The xkcd Albert plugin lets you launch an xkcd comic in your browser from the albert prompt. Here are its main features:
- On toggle (default trigger:
) it shows you the comics in newest-first order. - If you want to find a comic with a specific title then you can use fuzzy search to do so):
xkcd some words from the title
I love reading xkcd. I also wanted to get into developing plugins for Albert thus this was the perfect opportunity to do so.
- Albert - Installation instructions
- Albert Python Interface: v0.2
- Python version >= 3.5
Download and run the
script or run the following to do
that automatically:
curl | bash
If you find this tool useful, please star it on Github
See ISSUES list for the things that I'm currently either working on or interested in implementing in the near future. In case there's something you are interesting in working on, don't hesitate to either ask for clarifications or just do it and directly make a PR.