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Counterscale is a simple web analytics tracker and dashboard that you self-host on Cloudflare.

It's designed to be easy to deploy and maintain, and should cost you near-zero to operate – even at high levels of traffic (Cloudflare's free tier could hypothetically support up to 100k hits/day).

NOTE: Counterscale is currently in very early development and if you're prepared to run it, expect to get your hands dirty.


If you don't have one already, create a Cloudflare account here.

  1. Go to your Cloudflare dashboard and set up a Cloudflare Workers subdomain
  2. Enable Cloudflare Analytics Engine beta for your account
  3. Create a Cloudflare API token. This token needs Account.Account Analytics permissions at a minimum.
  4. Run npm install
  5. Run npx wrangler secret put CF_BEARER_TOKEN → when prompted, paste the API token you created
  6. Run npx wrangler secret put CF_ACCOUNT_ID → when prompted, paste your Cloudflare Account ID
  7. Run npm run deploy – this will do two things:
    1. Create a new worker, counterscale, now visible under Workers and Pages in Cloudflare
    2. Create a new Analytics Engine dataset, called metricsDataset
  8. It should now be live. Visit https://counterscale.{yoursubdomain}



To get started, in the project root, copy .dev.vars.example to .dev.vars.

Open .dev.vars and enter the same values for CF_BEARER_TOKEN and CF_ACCOUNT_ID you used earlier.

Running the Server

Counterscale is built on Remix and Cloudflare Workers. In development, you'll run two servers:

  • The Remix development server
  • The Miniflare server (local environment for Cloudflare Workers)

You run both using:

npm run dev

Afterwards, the dashboard should be visible at http:

If you want to check the production build, you can stop the dev server and run following commands:

npm run build
npm start

Then refresh the same URL in your browser (no live reload for production builds).



There is only one "database": the Cloudflare Analytics Engine dataset, which is communicated entirely over HTTP using Cloudflare's API.

Right now there is no local "test" database. This means in local development:

  • Writes will no-op (no hits will be recorded)
  • Reads will be read from the production Analaytics Engine dataset (local development shows production data)