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File metadata and controls

executable file
333 lines (278 loc) · 8.98 KB

Site locations, metadata, and climate

Beau Larkin

Last updated: 04 December, 2023


Site locations, maps, and metadata are produced here. Climate data (precipitation) are downloaded and processed here.

  • Precipitation data was downloaded from PRISM on 2022-01-06 following this tutorial.
  • Raw (downloaded) data is stored locally; site level data was processed into .csv files and included in this repository.
  • Precipitation data are 30-year normals from 1991-2020

Note that in this script, messages and verbose outputs are often suppressed for brevity.

Package and library installation

packages_needed = c(
packages_installed = packages_needed %in% rownames(installed.packages())
if (any(!packages_installed)) {
for (i in 1:length(packages_needed)) {
    library(packages_needed[i], character.only = T)
    conflict_prefer("filter", "dplyr")
    conflict_prefer("select", "dplyr")
    conflict_prefer("extract", "raster")
source(paste0(getwd(), "/supporting_files/map_settings.R"))

Data and ETL


sites <-
    read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/sites.csv"), show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
## Rows: 25
## Columns: 9
## $ field_key  <dbl> 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, …
## $ field_name <chr> "BBRP1", "ERRP1", "FGC1", "FGREM1", "FGRP1", "FLC1", "FLC2"…
## $ region     <chr> "BM", "BM", "FG", "FG", "FG", "FL", "FL", "FL", "FL", "FL",…
## $ lat        <dbl> 43.09989, 43.06588, 43.16087, 43.16172, 43.14381, 41.85941,…
## $ long       <dbl> -89.72517, -89.80358, -88.89045, -88.88973, -88.88175, -88.…
## $ field_type <chr> "restored", "restored", "corn", "remnant", "restored", "cor…
## $ yr_restore <dbl> 2000, 2013, NA, NA, 2001, NA, NA, NA, 1976, 1980, 1981, 200…
## $ yr_since   <dbl> 16, 3, 0, NA, 15, 0, 0, NA, 40, 36, 35, 10, 10, 10, 28, 0, …
## $ yr_rank    <dbl> 9, 3, 1, 16, 8, 1, 1, 16, 14, 13, 12, 6, 6, 6, 11, 1, 16, 4…

Climate data

Climate data was accessed and downloaded on 2022-01-06. The following script does not need to be run again and is commented out to prevent errors and overwrites. Raw downloaded data and summary files were written to the working directory and included in this repository.


Download archive rasters

# prism_set_dl_dir(paste0(getwd(), "/prism/"))
# get_prism_normals(type = "ppt", resolution = "4km", annual = TRUE, keepZip = FALSE)
# prism_archive_ls()
# RS <- pd_stack(prism_archive_ls())
# proj4string(RS) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs")
# sites_spdf <-
#     SpatialPointsDataFrame(
#         coords = sites[, c("long", "lat")],
#         data = sites,
#         proj4string = CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +no_defs")
#     )

Extract locations from archive rasters

# sites_ppt <- raster::extract(RS, sites_spdf, fun = mean, na.rm = TRUE, sp = TRUE)@data %>%
#     rename(ppt_mm = PRISM_ppt_30yr_normal_4kmM4_annual_bil)

Create data table site_precip_normal.csv

# write_csv(sites_ppt %>% select(field_key, ppt_mm), paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/site_precip_normal.csv"))


Site types

How many sites are in each field type?

kable(table(sites$region, sites$field_type),
      format = "pandoc",
      caption = "Count of fields by type and region:\nBM = Blue Mounds, FG = Faville Grove,\nFL = Fermilab, LP = Lake Petite")
corn remnant restored
BM 1 1 7
FG 1 1 1
FL 2 1 6
LP 1 1 2

Count of fields by type and region: BM = Blue Mounds, FG = Faville Grove, FL = Fermilab, LP = Lake Petite

Regional map

map <- ggmap(get_stadiamap(
    bbox = c(
        left = -90.3,
        bottom = 41.5,
        right = -87.4,
        top = 43.4
    zoom = 9,
    maptype = c("stamen_terrain"),
    color = c("color")
map +
        data = sites %>% group_by(region) %>% summarize(
            long_cen = mean(long),
            lat_cen = mean(lat),
            .groups = "drop"
        aes(x = long_cen, y = lat_cen, label = region),
        fill = "gray90",
        size = 8
    ) +

The map labels show centroids for each region: BM = Blue Mounds, FG = Faville Grove, FL = Fermilab, LP = Lake Petite.

Blue Mounds map

sites %>% 
    filter(region == "BM") %>% 
    select(lat, long) %>% 
    map(. %>% range(.))
## $lat
## [1] 42.78585 43.09989
## $long
## [1] -89.93019 -89.57121
map_bm <- ggmap(get_stadiamap(
    bbox = c(
        left = -89.98,
        bottom = 42.76,
        right = -89.50,
        top = 43.12
    zoom = 12,
    maptype = c("stamen_terrain"),
    color = c("color")
map_bm +
    geom_label_repel(data = sites %>% filter(region == "BM"),
        aes(x = long, y = lat, label = field_name),
        fill = "gray90",
        size = 7
    ) +
    geom_point(data = sites %>% filter(region == "BM"),
               aes(x = long, y = lat), fill = "red", size = 3, shape = 21) +

Regional areas

The area of convex hulls around field in each region is shown in the table below:

    region = c("BM", "FG", "FL", "LP"),
    area_ha = c("39,500", "12", "330", "14")
format = "pandoc")
region area_ha
BM 39,500
FG 12
FL 330
LP 14

Precipitation normals

30-year normals in 4km grid cells around each field are displayed in the table below. Some fields occupy the same 4km grid cell.

sites_ppt <-
    read_csv(paste0(getwd(), "/clean_data/site_precip_normal.csv"),
             show_col_types = FALSE) %>%
    left_join(sites, by = "field_key")
    sites_ppt %>% 
        select(region, field_name, field_type, ppt_mm) %>% 
        mutate(ppt_mm = round(ppt_mm, 0)) %>% 
        arrange(region, -ppt_mm),
    format = "pandoc"
region field_name field_type ppt_mm
BM MBREM1 remnant 978
BM MBRP1 restored 978
BM KORP1 restored 971
BM PHC1 corn 970
BM PHRP1 restored 970
BM BBRP1 restored 958
BM MHRP1 restored 957
BM MHRP2 restored 957
BM ERRP1 restored 950
FG FGRP1 restored 935
FG FGC1 corn 931
FG FGREM1 remnant 931
FL FLC2 corn 970
FL FLRSP2 restored 970
FL FLC1 corn 967
FL FLREM1 remnant 967
FL FLRP1 restored 965
FL FLRP4 restored 965
FL FLRP5 restored 965
FL FLRSP1 restored 965
FL FLRSP3 restored 965
LP LPC1 corn 961
LP LPREM1 remnant 961
LP LPRP1 restored 961
LP LPRP2 restored 961

See 30-year precipitation normals plotted by region and field type in the figure below. Regions and fields within regions do differ in precipitation, but the differences are a tiny proportion of the total precipitation in any field.

ggplot(sites_ppt, aes(x = region, y = ppt_mm)) +
        aes(fill = factor(
            ordered = TRUE,
            levels = c("corn", "restored", "remnant")
        dodge.width = 0.2,
        shape = 21,
        size = 4
    ) +
    labs(x = "", y = "Precipitation (mm)") +
    scale_fill_discrete_qualitative(name = "field_type", palette = "Harmonic") +