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The Desk Ruby Gem

A Ruby wrapper for the API


gem install desk

What's new in 1.0.0?

Completely rewritten for API v2

For those upgrading from API v2 (Desk gem v0.3.x), check out the transition guide

Help! I'm getting: "Did not recognize your engine specification. Please specify either a symbol or a class. (RuntimeError)"

You'll need to explicitly require a JSON library. We recommend yajl-ruby.

Overview's API v2 follows a standard structure for (almost) every endpoint (see the last section of the examples for the irregularities). Each endpoint impliments some, or all, of the following actions: list, search, show, create, update and delete. Additionally, some endpoints impliment sub-endpoints that utilize the same list of actions.

The endpoint actions, and sub-endpoint actions, are implimented as methods in the following way:

[action]_[endpoint] or [action]_[endpoint]_[sub-endpoint]
The cases endpoint is a great example. It impliments the list, search, show, create and updated actions. It additionally impliments sub-endpoints for messages, replies, notes and attachments related to cases. See the above link for more information.

For the Case endpoint, the create action would look like:


For the Reply sub-endpoint under Cases, the update action would look like:

Desk.update_case_reply(case_id, reply_id, args)

Take note, as reflected in the API documentation, that the list and search actions change the plurality of the endpoint or sub-endpoint. Such as:



For ease of use, the list and show endpoint and sub-endpoint methods have aliases that drop the action. These translate as follows:

list_[endpoint plural]                 => [endpoint plural]
show_[endpoint]                        => [endpoint]

list_[endpoint]_[sub-endpoint pluaral] => [endpoint]_[sub-endpoint plural]
show_[endpoint]_[sub-endpoint]         => [endpoint]_[sub-endpoint]

For the Case endpoint and Reply sub-endpoint that would look like:

Desk.case_reply(case_id, reply_id)

Additionally, for endpoints that impliment the search action, the list and list alias will intelligently use the correct API action for the provided arguments. Meaning, all of the following are valid:

Desk.cases(:page => 2)
Desk.cases(:status => "new,open")
Desk.cases(:status => "new,open", :page => 2, :per_page => 10)


While the raw API responses are available (see below), results are by default translated into cleaner, more accessible Ruby objects, allowing the following:

cases = Desk.cases
cases.each do |c|
  puts c.priority
  puts c.status

For actions like show, create and update the endpoint fields are accessible in the object root, such as:

c =
puts c.priority
puts c.status

Additionally, the new "_links" in API v2 are easily accessible in this way as well. Because each link (like self, first, next, etc) contain a fully formated API callback, we're able to directly load the results of that link and return the resulting object. This allows for clean, simple code like the following to page though all the avaiable cases:

cases = Desk.list_cases
while cases
  cases.each do |c|
    # do something with each case
  cases =

Or to easily access a case's assigned user and assigned group:

c = Desk.show_case(case_id)
user_object = c.assigned_user
group_object = c.assigned_group

Raw Responses

While almost all of the API results are accessible, in some form, using the simple object keys above the raw results are still avaiable via the "raw" key. This allows for:

c = Desk.show_case(case_id)
puts c.raw["_links"]["self"]["class"]

Usage Examples

require "rubygems"
require "desk"

# All methods require authentication. To get your Desk OAuth credentials,
# register an app in the admin for your account at
Desk.configure do |config|
  config.support_email = "[email protected]"
  config.subdomain = YOUR_DESK_SUBDOMAIN
  config.consumer_key = YOUR_CONSUMER_KEY
  config.consumer_secret = YOUR_CONSUMER_SECRET
  config.oauth_token = YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN
  config.oauth_token_secret = YOUR_OAUTH_TOKEN_SECRET

# List examples

# List cases

# List customers

# List site settings

# List twitter users

# List article translations

# List case notes

# Search examples

# Search articles
Desk.articles(:text => "happy", :topic_ids => "1,2,4")

# Search cases
Desk.cases(:since_id => 12345)

# Search companies
Desk.companies(:q => "acme")

# Search customers
Desk.customers(:last_name => "Smith", :custom_field => "IS 5416")

# Show examples

# Get a specific custom field

# Get a specific facebook user

# Get a specific case

# Get a specific twitter account

# Create examples

# Create a new phone case
  :type => "phone",
  :subject => "Creating a case via the API",
  :priority => 4,
  :status => "open",
  :labels => [ "Spam", "Ignore" ],
  :_links => {
    :customer => {
      :href => "/api/v2/customers/1",
      :class => "customer"
    :assigned_user => {
      :href => "/api/v2/users/1",
      :class => "user"
    :assigned_group => {
      :href => "/api/v2/groups/1",
      :class => "group"
    :locked_by => {
      :href => "/api/v2/users/1",
      :class => "user"
    :entered_by => {
      :href => "/api/v2/users/1",
      :class => "user"
  :message => {
    :direction => "out",
    :body => "Please assist me with this case",

# Create a new label
  :name => "MyLabel",
  :description => "A Test Label",
  :types => [ "case", "macro" ],
  :color => "blue"

# Create a new topic
  :name => "Social Media",
  :allow_questions => true,
  :in_support_center => true

# Update examples

# Update a customer
  :first_name => "Johnny",
  :emails => [
    { :type => "work", :value => "[email protected]" },
    { :type => "other", :value => "[email protected]" }
  :custom_fields => { :level => "super" }

# Update an integration URL
Desk.update_integration_url(10, :enabled => false)

# Update a macro
Desk.update_macro(5, :name => "Macro 5")

# Delete examples

# Delete a case

# Delete a label

# Delete a macro

# Sub-endpoint examples

# Get the original message for a specific case

# Get the cases for a specifc filter

# Output all replies for a specific case
Desk.case_replies(12345).each { |r| puts r.body }

# Update the translation for a specific topic
Desk.update_topic_translation(1, "ja", :name => "The Japanese Translation")

# Delete a specifc attachment for a specific case
Desk.delete_case_attachment(12345, 10)

# _link helper examples

# Output the original message and all replies using the _link helpers
c =
puts c.message.body
c.replies.each { |r| puts r.body }

# Output all article subjects, who created them and who last updated them
Desk.articles.each do |a|
  puts a.subject
  puts "Created at: #{a.created_at} by #{a.created_by.public_name}"
  puts "Updated at: #{a.updated_at} by #{a.updated_by.public_name}"

# For all customers who have been created since 01/01/2013, output the
# original message for all cases for those customers
Desk.customers(:since_created_at => 1385856000).each do |customer|
  customer.cases.each do |c|
    puts c.message.body

# Helper methods

# Add an address, email and phone
# number to an existing customer
customer = Desk.customer(12345)
customer_add_address(customer, "12545 Riata Vista Cir, Austin, TX 78727", "work")
customer_add_email(customer, "[email protected]")
customer_add_phone_number(customer, "123-456-7890", "other")

# Delete a specific address, email and
# phone number from an existing customer
customer = Desk.customer(12345)
customer_delete_address(customer, "12545 Riata Vista Cir, Austin, TX 78727")
customer_delete_email(customer, "[email protected]")
customer_delete_phone_number(customer, "123-456-7890")

# Delete all addresses and phone
# numbers of a specific type
customer = Desk.customer(12345)
customer_delete_address(customer, "work")
customer_delete_phone_number(customer, "other")

# The delete helpers also support mixing
# and matching multiple items
customer = Desk.customer(12345)
customer_delete_address(customer, "work", "other", " "12545 Riata Vista Cir, Austin, TX 78727")
customer_delete_email(customer, "[email protected]", "[email protected]")
customer_delete_phone_number(customer, "work", "123-456-7890", "908-456-321")

# "non-standard" examples

# Get a case url

# Get the history for a sepcific case

# Show insights meta data

# Create insights report
  :resolution => "days",
  :min_date => "2013-12-01",
  :max_date => "2013-12-16",
  :dimension1_name => "*",
  :dimension1_values => "*",
  :dimension2_name => "*",
  :dimension2_values => "*"

# Show the daily system message


In the spirit of free software, everyone is encouraged to help improve this project.

Here are some ways you can contribute:

  • by using alpha, beta, and prerelease versions
  • by reporting bugs
  • by suggesting new features
  • by writing or editing documentation
  • by writing specifications
  • by writing code (no patch is too small: fix typos, add comments, clean up inconsistent whitespace)
  • by refactoring code
  • by closing issues
  • by reviewing patches

All contributors will be added to the HISTORY file and will receive the respect and gratitude of the community.

Submitting an Issue

We use the GitHub issue tracker to track bugs and features. Before submitting a bug report or feature request, check to make sure it hasn't already been submitted. You can indicate support for an existing issuse by voting it up. When submitting a bug report, please include a Gist that includes a stack trace and any details that may be necessary to reproduce the bug, including your gem version, Ruby version, and operating system. Ideally, a bug report should include a pull request with failing specs.

Submitting a Pull Request

  1. Fork the project.
  2. Create a topic branch.
  3. Implement your feature or bug fix.
  4. Add documentation for your feature or bug fix.
  5. Run bundle exec rake doc:yard. If your changes are not 100% documented, go back to step 4.
  6. Add specs for your feature or bug fix.
  7. Run bundle exec rake spec. If your changes are not 100% covered, go back to step 6.
  8. Commit and push your changes.
  9. Submit a pull request. Please do not include changes to the gemspec, version, or history file. (If you want to create your own version for some reason, please do so in a separate commit.)


Copyright (c) 2012 Chris Warren/Zencoder See LICENSE for details.