil organic matter is important to this story, but other soil properties may be less so. Removing calcium drops the VIF for all properties to near or below 10. Removing calcium may be warranted.

sort(diag(solve(cor(data.frame(soil[, -1], row.names = 1) %>% select(-Ca)))), decreasing = TRUE)
##         P        OM       NO3        Mn         K        pH        Mg        Na 
## 11.511246  9.800941  8.355535  5.965700  5.801322  5.571081  5.368703  5.226920 
##        Fe       SO4        Cu        Zn 
##  5.130920  4.574088  1.968208  1.918143

Compare nutrients and microbial biomass

Pairs panels help to quickly identify strong pairwise correlations. The first figure shows bacterial groups, the second shows fungal groups. Based on the identification of VIF above, we’ll remove Ca for now to simplify the pairs panels a little. We will also only include variables that exceed or were close to the unit circle in cleanplot.pca() above.

Bacterial biomass correlations

Bacteria aren’t a focus of this work, but let’s have a look at these data anyway.

soil %>% 
    left_join(fa %>% select(field_key, gram_pos, gram_neg, bacteria, actinomycetes), by = "field_key") %>% 
    left_join(sites %>% select(field_key, field_type), by = "field_key") %>% 
    select(starts_with("field"), OM, P, NO3, K, Mn, pH, Mg, SO4, gram_pos, gram_neg, bacteria, actinomycetes) %>% 
    ggpairs(columns = 4:ncol(.), 
            aes(color = as.character(field_type)), 
            upper = list(continuous = wrap("cor", size = 2))) +

  • Soil organic matter strongly correlates with bacterial biomass in restored fields. With corn and remnant fields, the correlation likely is based more on regional differences in SOM.
  • Bacterial biomass increase as potassium increases with a moderate correlation in restored fields.
  • Bacterial biomass decreases with increasing manganese, moderate correlation but messier.
  • Bacterial biomass increases with magnesium, moderate to strong correlations.
  • Bacterial biomass increases with sulfate, moderate correlations.

It remains to be seen how these data may be interpreted. It’s possible that these correlations will highlight particular groups and add some material for the discussion.

Fungal biomass correlations

The following panels examine correlations between soil abiotic properties, fungal, and amf biomass.

soil %>% 
    left_join(fa %>% select(field_key, fungi, amf), by = "field_key") %>% 
    left_join(sites %>% select(field_key, field_type), by = "field_key") %>% 
    select(starts_with("field"), OM, P, NO3, K, Mn, pH, Mg, SO4, fungi, amf) %>% 
    ggpairs(columns = 4:ncol(.), 
            aes(color = as.character(field_type)), 
            upper = list(continuous = wrap("cor", size = 2))) +

  • AMF biomass isn’t particularly responsive to soil abiotic properties. There’s one big field with high AMF biomass.
  • Fungal biomass increases with SOM in restored and remnant fields. It should. SOM appears higher in a couple of cornfields than I thought it would.
  • Fungal biomass increases with potassium, magnesium, and sulfate in restored fields.

Fungal biomass increases with SOM and some nutrients. Do these nutrients vary over time or with regions? The correlations look continuous, with no apparent regional breaks, but it can’t be known from these pairs plots.