var UNDEFINED_INDEX = -1; var ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX = -2; var NAN_INDEX = -3; var POS_INF_INDEX = -4; var NEG_INF_INDEX = -5; var customTypes = Object.create(null); exports.registerType = function (typeName, handlers) { function check(methodName) { if (typeof handlers[methodName] !== "function") { throw new Error( "second argument to ARSON.registerType(" + JSON.stringify(typeName) + ", ...) " + "must be an object with a " + methodName + " method" ); } } check("deconstruct"); check("reconstruct"); customTypes[typeName] = handlers; return exports; }; require("./custom.js"); exports.encode = exports.stringify = function encode(value) { return JSON.stringify(toTable(value)); } function toTable(value) { var values = []; var indexMap = typeof Map === "function" && new Map; function getIndex(value) { switch (typeof value) { case "undefined": return UNDEFINED_INDEX; case "number": if (isNaN(value)) { return NAN_INDEX; } if (! isFinite(value)) { return value < 0 ? NEG_INF_INDEX : POS_INF_INDEX; } // fall through... } var index; if (indexMap) { // If we have Map, use it instead of values.indexOf to accelerate // object lookups. index = indexMap.get(value); if (typeof index === "undefined") { index = values.push(value) - 1; indexMap.set(value, index); } } else { index = values.indexOf(value); if (index < 0) { index = values.push(value) - 1; } } return index; } function copy(value) { var result = value; if (value && typeof value === "object") { var keys = Object.keys(value); if (isPlainObject(value)) { result = {}; } else if (Array.isArray(value)) { result = Array(value.length); var len = value.length; if (len > keys.length) { // The array has holes, so make sure we fill them with the // ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX constant. for (var i = 0; i < len; ++i) { result[i] = ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX; } } } else { for (var typeName in customTypes) { // If value is not a plain Object, but something exotic like a // Date or a RegExp, serialize it as an array with typeName as // its first element. These arrays can be distinguished from // normal arrays, because all other non-empty arrays will be // serialized with a numeric value as their first element. var args = customTypes[typeName].deconstruct(value); if (args) { for (var i = 0; i < args.length; ++i) { args[i] = getIndex(args[i]); } args.unshift(typeName); return args; } } result = {}; } keys.forEach(function (key) { result[key] = getIndex(value[key]); }); } return result; } // Assigns the root value to values[0]. var index0 = getIndex(value); if (index0 < 0) { // If value is something special that gets a negative index, then we // don't need to build a table at all, and we can simply return that // negative index as a complete serialization. This avoids ambiguity // about indexes versus primitive literal values. return index0; } // Note that this for loop cannot be a forEach loop, because // values.length is expected to change during iteration. for (var table = [], v = 0; v < values.length; ++v) { table[v] = copy(values[v]); } return table; } function isPlainObject(value) { var isObject = value && typeof value === "object"; if (isObject) { var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf(value) : value.__proto__; return proto === Object.prototype; } return false; } exports.decode = exports.parse = function decode(encoding) { return fromTable(JSON.parse(encoding)); } function fromTable(table) { if (typeof table === "number" && table < 0) { return getValueWithoutCache(table); } var getValueCache = new Array(table.length); function getValue(index) { return index in getValueCache ? getValueCache[index] : getValueCache[index] = getValueWithoutCache(index); } function getValueWithoutCache(index) { if (index < 0) { if (index === UNDEFINED_INDEX) { return; } if (index === ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX) { // Never reached because handled specially below. return; } if (index === NAN_INDEX) { return NaN; } if (index === POS_INF_INDEX) { return Infinity; } if (index === NEG_INF_INDEX) { return -Infinity; } throw new Error("invalid ARSON index: " + index); } var entry = table[index]; if (entry && typeof entry === "object") { if (Array.isArray(entry)) { var elem0 = entry[0]; if (typeof elem0 === "string" && elem0 in customTypes) { var rec = customTypes[elem0].reconstruct; var empty = rec(); if (empty) { // If the reconstruct handler returns an object, treat it as // an empty instance of the desired type, and schedule it to // be filled in later. This two-stage process allows exotic // container objects to contain themselves. containers.push({ reconstruct: rec, empty: empty, argIndexes: entry.slice(1) }); } // If the reconstruct handler returned a falsy value, then we // assume none of its arguments refer to exotic containers, so // we can reconstruct the object immediately. Examples: Buffer, // Date, RegExp. return table[index] = empty || rec(entry.slice(1).map(getValue)); } } // Here entry is already the correct array or object reference for // this index, but its values are still indexes that will need to be // resolved later. objects.push(entry); } return entry; } var containers = []; var objects = []; // First pass: make sure all exotic objects are deserialized fist, and // keep track of all plain object entries for later. table.forEach(function (entry, i) { getValue(i); }); // Second pass: now that we have final object references for all exotic // objects, we can safely resolve argument indexes for the empty ones. containers.forEach(function (c) { c.args =; }); // Third pass: resolve value indexes for ordinary arrays and objects. objects.forEach(function (obj) { Object.keys(obj).forEach(function (key) { var index = obj[key]; if (typeof index !== "number") { // Leave non-numeric indexes untouched. return; } if (index < 0) { if (index === ARRAY_HOLE_INDEX) { // Array holes have to be handled specially here, since getValue // does not have a reference to obj. delete obj[key]; return; } // This recursion is guaranteed not to add more objects, because // we know the index is negative. obj[key] = getValue(index); } else { // Non-negative indexes refer to normal table values. obj[key] = table[index]; } }); }); // Fourth pass: all possible object references have been established, so // we can finally initialize the empty container objects. containers.forEach(function (c) {, c.args); }); return table[0]; }